Why should we, ArenaNet?

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bryzy.2719


Why is it that we are the only profession who has to say “oh well it could be worse, let’s just keep our heads down and hope they don’t nerf us more” after EVERY SINGLE UPDATE since release?

What is it about the Ranger that deserves so much neglect from ArenaNet?

Is it the fact that all the elite classes moan about us and shout at Anet till they nerf us?

Is it the fact that our playerbase is perhaps smaller than the elites like eles, guardians and thieves so they put less effort into maintaining our profession?

I just can’t play any other profession…. Ranger is the only prof i want to play in ANYTHING, whether it be Runescape, Grand Fantasia, Dragon Age, Skyrim or Kingdoms of Amalur. Why should I have to consider quitting just because ArenaNet can’t get their ‘balancing act’ together?

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jay The Dude.5830

Jay The Dude.5830

And yet were still capable of beating those Elite Classes, this patch gave us some nice improvements, if they give us everything at once, ppl will kitten and well feel the nerf hammer harder then ever, this patch aftercast reductions, next patch?….. maybe natural 1500 range for longbows? or even better some adjustments to sword auto so we can melee better

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Doug.9628


you are talking as if the patch is already out. It is not. You don’t even know that the notes are final. You don’t know how the tweaks to the other classes shift where rangers fall in the grand scheme of things. You know nothing other than how to complain a lot and it’s very tiresome. This is like complaining that the fish I have for dinner tonight might not be very good. Just stop

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


you are talking as if the patch is already out. It is not. You don’t even know that the notes are final. You don’t know how the tweaks to the other classes shift where rangers fall in the grand scheme of things. You know nothing other than how to complain a lot and it’s very tiresome. This is like complaining that the fish I have for dinner tonight might not be very good. Just stop

This. Even if the patch notes are true, I’m more excited about the LB buffs than I am bothered about anything else.

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Doug.9628


you are talking as if the patch is already out. It is not. You don’t even know that the notes are final. You don’t know how the tweaks to the other classes shift where rangers fall in the grand scheme of things. You know nothing other than how to complain a lot and it’s very tiresome. This is like complaining that the fish I have for dinner tonight might not be very good. Just stop

This. Even if the patch notes are true, I’m more excited about the LB buffs than I am bothered about anything else.

Glad to see some level headedness. Lb buffs, enhanced party support, new mechanics on weapons. It’s everything we asked for; problem is it’s not “new BM GM trait – your pets are invincible and teleport around the map” or “new MM adept trait – longbow instantly kills everything in sight when you switch to it and rangers are the best class in the game now in case you were wondering” so people will complain that it’s not enough to make it easier to complain about the nerfs. I guess it takes more effort to yell the sky is falling than to look up and see for yourself that it isn’t

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bryzy.2719


Alright we’ll see if the patch notes are real or not. I bet they are. What would someone have to gain from sitting down for hours crafting realistic-sounding patch notes?

And I’m sorry but even if these patch notes aren’t real my case still stands for all the other updates we’ve received.

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Alright we’ll see if the patch notes are real or not. I bet they are. What would someone have to gain from sitting down for hours crafting realistic-sounding patch notes?

And I’m sorry but even if these patch notes aren’t real my case still stands for all the other updates we’ve received.

The same thing people have to gain from spending hours making and sending computer viruses or fake news stories. They get to see everyone freak out about it and feel like they’ve achieved something by winding them all up.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: vinceftw.5086


Why is it that we are the only profession

LOL only profession. Try engineer, who has seem dramatic nerfs to traits and skill tot he point of uselessness (100 nades). Other classes have seen no buffs after a lot of playing. Elementalist has been getting steady nerfs as well. You aren’t the only one by far and you were the strongest build in the game this month. Don’t cry too much lol.

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


You aren’t the only one by far and you were the strongest build in the game this month.

Could you please explain this? What build was the strongest this month (I presume you meant the strongest of all builds across all professions)?

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


I just can’t play any other profession….

well… everyone who says something like this is GOING to have problems

And this is why no one should get too comfortable with ‘Meta’ builds either.
A bunch of lifesteal & dagger rangers in GW1 got too comfortable with their cheese and then all of us in PvE payed for it later b/c it just so happened to be just viable enough there as well, that Anet didn’t think they had to give us anything back. Especially since they never really actually toned down splinter barrage.

I didn’t even run Bow for damage in the first game, I ran it for generating Adren and interrupts. Now all we need is access to Hammer, and a few less stacks of Unshakable on the big mobs, and I could see mine going places (I don’t need a shortbow for DPS when I’ve already got Greatsword).

