Why the current sword needs polishing

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Wasbunny.6531


@ Fluffball~ You’re missing the point. There is only a .8 second window during the 1.8 second attack chain in which you can dodge while attacking with the sword.

You cannot “dodge no matter where in your attack chain you are”. It’s simply not possible.

~An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.~

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I’m not missing the point, I meant that you just hit dodge when the bosses do their tells. Most bosses have massive tells, so it doesn’t matter if you’re currently airborne when the tell starts. The lupi grub is what, 2 seconds or something?

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Wasbunny.6531


I don’t understand why you feel it’s advantageous to have a 1 second delay on your dodges. Again, of course sometimes you have that extra second. But seriously sometimes you don’t.

Really unclear why you are defending this obvious hamstringing of Ranger’s sword.

Re-reading your last post, you do know that you can’t dodge “if you’re currently airborne when the tell starts.” You can not dodge during a leap, of which there are two in a three step attack chain. That’s one of the main points of this thread.

Edit: Ok I see what you’re saying. You’re saying you put your dodge in the attack chain queue (1 second total delay) and as long as the attack comes after that one second you will dodge in time. The problem is dodges are not put in the cast time queue, they have to be activated after the chain ends.

~An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.~

(edited by Wasbunny.6531)

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: TurtleDragon.3108


He’s not saying it’s advantageous but easy to work around.

Just use your #3 (or #2 ) skill, you should be doing minimal dodging anyways in order to maintain your steady focus modifier.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Wasbunny.6531


Well, I guess if Rangers don’t need to be able to reactively dodge than there’s no problem.

~An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.~

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Because I don’t see the problem.* Think of all the insta-gib scenarios in dungeon runs, almost all have tells longer than the entire sword autoattack chain.

If you see Subject Alpha put down a red circle, use your best judgement for when to stop attacking. If you have the sword rhythm down, you don’t lose any DPS at all (keep in mind you can dodge/sword 3 before the attack and you will still be invulnerable by the time it lands.) If you’re just absolutely terrible with the sword, you’ll lose maybe a second while you wait for the attack to land.

Like I said, Brazil doesn’t even turn the autoattack off on arguably the most difficult PvE encounter in the game (using him as an example because I usually have autoattack turned off, and I think he’s actually pretty bad with the sword, just really good at Lupi.)

*To clarify, I DO see why people don’t like it, but I don’t see the problem because as Turtle said, it’s so easy to work around.

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Wasbunny.6531


Not arguing it can’t be done or worked around. In fact it’s possible to disable dodge entirely and do most encounters in the game.

But if one profession had this fundamental mechanic reduced to functioning only half the time on it’s highest DPS melee weapon I see that as a design flaw, and a problem that needs discussion and a fix.

My proposed solution to turn the leaps into blinks would retain all the current functionality with the sword but allow you to dodge whenever necessary, the moment it’s necessary.

That’s my only point and I’m honestly surprised that anyone wouldn’t want that added flexibility to Ranger’s sword.

~An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.~

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: TurtleDragon.3108


You still have the GS option, it’s viable and probably even the preferred weapon for some fractal encounters where you need to max melee range and kite.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Wasbunny.6531


You still have the GS option, it’s viable and probably even the preferred weapon for some fractal encounters where you need to max melee range and kite.

Agreed, but suggesting to simply not use the weapon or debating the need to dodge at all does nothing to address the concerns related to this thread.

~An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.~

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: TurtleDragon.3108


It’s really hard to satisfy both the PvPers and PvE-ers. :/ Your idea prolly wouldn’t work because of “lore” or some other reason.

I like Fluffballs suggestion the most which was to add another MH weapon.

(edited by TurtleDragon.3108)

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Tru Reptile.6058

Tru Reptile.6058

*To clarify, I DO see why people don’t like it, but I don’t see the problem because as Turtle said, it’s so easy to work around.

