Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Azione.5913



I can’t be the only one…. looking at/dealing with the erratic Ranger sword auto-attack animation (Being locked in) drives me crazy. It’s my favorite main hand on the Ranger but for the love of Tyria.. I can’t take it!

Anyone know if there are any plans to make the animation look more normal and less “awkward”? Maybe in Heart of Thorns? Or am I the only one who is bothered by this?

(edited by Azione.5913)

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


There is no plans for that, and devs even stated it is working as intended.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Sina.9208


90% of the rangers are bothered by it. There is some vocal minority that loves it and there are lots of others that dropped the ranger because of it.

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Prophet.1584


per devs it is working as intended, i seriously doubt it will ever be changed and i’m one of the minority who loves it.

I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarision.6347


You’re better off asking for buffs for GS.

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451


90% of the rangers are bothered by it. There is some vocal minority that loves it and there are lots of others that dropped the ranger because of it.

About 50% love it and 50% hate it.

See? I can pull percentages out of dark smelly places too.

Besides your hyperbole, there are other much better reasons to drop the Ranger… IMO, #1 being that other classes do everything it can a lot better, which is why I dropped it in favor of Ele and Thief. Maybe one day Anet will woo me back, but I doubt any time soon, even with the Druid elite.

Speaking from a PVE-only point of view…

(edited by TheFantasticGman.9451)

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

There is no plans for that, and devs even stated it is working as intended.

Didn’t Peters pop in here a while back claiming they were working on a solution to the root?

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Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Mia Crazymike.1780

Mia Crazymike.1780

What’s wrong with the one handed swords auto attack?

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

What’s wrong with the one handed swords auto attack?

The leap on pounce locks you into the animation effectively creating a window of time where you can neither strafe nor dodge.

It’s not the entire chain, but the sequence moves fast enough that it happens often and can get you killed if you need to dodge when you are unable to.

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Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Mia Crazymike.1780

Mia Crazymike.1780

And the ranger isn’t considered “dodging” while in that animation?

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


I run with AA off for the sword and I still don’t like it for the fact I cant strafe. I don’t care if they change it or not tbh though.

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


A long long time ago there was a dev on this forum who said he liked it and therefore didn’t want to change it, but that he was going to look into getting Ranger mainhand dagger which wouldn’t have this “feature”.

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

And the ranger isn’t considered “dodging” while in that animation?

Nope. You are locked into animations that move the player and nothing you can do short of a weapon swap will break it.

You can try it out on the great sword Swoop.

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Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


There is no plans for that, and devs even stated it is working as intended.

Didn’t Peters pop in here a while back claiming they were working on a solution to the root?

Kinda, he poped in a long time ago saying something like “I’ll talk with the devs to take a look at it” and then we never heard a word after that.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


Noooo please don’t change it!! :<
Sword is sexy and unique!


Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Sina.9208


90% of the rangers are bothered by it. There is some vocal minority that loves it and there are lots of others that dropped the ranger because of it.

About 50% love it and 50% hate it.

See? I can pull percentages out of dark smelly places too.

Besides your hyperbole, there are other much better reasons to drop the Ranger… IMO, #1 being that other classes do everything it can a lot better, which is why I dropped it in favor of Ele and Thief. Maybe one day Anet will woo me back, but I doubt any time soon, even with the Druid elite.

50/50 sounds equally hyperbolic. :-) , perhaps it’s true for pvp, oh wait the majority of ppl writing into this sub are also pvpers… :O
Random numbers aside, the moment arena net makes genuinely difficult content where you have to reflex dodge 1 shotting attacks frequently the sword will stop seeing play altogether (in pve). I’m not quite as concerned about this as before, seeing as now we have lots of options, including but not limited to the sinister build in fractals, or the S/A+GS remorseless build. (which relies on the sword much less & you have the option to time your weapon swaps to match certain boss patterns)

(edited by Sina.9208)

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: SemiProBBQ.8946


After dealing with it for 3 years now I don’t really care if they fix the auto or not,but if they made the dodges on #2 and #3 instant that would be a very welcome change for me

Delecroix – Ranger master race

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


Dropping in from the Guardian side of town. yall wana know when the last tight I fought a Ranger with a 1h sword was? I think it’s been like half a year.

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Laurence.6751


It does not need to be replaced by a totally new chain of attacks, just allow dodging is good enough.

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

There is no plans for that, and devs even stated it is working as intended.

Didn’t Peters pop in here a while back claiming they were working on a solution to the root?

Kinda, he poped in a long time ago saying something like “I’ll talk with the devs to take a look at it” and then we never heard a word after that.

Ya, this is the last I can find of the news on it and it’s nearly a year old at this point and 126 forum pages deep. I think it’s safe to say he was either trolling us or they completely forgot about it.


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Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Sina.9208


It does not need to be replaced by a totally new chain of attacks, just allow dodging is good enough.