The other thing is: We really need Anet to consider giving us more access to Quickness when our pets are set to passive. Or pets that support us instead of rushing into Melee themselves. … in GW1, our Rit/Nec heroes WERE our support pets and we could do some really crazy crap with them when we micromanaged the heck out of them… We need that skill index back. Not this ‘hurrdurr lets make ranger even more facerolley’ like the leaked notes suggest

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


Not this ‘hurrdurr lets make ranger even more facerolley’ like the leaked notes suggest

Are you suggesting that from the leaked patch notes you see that rangers will become a faceroll class?

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


They were already… they just weren’t the GOOD kind that ppl actually want for Temples/Dungeons

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryan.8367


I find it funny how the ranger is even being considered a faceroll class when the very build in question thats a result of these pet dmg nerfs is a condition high regen BM build unto which is based around breaking down the person slowly and not facerolling anybody…

I think every ranger agrees pet dmg should see a nerf but ONLY in PvP where it’s promoted to have to sit on a point and fight a ranger in a confined space where your pet is absolutely 100% effective. But try that kitten in WvW, it doesn’t work that way, try that kitten in PvE , it doesn’t work that way. Newsflash: People don’t have to sit in a confined space ahd try to contest a point in WvW and that’s where MOST of that pet damage is coming from. They can afford to be as mobile as they want. This is a gameplay style issue not necessarily a class mechanic issue.

If we don’t see these nerfs in PvP only then I demand thief reveal to be both PvP and WvW and the ele heal nerfs that are in PvP be in WvW as well because they complained about it heavily and got both of it moved to PvP only because it was simply too overpowered in PvP but saw that same nerf not working at all in WvW because the gameplay style is different so they complained and got their kitten moved to PvP only.

The mere fact that you think nerfing a pet’s dmg (which hurts ALL builds not just BM) across the ENTIRE board to nuke down ONE Build that was being over-used in a PvP gameplay style that promoted having to eat pet damage (1 area of the ENTIRE game) as a point bunker holder to win matches and also nerfing it in all areas of the game, 2 of which don’t need the nerf at all simply baffles me.

The idea that you would nerf a mechanic all ranger builds need to try and dumb down just one build being overused in one area of the game is silly. Anybody who cannot see this , is kittening dumb. Why even have different equipment and jewelry for PvP? You might as well just make it the same across WvW / PvP and PvE then if our pets are getting nerfed because of an op build in PvP.

This is a huge issue and it needs to be addressed, I’m tired of seeing my half-effective builds get destroyed in WvW (and i run 0 in BM, but it doesn’t matter, this nerf like i said hurts all builds) because of bunch of garbage rangers found an op kitten spec in PvP that has absolutely nothing to do with WvW gameplay styles.

The devs felt it was necessary to penalize all ranger builds in all areas because of one build being over-used in PVP which is such a specific style of gameplay that has no relation to the other areas this is also affecting and that’s my biggest issue here.

Tanbin 80 Ranger

(edited by Ryan.8367)

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: kekuso.5837


You aren’t the only one by far and you were the strongest build in the game this month.

Could you please explain this? What build was the strongest this month (I presume you meant the strongest of all builds across all professions)?

He probably mean the BM build, which allows the ranger to deal heavy condition damage, have high survivability, and burst damage with pets. This build is what I’ve used for the past month or so, and I must admit that it has almost no weaknesses. However, I still lose to phantasm mesmers, which needed a big nerf but instead got a buff…

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Why is it that we are the only profession who has to say “oh well it could be worse, let’s just keep our heads down and hope they don’t nerf us more” after EVERY SINGLE UPDATE since release?

What is it about the Ranger that deserves so much neglect from ArenaNet?

Is it the fact that all the elite classes moan about us and shout at Anet till they nerf us?

Is it the fact that our playerbase is perhaps smaller than the elites like eles, guardians and thieves so they put less effort into maintaining our profession?

I just can’t play any other profession…. Ranger is the only prof i want to play in ANYTHING, whether it be Runescape, Grand Fantasia, Dragon Age, Skyrim or Kingdoms of Amalur. Why should I have to consider quitting just because ArenaNet can’t get their ‘balancing act’ together?

well honestly, if “we” (the ranger community) stop thinking of ourselves as “should be 100b burst like uber range warrior” and think of ourselves as what we really are, you realize that rangers ARE quite OP in their own right.

sure we cannot tank, sure we cannot outburst the DPS of a 100b zerker warrior or a clone bomb mesmer. yet, we can evade all those attacks and dish out a stable high-end damage.