The issue is you shouldn’t have to work around something as basic as an auto attack. No other #1 skill roots you into place, and the leap forward doesn’t make any sense since the second hit in the chain cripples the target.

It’s like the devs made a bet to see who can design the most awkward auto attack in the game, and Ranger just happened to be the unfortunate victim.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Ya I know. All these last several posts are revolving around me saying we don’t need to over dramatize the problem. Someone posted that you can’t dodge for 50% of a fight, but that makes it sound like the sword is totally unusable, when in fact you can effortlessly complete all content in the entire game while using it. It’s an annoyance, not a disaster.

This is about PvE. For PvP, you’re wrong about the leap not making sense, but that’s been discussed already.

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

He’s not saying it’s advantageous but easy to work around.

Just use your #3 (or #2 ) skill, you should be doing minimal dodging anyways in order to maintain your steady focus modifier.

We can work around the pets. That doesn’t make them good. Mesmers can work around bugged skills. That doesn’t exculpates the fact that they’re bugged. We can work around the sword autoattack. That doesn’t make it working fluently.

tha autoattack should lose its jumps, while sword #2 makes up for that loss and being more reactive. Sword #3 should get a clear dodge-distance and direction and the evade should match the animationtime.

(edited by HHR LostProphet.4801)

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Otaking.4675


Sword is mainly a garbage mirror of thief abilities.

1: Corresponds to HS with slow animation and slow tracking and some self root.
2: Corresponds to Infiltrator’s Strike with lousy slow animation and slow tracking with majorly self rooting leaps in place of teleport.
3: Corresponds to dagger 3 and sword 3 on thief..this one is the best of the bad lot as it is a decent evade and poison. Personally I wish it had more forward range which is the same thing thieves complained about on their sword 3 before it got redesigned.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Ya I know. All these last several posts are revolving around me saying we don’t need to over dramatize the problem. Someone posted that you can’t dodge for 50% of a fight, but that makes it sound like the sword is totally unusable, when in fact you can effortlessly complete all content in the entire game while using it. It’s an annoyance, not a disaster.

This is about PvE. For PvP, you’re wrong about the leap not making sense, but that’s been discussed already.

And annoyances mean the game isn’t fun and most people play to have fun.

All content of the game is “completable” with pets in their current form. It was even possible back at launch. Didn’t mean they didn’t need fixes then and don’t still need them now.

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Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

Grabs popcorn, sword is fine

Alright, I’ll stop. I’ve come to recognize when I’m locked into a sword auto chain and, unlike many, have learned how to cope with it. The primary issue is during quickness when I go on the offensive and the opponent pops retaliation. At that point I’m taking quite a bit of damage per hit, and I’ve got to get out of there. Here’s a tip: while dodging doesn’t break the chain, all of your skills with at least a precast (non-instant) will break the chain. This means that both Sword 2 and 3 (which are evades in themselves) as well as Lightning Relfexes (another evade) will break your auto attack chain instantly, giving you that active reaction. Dodge should be treated as a secondary mechanic as a sword ranger, not your primary get out of jail free card as it is with every other class. We have enough inherent evades to compensate for the lack of defense we’re pushed into during a sword AA chain. It’s all about learning and adapting.

(edited by Viking Jorun.5413)

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


This thread, presented by Fluffball.

Someone: Sword is unusable.
Second someone: It would be nice if sword had a solution that made both PvE and PvP happy, but until, then it’s still usable.
Third someone: You don’t get it, sword is unusable.
Fourth someone: It would be nice if sword had a solution that made both PvE and PvP happy, but until, then it’s still usable.
Fifth someone: You don’t get it, sword is unusable.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

Grabs popcorn, sword is fine

Grabs shotgun, I hate those guys…

We have enough inherent evades to compensate for the lack of defense we’re pushed into during a sword AA chain. It’s all about learning and adapting.

Just because you can work around a flaw doesn’t make it less of a flaw. The Sword isn’t working fluently. And no matter how much you repeat yourself, it wont get any better.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Didn’t you know rangers can’t use rifles ’n shotties? Stick with the sword!