Max range melee is not possible on the sword, that is kind of a problem too.

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Dropping in from the Guardian side of town. yall wana know when the last tight I fought a Ranger with a 1h sword was? I think it’s been like half a year.

Mostly due to the fact that it will get you killed in PvP because of the inability to dodge when using the AA. That and GS is just much easier to play and has greater burst and utility.

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Azione.5913


Dropping in from the Guardian side of town. yall wana know when the last tight I fought a Ranger with a 1h sword was? I think it’s been like half a year.

That’s even MORE reason for Anet to do something about it. I main Ranger, and I see at least 90% of builds running LB/GS, because there is no other viable melee weapon for the Ranger atm. And since we are getting a Support Staff for HoT, that still leaves us with ONLY GS as an option. Sword has better damage than GS if used correctly, but the animation locks makes it worthless in PvP

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Belarorn.9062


omgosh all the qq.. Rangers are sad that one of our weapons actually takes skill to use and that we cant just Spam 2 to win? The Horror! Actually sword is perfectly viable. you can dodge within the animations between #3 and #1 AA. Also the #3 attack on sword will break the animation and reposition you. In PvP it is perfectly viable as a weapon. If you are not careful yes you can jump off cliffs but I find that it excels in chasing foes and that random gap closer if you target an enemy on the other side of the room on the Leap skill Hilarious that.

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Chicho Gosho.6507

Chicho Gosho.6507

omgosh all the qq.. Rangers are sad that one of our weapons actually takes skill to use and that we cant just Spam 2 to win? The Horror! Actually sword is perfectly viable. you can dodge within the animations between #3 and #1 AA. Also the #3 attack on sword will break the animation and reposition you. In PvP it is perfectly viable as a weapon. If you are not careful yes you can jump off cliffs but I find that it excels in chasing foes and that random gap closer if you target an enemy on the other side of the room on the Leap skill Hilarious that.

Grow up. The complain is about the clunkiness of the weapon and anyone not seeing it is just blind or accepted his fate.

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: arkealia.2713


I’ll relink what I posted on Reddit:
Guild Wars 2 Ready Up – Episode 3

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451


Meh. We need a Dev like Roy to be over the Ranger. Period. To actually USE the free game testing feedback! Poor Dev support on the Ranger is another reason to drop it. If anything I’m hoping the Rev will be my new main, and Roy is making a lot of changes to it that make me look forward to the Rev much more.

90% of the rangers are bothered by it. There is some vocal minority that loves it and there are lots of others that dropped the ranger because of it.

About 50% love it and 50% hate it.

See? I can pull percentages out of dark smelly places too.

Besides your hyperbole, there are other much better reasons to drop the Ranger… IMO, #1 being that other classes do everything it can a lot better, which is why I dropped it in favor of Ele and Thief. Maybe one day Anet will woo me back, but I doubt any time soon, even with the Druid elite.

50/50 sounds equally hyperbolic. :-) , perhaps it’s true for pvp, oh wait the majority of ppl writing into this sub are also pvpers… :O
Random numbers aside, the moment arena net makes genuinely difficult content where you have to reflex dodge 1 shotting attacks frequently the sword will stop seeing play altogether (in pve). I’m not quite as concerned about this as before, seeing as now we have lots of options, including but not limited to the sinister build in fractals, or the S/A+GS remorseless build. (which relies on the sword much less & you have the option to time your weapon swaps to match certain boss patterns)

Fair enough, I’m still 100% correct that there’s nothing the Ranger can do better than other classes. There’s no need to bring a Ranger into high level fractals over, say, a 3rd ele or 2nd thief or even 2nd or 3rd Warrior or Guard.

Speaking from a PVE-only point of view…

Will we get new Sword auto-attack? (HoT)

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

omgosh all the qq.. Rangers are sad that one of our weapons actually takes skill to use and that we cant just Spam 2 to win? The Horror! Actually sword is perfectly viable. you can dodge within the animations between #3 and #1 AA. Also the #3 attack on sword will break the animation and reposition you. In PvP it is perfectly viable as a weapon. If you are not careful yes you can jump off cliffs but I find that it excels in chasing foes and that random gap closer if you target an enemy on the other side of the room on the Leap skill Hilarious that.

Grow up. The complain is about the clunkiness of the weapon and anyone not seeing it is just blind or accepted his fate.

There are only 2 kinds of people who like the weapon as it currently is:

1. People who like to pretend they are “hella hardcore bruh’!” for sort of having some moderate success with it on a powerbuild.

2. Intentionally disingenuous people who claim it’s great but secretly mean it’s great on a condition build where you use it for dodge spam and repositioning, not for dps’ing the target with the aforementioned auto attack.

I’ll relink what I posted on Reddit:
Guild Wars 2 Ready Up – Episode 3

Lol, that whole “wtf is this guy even talking about?” look the rest of the team has.

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(edited by Substance E.4852)