That is what we do. we do not burst, we do not tank. We just run around doing pretty good damage all the time, hell we dont even need to use burst skills, just the autoattacks.

I could prolly make a video or two of how awesome rangers are, but in the end, i prefer letting people see for themselves. easier that way.
Bottom line is; if you can’t be successful ingame, it is YOU not the profession, that is to blame.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryan.8367


Why is it that we are the only profession who has to say “oh well it could be worse, let’s just keep our heads down and hope they don’t nerf us more” after EVERY SINGLE UPDATE since release?

What is it about the Ranger that deserves so much neglect from ArenaNet?

Is it the fact that all the elite classes moan about us and shout at Anet till they nerf us?

Is it the fact that our playerbase is perhaps smaller than the elites like eles, guardians and thieves so they put less effort into maintaining our profession?

I just can’t play any other profession…. Ranger is the only prof i want to play in ANYTHING, whether it be Runescape, Grand Fantasia, Dragon Age, Skyrim or Kingdoms of Amalur. Why should I have to consider quitting just because ArenaNet can’t get their ‘balancing act’ together?

well honestly, if “we” (the ranger community) stop thinking of ourselves as “should be 100b burst like uber range warrior” and think of ourselves as what we really are, you realize that rangers ARE quite OP in their own right.

sure we cannot tank, sure we cannot outburst the DPS of a 100b zerker warrior or a clone bomb mesmer. yet, we can evade all those attacks and dish out a stable high-end damage.

That is what we do. we do not burst, we do not tank. We just run around doing pretty good damage all the time, hell we dont even need to use burst skills, just the autoattacks.

I could prolly make a video or two of how awesome rangers are, but in the end, i prefer letting people see for themselves. easier that way.
Bottom line is; if you can’t be successful ingame, it is YOU not the profession, that is to blame.

I have a handful of people I could have you duel in WvW that would seriously make you realize how underpowered rangers are to eles, guardians and engis when those classes are played right. I hate people like you who have yet to actually play against truly GOOD players and have the audacity to tell them it’s the player and not the game. Quit living in a fantasy land and actually duel good players for a change or stay in the zerg and keep saying these blanket statements.

If you seriously think making a video of you killing kittenty roamers is gonna prove a point you’re very sadly mistaken.

Tanbin 80 Ranger

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


You aren’t the only one by far and you were the strongest build in the game this month.

Could you please explain this? What build was the strongest this month (I presume you meant the strongest of all builds across all professions)?

He probably mean the BM build, which allows the ranger to deal heavy condition damage, have high survivability, and burst damage with pets. This build is what I’ve used for the past month or so, and I must admit that it has almost no weaknesses. However, I still lose to phantasm mesmers, which needed a big nerf but instead got a buff…

Yeah that is what I tried to suggest, I doubt BM ranger is the best build there is.

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Honestly, BM ranger is not that great in PvP .How many top tier PvP teams run BM rangers? Sure, a lot of people have been using BM rangers in lower ranked PvP games, but why would you nerf a class across the whole game , because on the noob side of the smallest % of the playerbase people could not circle strafe pets .

On a side note . Why is noone complaining about bunker dagger-dagger elementalist damage , or offtank dagger-pistol thief damage and survivability ???
This is a premium example of double standards .


Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


I have a handful of people I could have you duel in WvW that would seriously make you realize how underpowered rangers are to eles, guardians and engis when those classes are played right. I hate people like you who have yet to actually play against truly GOOD players and have the audacity to tell them it’s the player and not the game. Quit living in a fantasy land and actually duel good players for a change or stay in the zerg and keep saying these blanket statements.

If you seriously think making a video of you killing kittenty roamers is gonna prove a point you’re very sadly mistaken.

and i hate people like you, who have yet to understand the fine art of reading. Yes eles, guardians and engis CAN be better. So can ALL classes. This game is based as much on skill and timing as it is on the classes itself.
A permastealth backstabber thief or stealth clone bomb mesmer will prolly beat me, he prolly dont even need to be good at it, simply because i suck against stealth’ed enemies. Stun/KD guardians can also win, even with little skill. Why is that? because i am not the embodiement of uber ranger skill. I’ve seen players that are way better then me playing rangers, however they are usually the ones who just shut up and play. They dont come here on the forums to whine about imbalance and nerfs. They just log their character and faceroll people.