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

Didn’t you know rangers can’t use rifles ’n shotties? Stick with the sword!

My longbow wont oneshot him. Either I miss or I wont deal enough damage. So, I’m just gonna lend the rifle of my engineer for that time.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Otaking.4675


If they would reverse sword 2’s directions and take out all the delay from it and speed up sword 1 a bit it would be an exceptional weapon.

You could burst an enemy with it from point blank AND leap back instantly after with sword 2 and also execute dodges in the middle of sword 1 chains.

Instead of telegraphing that you’re leaping back with a huge delay, and then a second telegraph if you want to get back in their face.

You could use it for mobility a heck of a lot better too.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

If they would reverse sword 2’s directions and take out all the delay from it and speed up sword 1 a bit it would be an exceptional weapon.

You could burst an enemy with it from point blank AND leap back instantly after with sword 2 and also execute dodges in the middle of sword 1 chains.

Instead of telegraphing that you’re leaping back with a huge delay, and then a second telegraph if you want to get back in their face.

You could use it for mobility a heck of a lot better too.

Reversing the direction on the sword 2 chain is a horrible idea. You can still use it for mobility with either a macro to 180* your character or by simply flicking your camera 180 degrees, and it’s important that the backward leap is on the primary attack, as it’s meant for a gap-maker, to give you a break and choose either to get back into the action or swap to your ranged option and kite.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

Just combine Fluffball’s and my idea:
- Remove the leaps from the autoattack
- Add a leap forward to sword #2
- Change sword #2, so each leap has its own cooldown
- Remove the pre-casttime from each leap (streamline the animations)

(edited by HHR LostProphet.4801)

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Just combine Fluffball’s and my idea:
- Remove the leaps from the autoattack

That’s the crux of the problem, I’m not cool with this at all.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

Just combine Fluffball’s and my idea:
- Remove the leaps from the autoattack

That’s the crux of the problem, I’m not cool with this at all.

And I’m not cool with the current leaps at all.
Even in your video you’re not using the sword autoattack that often, especially not for sticking to your target. Sword #2 should get enough leaps, so you can stick to your target as you’re used to but the leap on autoattack is simply stupid and useless vs. any AI in this game.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Like I, and about 5o other people said, not compatible between PvE and PvP/WvW.

There are two solutions that I see: Make a third melee weapon or allow for a toggle on the leap.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

And streamline the other abilites. They should be reactive skills. It’s pretty hard to react with them if they have a pretty clunky animation.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


It’s not hard to react when most PvE bosses have 2 seconds tells and hammer warriors have a minimum of half a second tells, and you know just when they’re going to use them.

This ties in to the thread of the guy who wanted more stunbreaks. You can’t just give rangers all the evades that can every possibly exist with no effort, and then give them a bunch of stun breaks.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

It’s not hard to react when most PvE bosses have 2 seconds tells and hammer warriors have a minimum of half a second tells, and you know just when they’re going to use them.

This ties in to the thread of the guy who wanted more stunbreaks. You can’t just give rangers all the evades that can every possibly exist with no effort, and then give them a bunch of stun breaks.

“We give you evades, but only one second after you’ve pressed the button” sounds logic…

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Liza.2758


Hi, as a tpvper

I have to say sword is very good right now.
( I don’t care about wvw )

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


“We give you evades, but only one second after you’ve pressed the button” sounds logic…

And we’re back to this.

I think you’re drastically over exaggerating the problem.

Many people have over exaggerated, You’ve not only doubled the evade time but also made it seem as though this is the only evade available.

First, this topic continues in circles and second, it does not attempt to appease half of the … 3 million people? or whatever that play GW2.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Otaking.4675


If they would reverse sword 2’s directions and take out all the delay from it and speed up sword 1 a bit it would be an exceptional weapon.

You could burst an enemy with it from point blank AND leap back instantly after with sword 2 and also execute dodges in the middle of sword 1 chains.

