Why is Ranger the only class....?

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarej.3802


Why is Ranger the only class that has its HoT features (pets) not only locked behind expansion PvE content but behind zone meta events that you have to be lucky enough to find/get into and complete?

Every other class can unlock their elite specialization through WvW or other means. Sure, Ranger can too but that doesn’t mean we get the full features that were added to our class in HoT if we’re to believe ArenaNet about pets being an integral part of the Ranger class. Where does this leave players who only or mainly WvW or don’t want to PvE?

Even though I haven’t wanted to, I’ve been trying to get my Electric Wyvern and Tiger pets since the week HoT came out, though I do admit I haven’t tried non-stop because it’s not how I want to play the game, as a WvW’er, and I don’t have unlimited time to play the game.

ArenaNet, please consider making the HoT pets accessible in WvW or place them in a more accessible area in HoT for those of us who haven’t got them. It’s ridiculous that I’m not only playing the only class that has to jump through hoops to access all of my class’s HoT features but also the only class who has to do so by playing the game in a way that isn’t fun for me and nearly impossible since I can never seem to find a DS map that has /anyone/ doing anything on it.

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarej.3802


Okay, so I jumped the gun because they removed the necessity to complete the meta event to get the Tiger but the Electric Wyvern is really what I’m after and I have to wait for a map to be completed that’s a ghost town every single time I port there.

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Click bait thread title, rename please.

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jaina Ashlynn.1043

Jaina Ashlynn.1043

Actually to get the electric wyvern, you only need the meta on the middle path to capture the WP closest to the wyvern nest. I managed to luck into DS where there was 30 sec left until it restarted. I walked out the portal to TD, waited a few seconds & walked back into DS. I got into an instance that rapidly filled up & ran the full meta. I stopped long enough on the middle path to collect the wyvern & went back to helping along the meta.

Anvil Rock: Beta →Friday 13th 1/13/2017
Crystal Desert: 1/13/2017

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: bearshaman.3421


There are pets that require going into pvp and wvw zones too.

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

There are pets that require going into pvp and wvw zones too.

The only one is the wolf and it’s relatively easy to get in EBG assuming a 24/7 queue isn’t in your way.

I believe there is also a spot to get it in the DBL south of the NE tower, E of garrison.

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Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kodama.6453


Personally I like the way it is right now. And I think they should keep doing it that way in the future. It is a little extra reward for rangers for doing specific things like the dragon stand map. I even wish they would introduce something like that for other classes. Like you can just train the new elite specs after doing specific quests as a kind of training for your character.

And it makes sense for me. New areas = new pets.
Please keep it that way anet.

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

Actually to get the electric wyvern, you only need the meta on the middle path to capture the WP closest to the wyvern nest. I managed to luck into DS where there was 30 sec left until it restarted. I walked out the portal to TD, waited a few seconds & walked back into DS. I got into an instance that rapidly filled up & ran the full meta. I stopped long enough on the middle path to collect the wyvern & went back to helping along the meta.


“Observe, learn and counter.”

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Heibi.4251


As a ranger I enjoy the hunt for new pets. If there’s no challenge it gets boring. Your elite specialization is not locked more than any other class. You can do exactly what every other class does to get the skills and traits to fully unlock druid. The pets are a bonus that you get to hunt for and “track” down to make friends with.

What I wish they would have done with pets is to create a special unlock in the ranger specialization that makes the pet not miss as much or have to chase its target around and miss most of the time which, in turn, reduces my damage output.

Leader of Central Anime(CA)
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


They just need to unlock all the pets in wvw the same way they do in PvP. Just because some of you enjoy this games crappy pve doesn’t mean we should all have to suffer through it.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Riesenschnauzer.6049


They just need to unlock all the pets in wvw the same way they do in PvP. Just because some of you enjoy this games crappy pve doesn’t mean we should all have to suffer through it.

Well I’m game with that as soon as they unlock all pets in PVE . Just because some vocal minority enjoys this games crappy PVP/WVW should makes us all have to suffer through it.


Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


They just need to unlock all the pets in wvw the same way they do in PvP. Just because some of you enjoy this games crappy pve doesn’t mean we should all have to suffer through it.

Well I’m game with that as soon as they unlock all pets in PVE . Just because some vocal minority enjoys this games crappy PVP/WVW should makes us all have to suffer through it.


Fine by me. I never liked the idea of having to do a scavenger hunt to access my class mechanic.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

They just need to unlock all the pets in wvw the same way they do in PvP. Just because some of you enjoy this games crappy pve doesn’t mean we should all have to suffer through it.

I can probably count on one hand the amount of pets worth a kitten in WvW and one of them is the one you can only get in WvW…

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Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


They just need to unlock all the pets in wvw the same way they do in PvP. Just because some of you enjoy this games crappy pve doesn’t mean we should all have to suffer through it.

I can probably count on one hand the amount of pets worth a kitten in WvW and one of them is the one you can only get in WvW…

And 2 of them are HoT exclusive….

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

They just need to unlock all the pets in wvw the same way they do in PvP. Just because some of you enjoy this games crappy pve doesn’t mean we should all have to suffer through it.

I can probably count on one hand the amount of pets worth a kitten in WvW and one of them is the one you can only get in WvW…

And 2 of them are HoT exclusive….

So is Druid.

If walking to a static spawn point with minimal enemies and no gimmick gates impeding your path is “too much pve” I can only wonder how you managed to get into WvW in the first place given it’s reliance on pve levels and gear.

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Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


They just need to unlock all the pets in wvw the same way they do in PvP. Just because some of you enjoy this games crappy pve doesn’t mean we should all have to suffer through it.

I can probably count on one hand the amount of pets worth a kitten in WvW and one of them is the one you can only get in WvW…

And 2 of them are HoT exclusive….

So is Druid.

If walking to a static spawn point with minimal enemies and no gimmick gates impeding your path is “too much pve” I can only wonder how you managed to get into WvW in the first place given it’s reliance on pve levels and gear.

When I got into it you could still buy any stat gear you wanted on the TP. Having the current best gear locked behind PvE grinding is a problem but it’s a separate problem from this issue.
And yeah, walking/gliding to find the pets is too much PvE for me when most of my characters have zero map completion done. I am lucky enough that my main account had a bunch of those “teleport to a friend” things, but my alt account doesn’t and all the PvE bullkitten hoops they make you jump through is what is keeping me from purchasing HoT for that account.

I honestly don’t understand why anyone would argue against this. If you enjoy PvE or RP’ing that you are a pokemon master hunting down pets then good for you, but why do you feel the need to impose that on everyone? Let people play the parts of the game they enjoy.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Why is Ranger the only class....?

in Ranger

Posted by: Razor.9872


Maybe the pets could be introduced as caged animals in keeps/stonemist or some other locations in WvW? Places that are somewhat tricky to get to, but available to reach.

NSPride <3