Now, apparently, you haven’t met or seen such people, so you wouldnt know how good a ranger can be, if played right.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I have to agree with you all here that these nerfs are totally screwed up. To be honest the pets aren’t a problem. They only do a lot of damage if someone is specced for it which is what should happen if someone invests heavily in it anyway. Stupid changes like these should be sPvP only. Rangers didn’t need to be touched in PvE. If anything they needed to be buffed. You can probably thank the thieves for that. There’s a ton of them on the ele forums trying to get us nerfed yet again even though we’ve given them tips on how to easily counter the few things we have left at our disposal to keep us alive. they refuse to adapt to any situation and want to keep the same skills on their bar at all times and not swap anything out depending on who they’re facing and expect to faceroll everything. And hey thieves whine the loudest out of everyone and have the biggest population in this game since it is THE faceroll, 1 button spamming, insta win class. And a dev plays thief, so they’re biased with balance issues on that part. So yeah, if they want nerfs, they’ll get them while we’re told to “Just keep attacking where you think the thief stealthed till you hit them in order to counter them” Actual repsonse from a dev right there about thieves, wish I was joking about that. Anyway, I feel really bad for you guys. I know whakittens like to get hit by the nerf bat repeatedly without any of the real problems with the class being addressed. I seriously hope the stupid changes to rangers are just spvp only. I have a ranger myself but haven’t gotten them to 80 yet and now i’m wondering if there’s even a point in doing so.

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Arifialdy.1534


Honestly, BM ranger is not that great in PvP .How many top tier PvP teams run BM rangers? Sure, a lot of people have been using BM rangers in lower ranked PvP games, but why would you nerf a class across the whole game , because on the noob side of the smallest % of the playerbase people could not circle strafe pets .

On a side note . Why is noone complaining about bunker dagger-dagger elementalist damage , or offtank dagger-pistol thief damage and survivability ???
This is a premium example of double standards .


even our only hope robert hrouda, has left this forum and abandoned range

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Boomstin.3460


Honestly, BM ranger is not that great in PvP .How many top tier PvP teams run BM rangers? Sure, a lot of people have been using BM rangers in lower ranked PvP games, but why would you nerf a class across the whole game , because on the noob side of the smallest % of the playerbase people could not circle strafe pets .

On a side note . Why is noone complaining about bunker dagger-dagger elementalist damage , or offtank dagger-pistol thief damage and survivability ???
This is a premium example of double standards .


even our only hope robert hrouda, has left this forum and abandoned range

He just rolled warrior for dungeons and stalks upleveled near the spawns in wvw with his thief i think.

All is vain.

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aegis.9724


I’m not sure either, it’s like half of the rangers on this forums don’t really care about balance, or feeling subpar. They’re happy with what they get, if someone doesn’t want them in their groups then they are just jerks, if someone criticizes the profession then its either “l2p” or “i just play my ranger because i have fun with her!”

Which is kinda cute. I used to think it was just being delusional, but now i’m not sure anymore, maybe its the fact that by know everyone knows the big pve issues with the ranger, so the people still playing it are those who enjoy the class and don’t care about balance, or those who are not aware of the situation ( due to being casual, or not having alts etc ).
And then we have a third category, the “defenders” aka chopps, durzilla and such, who have seemingly a good knowledge of the class, yet consider every nerf deserved, and every critique or request for buffs plain whining.

Personally, after 800 hours on my ranger, i’m beyond caring. I use her for open world stuff, care about dressing her nicely and giving her shienies. But when stuff gets real, i have a war, mes and guardian fully geared and waiting for some action ( althou i still prefer the feel of my ranger. but power>feelings for me )

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Arifialdy.1534


I’m not sure either, it’s like half of the rangers on this forums don’t really care about balance, or feeling subpar. They’re happy with what they get, if someone doesn’t want them in their groups then they are just jerks, if someone criticizes the profession then its either “l2p” or “i just play my ranger because i have fun with her!”

Which is kinda cute. I used to think it was just being delusional, but now i’m not sure anymore, maybe its the fact that by know everyone knows the big pve issues with the ranger, so the people still playing it are those who enjoy the class and don’t care about balance, or those who are not aware of the situation ( due to being casual, or not having alts etc ).
And then we have a third category, the “defenders” aka chopps, durzilla and such, who have seemingly a good knowledge of the class, yet consider every nerf deserved, and every critique or request for buffs plain whining.