Instead of telegraphing that you’re leaping back with a huge delay, and then a second telegraph if you want to get back in their face.

You could use it for mobility a heck of a lot better too.

Reversing the direction on the sword 2 chain is a horrible idea. You can still use it for mobility with either a macro to 180* your character or by simply flicking your camera 180 degrees, and it’s important that the backward leap is on the primary attack, as it’s meant for a gap-maker, to give you a break and choose either to get back into the action or swap to your ranged option and kite.

…which would still be completely doable on a reversed sped up sword with the added bonus of a point blank hit first and without the obnoxiousness of camera flip, unless you were intending to double leap away, which would make more sense. Not a valid counterargument.

Anytime you need to make a macro or flip camera more than 50% of the time to use a basic attack I’d say that basic attack is a fail and needs a redesign.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

If they would reverse sword 2’s directions and take out all the delay from it and speed up sword 1 a bit it would be an exceptional weapon.

You could burst an enemy with it from point blank AND leap back instantly after with sword 2 and also execute dodges in the middle of sword 1 chains.

Instead of telegraphing that you’re leaping back with a huge delay, and then a second telegraph if you want to get back in their face.

You could use it for mobility a heck of a lot better too.

Reversing the direction on the sword 2 chain is a horrible idea. You can still use it for mobility with either a macro to 180* your character or by simply flicking your camera 180 degrees, and it’s important that the backward leap is on the primary attack, as it’s meant for a gap-maker, to give you a break and choose either to get back into the action or swap to your ranged option and kite.

…which would still be completely doable on a reversed sped up sword with the added bonus of a point blank hit first and without the obnoxiousness of camera flip, unless you were intending to double leap away, which would make more sense. Not a valid counterargument.

Anytime you need to make a macro or flip camera more than 50% of the time to use a basic attack I’d say that basic attack is a fail and needs a redesign.

Don’t be naïve. You have obviously never stepped foot in a PvP arena if you think that leaping into an enemy will prevent an attack from connecting. It’s a defensive measure, not an offensive one. Reversing those two skills would be a detriment to the sword in PvP. Period.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Otaking.4675


If they would reverse sword 2’s directions and take out all the delay from it and speed up sword 1 a bit it would be an exceptional weapon.

You could burst an enemy with it from point blank AND leap back instantly after with sword 2 and also execute dodges in the middle of sword 1 chains.

Instead of telegraphing that you’re leaping back with a huge delay, and then a second telegraph if you want to get back in their face.

You could use it for mobility a heck of a lot better too.

Reversing the direction on the sword 2 chain is a horrible idea. You can still use it for mobility with either a macro to 180* your character or by simply flicking your camera 180 degrees, and it’s important that the backward leap is on the primary attack, as it’s meant for a gap-maker, to give you a break and choose either to get back into the action or swap to your ranged option and kite.

…which would still be completely doable on a reversed sped up sword with the added bonus of a point blank hit first and without the obnoxiousness of camera flip, unless you were intending to double leap away, which would make more sense. Not a valid counterargument.

Anytime you need to make a macro or flip camera more than 50% of the time to use a basic attack I’d say that basic attack is a fail and needs a redesign.

Don’t be naïve. You have obviously never stepped foot in a PvP arena if you think that leaping into an enemy will prevent an attack from connecting. It’s a defensive measure, not an offensive one. Reversing those two skills would be a detriment to the sword in PvP. Period.

Don’t be obtuse, with a faster animation it certainly can. Thieves do it with inf strike constantly. You could also preload the first hit. It could easily be a juke measure, and both offensive and defensive which is superior to either instead of a clunky defense as you seem to be so satisfied with. Just like inf strike on thief sword 2.

Not many in this thread agree with you that sword is fine.

