Why the Ranger

Why the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Winter.4608


Normally I play necro and engineer and I felt like branching out into something new. Didn’t want a thief or warrior.
So i ask you guys this. Why do you love your ranger? Convince me!

Why the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Agadar.4931


I love him because I have some strange affection towards broken things.

Why the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


because right now as it is, if you want to play a ranger well, and i mean just well you need to be aware and fairly skilled, if you want to be great, you need to excell. it takes less effor to do well with most other classes, also u dont need to pay attention to 2 entities on the screen…its the princible of being able to do that is what makes it worth playing imo, also when you have so many people complaining about something you have no issue with like ranger PvP.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Why the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Jsvkkie.2037


Lazy aa during bosses, cos i spam grenades on engi..
Pet swap quickness, also makes ressing ppl faster, very useful in pvp.
Easy rich ori ore with bear pet. Speed signet 25%
i really made a ranger for the legendary lb which i have since a fee days.
Also, wheneer i see a juvenile pet, i always think: “dang, if i was a ranger right now, i wouldnt have to go back to tame it.”
I dont think that way now cos i have a ranger right now but it was bugging me :p
Nice underwater combat, low dmg aa but the other skills are great dmg, the heal as one is also much faster, shark brings great controle, lightning reflexes pushes u farther underwater than on land.
I have both engi grenadier and ranger, i hate to say this but ranger dps is higher cos grenade spread is horrible and its bad close range… Before
The F skill on grenade went from 1200>1500 there was ni spread.

Why the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Ashelotte.7195


I love pets. That’s the main reason I started playing classes like this years ago. Because of this the game play seems familiar and easy to pick up. Managing my pet is easy peasy and feels second nature. I feel like the class fits me as a player.
I say give it a shot. If it doesn’t fit you then drop it. Experiment a little.

Lvl 80 Sylvari Ranger
Lvl 80 Sylvari Elementalist

Why the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Winter.4608


Hows the ranger for WvW? i mostly either do that or Pve and do the pets have a better ai than the necro minions?

Why the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Jsvkkie.2037


Pve and 1v1 for pvp pets are fine, and definately better thN necro minions since u can call them back and set them to guard/passive
For wvw, hard to say.. Defending barrage is nice, lb 3 then 2 is good for sniping light armor or uplvled people.. For bigger zerg defending ur better off with other professions’ aoe.
For skimishing u can take a supply camp solo anda the elite entangle misses if hr blinded.
For 1v1 dont use lb close range, sb3 works if ur running away and u use it on target hebind u, u still go forward. Sword horn / sb is good for pvp.. Maybe trade sb off for axe torch, if ur asura, pain inverter is hella nice, practice to be good at 1v1 for ranger, As a ranger in 1v1 its not about bursting the oponent down, its about surviving While they focus u and forget that the pet does more dmg than you, even not traited for it.
Im lb sb ranger and im fine 1v1 its easy to survive if u practice enough and mos of the times i spam sb and dont use lb, only as an opening. Kite with sb thats what they are made for, use a dog for their knockdown and preferable fernhound for the regen, i use a jaguar as 2nd pet cos they can stealth, very useful for pvp. And remember not to use sb 4 and 5 at the same time. 5 first for stun or daze and keep kiting with s 3 and 4 for a cripple. All i have to add is, practice in spvp, but remember that spvp and wvw have different dmg

(edited by Jsvkkie.2037)

Why the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Sollith.3502


I like my ranger… because it feeds my inner masochist

Ranger isn’t really horrible like some people seem to say, but it isn’t good either. Bugs, messy trait lines, pet pathing issues (and feeling underpowered when pets decide to kitten on you).

It’s a class with fun abilities and I definitely love swapping around weapons and builds (in dungeons I switch between like 5 different weapon sets at minimum; Longbow, Greatsword, Axe/Axe, Sword/Warhorn, Axe Warhorn… uh maybe one or two others =_=’). In WvW there are several builds that work decently. I do great at picking off straggling invaders from the zergs and as support dps (Rangers can 1v1 decently too).

However, it will be frustrating at times and just make you rage when; your pet decides to chase its tail instead of hitting the target, your pet dies from some champions AOE because it like it up the rear, your pet f2 not responding and when it finally does have it reset because you had to spam it one too many times, your pet run off to use its condition removal skill or other support ability near the enemy and not anywhere near enough to you to be of any use (well if you are ranged), your pet having 0 agony resistance and thus constantly on cool down swap in Fractals, hearing “My pet needs help!” constantly (well in dungeons at least lol; they seem to survive fine in most open world content lol), feeling sub par damage because of the aforementioned pet issues… hmm I was sure there were more issues with the pets… Oh, well…

Why the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


1500+ range with trait on longbow is perfect for WvW.

Why the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Anthrage.2519


Big +1 to the above regarding Range!

I love the Ranger, even with it’s many issues, because I can do stuff like this. I find ranger to be excellent for situations that are specific-task oriented…monitor/defend a chokepoint, take out a piece of siege or point defense, solo a camp, revive something critical, getting into a tower through a hostile zerg…it’s not the best at more than 1 thing, but it’s good at a lot.

Ranger Anthrage Stormrider – Sanguine Wild Guild [SW]
sPvP BuildWvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube

Why the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Agadar.4931


Big +1 to the above regarding Range!

I love the Ranger, even with it’s many issues, because I can do stuff like this. I find ranger to be excellent for situations that are specific-task oriented…monitor/defend a chokepoint, take out a piece of siege or point defense, solo a camp, revive something critical, getting into a tower through a hostile zerg…it’s not the best at more than 1 thing, but it’s good at a lot.

‘Ranger Tactical Usage’, and the very first ability he uses is a Norn racial ability.

Stopped watching right there and then. This is not ‘Ranger Tactical Usage’, it’s ‘Norn Tactical Usage’.