Personally, after 800 hours on my ranger, i’m beyond caring. I use her for open world stuff, care about dressing her nicely and giving her shienies. But when stuff gets real, i have a war, mes and guardian fully geared and waiting for some action ( althou i still prefer the feel of my ranger. but power>feelings for me )

what you says is true…. i dont understand either why anet only GOOGLED ranger from PVP aspect, they dont see ranger from PVE and DUNGEON point which is very very need for help, we cant deal damage like warior or thief, we cant be support like guardian or ele either, and we cant portal like mesmer, and worst when our pet died, we just “HALF CLASS” they didnt even consider that FOOD affect RANGER half effective from OTHER class because ranger BASE WEAPON DAMAGE is just kittening too LOW…… for any DEV who read this please dont PRETENDING TO BE BLIND and do SOMETHING…. for god sake 8 kittening month since jon peter post yet EVEN SWORD ROOTING AUTO ATTACK ARE NOT FIXED !!!

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Enewia.1356


I’m not sure either, it’s like half of the rangers on this forums don’t really care about balance, or feeling subpar. They’re happy with what they get, if someone doesn’t want them in their groups then they are just jerks, if someone criticizes the profession then its either “l2p” or “i just play my ranger because i have fun with her!”

Which is kinda cute. I used to think it was just being delusional, but now i’m not sure anymore, maybe its the fact that by know everyone knows the big pve issues with the ranger, so the people still playing it are those who enjoy the class and don’t care about balance, or those who are not aware of the situation ( due to being casual, or not having alts etc ).
And then we have a third category, the “defenders” aka chopps, durzilla and such, who have seemingly a good knowledge of the class, yet consider every nerf deserved, and every critique or request for buffs plain whining.

Personally, after 800 hours on my ranger, i’m beyond caring. I use her for open world stuff, care about dressing her nicely and giving her shienies. But when stuff gets real, i have a war, mes and guardian fully geared and waiting for some action ( althou i still prefer the feel of my ranger. but power>feelings for me )

what you says is true…. i dont understand either why anet only GOOGLED ranger from PVP aspect, they dont see ranger from PVE and DUNGEON point which is very very need for help, we cant deal damage like warior or thief, we cant be support like guardian or ele either, and we cant portal like mesmer, and worst when our pet died, we just “HALF CLASS” they didnt even consider that FOOD affect RANGER half effective from OTHER class because ranger BASE WEAPON DAMAGE is just kittening too LOW…… for any DEV who read this please dont PRETENDING TO BE BLIND and do SOMETHING…. for god sake 8 kittening month since jon peter post yet EVEN SWORD ROOTING AUTO ATTACK ARE NOT FIXED !!!

And you will see people saying : Yeah but Ranger can dodge pretty well. Sure, thief as well, but they have way more DPS. And what is the use in dungeon, dodging being no support to your team.

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Skullface.7293


Why is it that we are the only profession who has to say “oh well it could be worse, let’s just keep our heads down and hope they don’t nerf us more” after EVERY SINGLE UPDATE since release?

What is it about the Ranger that deserves so much neglect from ArenaNet?

Is it the fact that all the elite classes moan about us and shout at Anet till they nerf us?

Is it the fact that our playerbase is perhaps smaller than the elites like eles, guardians and thieves so they put less effort into maintaining our profession?

I just can’t play any other profession…. Ranger is the only prof i want to play in ANYTHING, whether it be Runescape, Grand Fantasia, Dragon Age, Skyrim or Kingdoms of Amalur. Why should I have to consider quitting just because ArenaNet can’t get their ‘balancing act’ together?

well honestly, if “we” (the ranger community) stop thinking of ourselves as “should be 100b burst like uber range warrior” and think of ourselves as what we really are, you realize that rangers ARE quite OP in their own right.

sure we cannot tank, sure we cannot outburst the DPS of a 100b zerker warrior or a clone bomb mesmer. yet, we can evade all those attacks and dish out a stable high-end damage.

That is what we do. we do not burst, we do not tank. We just run around doing pretty good damage all the time, hell we dont even need to use burst skills, just the autoattacks.

I could prolly make a video or two of how awesome rangers are, but in the end, i prefer letting people see for themselves. easier that way.
Bottom line is; if you can’t be successful ingame, it is YOU not the profession, that is to blame.

I have a handful of people I could have you duel in WvW that would seriously make you realize how underpowered rangers are to eles, guardians and engis when those classes are played right. I hate people like you who have yet to actually play against truly GOOD players and have the audacity to tell them it’s the player and not the game. Quit living in a fantasy land and actually duel good players for a change or stay in the zerg and keep saying these blanket statements.