Also this statement mae me lol…right off the top of my head: Hambow throws fire field under thief, thief leaps to hambow’s face with steal, attack didn’t connect. XD

(edited by Otaking.4675)

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


The sword is currently doing what it was designed to do as a weapon and thats a) stick to your target with all the leaps and cripple and b) provide a ton of evades.

Could it be smoother? Sure.
But removing anything thats currently on it or swapping the leaps on #2 ( worst idea ) would result in the sword not being the sword anymore.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Wasbunny.6531


Been reading some old posts about the sword and it seems ArenaNet themselves admitted that the auto-attack has some unintended problems. Apparently they said something about control over your character is the most important aspect of the game and the current Ranger sword AA doesn’t fit well into the combat framework of GW2.

DISCLAIMER: Could not find the actual quote from the dev so this is just hearsay. Also this debate has been going on for over a year without much official word from ArenaNet that I can find…so we might just be talking to ourselves at this point.

~An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.~

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Wasbunny.6531


Grabs popcorn, sword is fine

Alright, I’ll stop. I’ve come to recognize when I’m locked into a sword auto chain and, unlike many, have learned how to cope with it. The primary issue is during quickness when I go on the offensive and the opponent pops retaliation. At that point I’m taking quite a bit of damage per hit, and I’ve got to get out of there. Here’s a tip: while dodging doesn’t break the chain, all of your skills with at least a precast (non-instant) will break the chain. This means that both Sword 2 and 3 (which are evades in themselves) as well as Lightning Relfexes (another evade) will break your auto attack chain instantly, giving you that active reaction. Dodge should be treated as a secondary mechanic as a sword ranger, not your primary get out of jail free card as it is with every other class. We have enough inherent evades to compensate for the lack of defense we’re pushed into during a sword AA chain. It’s all about learning and adapting.

Sorry but you have a bit of this backwards. Skills with cast times do not break the attack chain, they are put in the queue to be activated as soon as the chained sequence ends. This of course applies to sword #2 & #3. Doing so is called ‘pre-casting’ the skill. Lightning Reflexes is an instant cast stun breaker so this will break you out the chain, as will most other instant cast or channeled abilities.

If you want to verify this I recommend putting the popcorn down for a moment and try it out for yourself. It’s all about learning and adapting afterall.

~An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.~

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


so we might just be talking to ourselves at this point.

You must be new to this neighborhood.

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

Grabs popcorn, sword is fine

Alright, I’ll stop. I’ve come to recognize when I’m locked into a sword auto chain and, unlike many, have learned how to cope with it. The primary issue is during quickness when I go on the offensive and the opponent pops retaliation. At that point I’m taking quite a bit of damage per hit, and I’ve got to get out of there. Here’s a tip: while dodging doesn’t break the chain, all of your skills with at least a precast (non-instant) will break the chain. This means that both Sword 2 and 3 (which are evades in themselves) as well as Lightning Relfexes (another evade) will break your auto attack chain instantly, giving you that active reaction. Dodge should be treated as a secondary mechanic as a sword ranger, not your primary get out of jail free card as it is with every other class. We have enough inherent evades to compensate for the lack of defense we’re pushed into during a sword AA chain. It’s all about learning and adapting.

Sorry but you have a bit of this backwards. Skills with cast times do not break the attack chain, they are put in the queue to be activated as soon as the chained sequence ends. This of course applies to sword #2 & #3. Doing so is called ‘pre-casting’ the skill. Lightning Reflexes is an instant cast stun breaker so this will break you out the chain, as will most other instant cast or channeled abilities.

If you want to verify this I recommend putting the popcorn down for a moment and try it out for yourself. It’s all about learning and adapting afterall.

I know how it works. Don’t try to get slick here, I think we know who’s got the PvP experience when it comes to using sword. The people agreeing with my points have all been avid PvPers. We know where the sword is, and what needs to be done. The PvErs should stay out of this argument, as it really doesn’t add detriment to their cause no matter how the sword is changed.

That said, let’s not turn this into the thief forums with sad attempts to aggravate each other with, “L2P the cl4ss scrubb lol.” It adds nothing to the conversation, and if you’ve seen my channel you very well know that I’m no greenhorn to the class mechanics.

(edited by Viking Jorun.5413)

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Swapping the leaps on the sword and fixing the autoattack chain to not be an awkward mess would at least bring ranger sword in line with everyone else’s sword skills.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


Just because you can work around a flaw doesn’t make it less of a flaw. The Sword isn’t working fluently. And no matter how much you repeat yourself, it wont get any better.

This. You should not lose control of your character while auto-attacking, that’s just a bug or bad design.

IMO the leaps should be separate – #2 to leap forward, #3 to leap back, then the current #3 becomes a followup to the #2.

downed state is bad for PVP

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Grabs popcorn, sword is fine

Alright, I’ll stop. I’ve come to recognize when I’m locked into a sword auto chain and, unlike many, have learned how to cope with it. The primary issue is during quickness when I go on the offensive and the opponent pops retaliation. At that point I’m taking quite a bit of damage per hit, and I’ve got to get out of there. Here’s a tip: while dodging doesn’t break the chain, all of your skills with at least a precast (non-instant) will break the chain. This means that both Sword 2 and 3 (which are evades in themselves) as well as Lightning Relfexes (another evade) will break your auto attack chain instantly, giving you that active reaction. Dodge should be treated as a secondary mechanic as a sword ranger, not your primary get out of jail free card as it is with every other class. We have enough inherent evades to compensate for the lack of defense we’re pushed into during a sword AA chain. It’s all about learning and adapting.

Sorry but you have a bit of this backwards. Skills with cast times do not break the attack chain, they are put in the queue to be activated as soon as the chained sequence ends. This of course applies to sword #2 & #3. Doing so is called ‘pre-casting’ the skill. Lightning Reflexes is an instant cast stun breaker so this will break you out the chain, as will most other instant cast or channeled abilities.

If you want to verify this I recommend putting the popcorn down for a moment and try it out for yourself. It’s all about learning and adapting afterall.

I know how it works. Don’t try to get slick here, I think we know who’s got the PvP experience when it comes to using sword. The people agreeing with my points have all been avid PvPers. We know where the sword is, and what needs to be done. The PvErs should stay out of this argument, as it really doesn’t add detriment to their cause no matter how the sword is changed.

That said, let’s not turn this into the thief forums with sad attempts to aggravate each other with, “L2P the cl4ss scrubb lol.” It adds nothing to the conversation, and if you’ve seen my channel you very well know that I’m no greenhorn to the class mechanics.

You say “lets not aggravate” and tell people not to engage in kitten waving and then proceed to tell people to not challenge you because you pvp more?

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Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


If you want the leap on sword to be forward instead of the retreat it is then you are not playing sword the way it was designed. Its to give the option of leaving combat and then going back in, not going in and then the option of leaving. One of those plays well into our current weapon sets and the other is just a clone of other skills other classes have. I would rather keep #2 the way it is now as it fits how ranger plays.

Why is everyone so obsessed with " i want my class to do what every other class can and not do this unique thing" …

the ONLY things that need chaging are the cast and evasion times on #2 and #3 t make them more responsive and smoother and on the #1 let dodges break the leap.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I want the sword to stay as is, I feel like the weapon fills what it’s supposed to do very very very well.

That being said, I would LOVE to see dagger as a Mainhand Melee weapon that DOESNT leap all over the place, that would be AWESOME!!

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

I want the sword to stay as is, I feel like the weapon fills what it’s supposed to do very very very well.

That being said, I would LOVE to see dagger as a Mainhand Melee weapon that DOESNT leap all over the place, that would be AWESOME!!