If you seriously think making a video of you killing kittenty roamers is gonna prove a point you’re very sadly mistaken.

Then I would love to see your eles, guardians and engis, as I never had a problem beating those classes in sPvP at all or in WvW roaming with my BM ranger. Seriously, rangers underpowered? Then why can I beat any class in the game with a ranger? Bad players? Hmm in all that time I played the game I don’t think they were all bad players, there are actually some great players in sPvP tournaments.

Hiro || Talgo
Main: Ranger
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/hirothebeast

(edited by Skullface.7293)

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Dunno, dear OP. I’m starting to think that they have no clue how to make Rangers as they intend…

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Coltz.5617


Why is it that we are the only profession who has to say “oh well it could be worse, let’s just keep our heads down and hope they don’t nerf us more” after EVERY SINGLE UPDATE since release?

What is it about the Ranger that deserves so much neglect from ArenaNet?

Is it the fact that all the elite classes moan about us and shout at Anet till they nerf us?

Is it the fact that our playerbase is perhaps smaller than the elites like eles, guardians and thieves so they put less effort into maintaining our profession?

I just can’t play any other profession…. Ranger is the only prof i want to play in ANYTHING, whether it be Runescape, Grand Fantasia, Dragon Age, Skyrim or Kingdoms of Amalur. Why should I have to consider quitting just because ArenaNet can’t get their ‘balancing act’ together?

There were dark times for engineers too with threads that exclusively makes fun of engineer bugs and etc ( engineers are so boss that they can throw farther than they can shoot their mortars ).
Going into that forum feels like a jail cell with people doing random things for entertainment with everywhere dark humor of engineers could be better in the near future. ( with hope diminishing beyond their grasp )

Now its a slightly better.. but still grey so rangers aren’t the only ones. ( at least you don’t have hobo sacks )

- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

(edited by Coltz.5617)

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


People want DPS. Rangers don’t have a lot of it. What DPS rangers have will be reduced even further; it’s taken away in one place (pets), but not returned in full in the other place (the ranger). On top of that, our very class mechanic, pets, will become a negligible nuisance. Again.

In short, our DPS, the one thing this class lacks and, unfortunately, the one thing everyone requires for cooperative competitive gameplay, is reduced to unacceptable standards for that kind of gameplay. Rangers have never been popular. The majority of rangers are not playing the ranger well, yes, that doesn’t help their image, but that is not the problem; the problem is that those same unskilled people would dish out tons of damage playing other classes.

The sad thing is, many players that chose to invest in their ranger will just leave. Patience is limited, as the OP hinted at. And players leaving is bad for everyone.

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


I find it funny how the ranger is even being considered a faceroll class when the very build in question thats a result of these pet dmg nerfs is a condition high regen BM build unto which is based around breaking down the person slowly and not facerolling anybody…

Well yeah, that’s what I was saying. …the * implied * changes nerf many of our Micromanagement & Positional “skill”-shots and just make the class even dumber than it already was :p …they’re going in the wrong direction entirely. This won’t end well. …just like anytime they’d nerf the more complex “S”-way’s or bunnways & then a much more degenerate no-skill mashfest would just pop up in its place.

It’s almost like they only play sPvP, & only certain classes at that (which was NEVER melee/beast ranger) and only nerf the things they got mad at b/c they didn’t understand how it kept beating them… (durrr… 3/4s of your GVG team should always be Warriors & Monks… no Kiting, no soloing lord b/c our AI sucks, FINAL DESTINATION)

(edited by ilr.9675)

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: Levetty.1279


Man Anet really has beaten some of you down with the kitten Ranger updates since beta if you think a Longbow Auto attack bug fix, shouts looking like they may finally have a use if you invest 30 points into them and a pull are some amazing buffs that are going to open up tons of new builds. Especially as damage across the class gets gutted and our best weapon gets its only use taken from it (shortbow can no longer be used as an anti escape weapon).

If you think these notes are good your mind would explode if you ever read the notes for the other classes.

Why should we, ArenaNet?

in Ranger

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Well, people need DPS until they’re not playing in parties as intended.
Problem is, GW2 does not supporting the real deal – There is no option for change the dps to support at the moment it is required.

This is why we should have different trait points/settings changed on weapon swap…
People would be able to go support in a single click, then enjoy the teamplay…

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”