Thank you. There do happen to be a lot of us who like the sword in its current state as an anti-kite weapon, and changing it would devastate its purpose. I feel that the best option would be to simply add a second mainhand melee weapon to the Ranger’s kitten nal rather than fixing what, contrary to many beliefs, is not broken. You may think it’s broken, but it’s due to the fact that you personally don’t like how it functions and it’s the only mainhand melee weapon we currently have.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: mtpelion.4562



Thank you. There do happen to be a lot of us who like the sword in its current state as an anti-kite weapon, and changing it would devastate its purpose. I feel that the best option would be to simply add a second mainhand melee weapon to the Ranger’s kitten nal rather than fixing what, contrary to many beliefs, is not broken. You may think it’s broken, but it’s due to the fact that you personally don’t like how it functions and it’s the only mainhand melee weapon we currently have.

It IS broken for PvE users and great for PvP users.
The reason this thread keeps popping up is because PvE users are effectively required to bring the sword in dungeon groups because it brings top DPS. You think it isn’t broken because you are using it for PvP where it isn’t broken. Other players think it is broken because they are using it for PvE where it is broken. Everyone is right here.

Which is why I want them to simply boost the power scaling for Greatsword or Longbow so that it can out perform sword for a pure DPS build against a single target while in party range. Then the PvPers can have their non-broken sword and PvEers can have their non-broken GS/LB.

Like I mentioned earlier, our weapons need more distinct roles in order to prevent this kind of thing.

Server: Devona’s Rest

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


I want the sword to stay as is, I feel like the weapon fills what it’s supposed to do very very very well.

That being said, I would LOVE to see dagger as a Mainhand Melee weapon that DOESNT leap all over the place, that would be AWESOME!!

I agree.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, with just some minor improvements, it would be perfect for both pvp/pve:

Sword #1:
Allow the attack chain to be interruptable at any time if you want to dodge.

Sword #2:
Let the evade part of Hornet Sting activate the moment you press the key, and allow it to last throughout the whole animation. The attack part can be instant, or dropped completly. If dropped from Hornet Sting, it can be added to Monarch’s Leap instead.

Fix these two, and it would be a huge improvement right there. No more than that needed.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: TurtleDragon.3108


Which is why I want them to simply boost the power scaling for Greatsword or Longbow so that it can out perform sword for a pure DPS build against a single target while in party range. Then the PvPers can have their non-broken sword and PvEers can have their non-broken GS/LB.

Well… the other problem with sword is that the offhands they allow us to use are very good. Warhorn is mandatory for every good dungeon/fractal build. Axe is situationally great too, I’m not a huge fan of it but there are people who think it’s great too. Even if GS was buffed, you’d need to fit WH into your build and swap to it before/in combat for water/fire blasts and fury.

Longbow doesn’t have any sustained AoE (Can’t “cleave”) which is also a problem.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Killsmith.8169


I want the sword to stay as is, I feel like the weapon fills what it’s supposed to do very very very well.

That being said, I would LOVE to see dagger as a Mainhand Melee weapon that DOESNT leap all over the place, that would be AWESOME!!

I’d rather see the current sword skills moved to a dagger main hand and get a new set of skills for the sword. A dagger strikes me as more of an infighter’s weapon anyway.

Why the current sword needs polishing

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

I want the sword to stay as is, I feel like the weapon fills what it’s supposed to do very very very well.

That being said, I would LOVE to see dagger as a Mainhand Melee weapon that DOESNT leap all over the place, that would be AWESOME!!


Thank you. There do happen to be a lot of us who like the sword in its current state as an anti-kite weapon, and changing it would devastate its purpose. I feel that the best option would be to simply add a second mainhand melee weapon to the Ranger’s kitten nal rather than fixing what, contrary to many beliefs, is not broken. You may think it’s broken, but it’s due to the fact that you personally don’t like how it functions and it’s the only mainhand melee weapon we currently have.

When a weapon interferes with the ability to move around and dodge in a game built around said mechanics it is broken.

If you use a build/style that act’s like sword1 doesn’t even exist, and instead use it for dodge spam on a bunker/BM build, it’s a great weapon. If you use a build/style that relies on sword1 for dps, it’s a major hindrance.

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