WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Krys.6015


Hi Everybody ! Create this topic to share our technics/builds/ideas/tricks, but only in WvW environnement !!!!!

Thx !!!

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Don’t even bother. There is nothing you can do in WvW.

1. Your damage is a joke and your shots get evaded 90% of the time by people simply circling you.

2. Your pet is a moron and can’t hit the broad side of a barn. Most classes can outrun the pet or kill it very easy.

3. You are useless while attacking a keep. BECAUSE YOU CANT kittenING SHOOT ARROWS UP. While engineer happily throws grenades up.

4. You are useless in defense because as soon as you stand near the edge some thief pulls you down, standing further back you won’t be able to hit anything because you get Obstructed.

5. Your pet is completely useless in defending keeps. ZERO. NOTHING.

6. You get 2 shot by almost every other class. Sometimes even one shot and that;s wearing full toughness set because medium armour is shiat

I almost forgot.

7. You can’t get away or catch up to any other class, they either have more movement speed, are invisible 90% of the time or teleport with skills that have barely any cooldowns compared to our horn which is our ONLY kittenING movement speed.

8. Not enough stun/lock breakers, we have 1, yeah whooping one. We don’t have any stuns either, just one that lasts for 1sec, hahaha, kitten you anet.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

(edited by Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458)

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Kirito.3591


Don’t even bother. There is nothing you can do in WvW.

1. Your damage is a joke and your shots get evaded 90% of the time by people simply circling you.

2. Your pet is a moron and can’t hit the broad side of a barn. Most classes can outrun the pet or kill it very easy.

3. You are useless while attacking a keep. BECAUSE YOU CANT kittenING SHOOT ARROWS UP. While engineer happily throws grenades up.

4. You are useless in defense because as soon as you stand near the edge some thief pulls you down, standing further back you won’t be able to hit anything because you get Obstructed.

5. Your pet is completely useless in defending keeps. ZERO. NOTHING.

6. You get 2 shot by almost every other class. Sometimes even one shot and that;s wearing full toughness set because medium armour is shiat

I almost forgot.

7. You can’t get away or catch up to any other class, they either have more movement speed, are invisible 90% of the time or teleport with skills that have barely any cooldowns compared to our horn which is our ONLY kittenING movement speed.

8. Not enough stun/lock breakers, we have 1, yeah whooping one. We don’t have any stuns either, just one that lasts for 1sec, hahaha, kitten you anet.

have you tried playing after the patch before posting?

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Swagger.1459


with all things considered, stick to open world pve with your ranger and reroll something more viable for wvw, spvp and dungeons for now.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Swagger.1459


have you tried playing after the patch before posting?

it’s not really necessary, no major needed changes were made to make the ranger more competitive or versatile.

edit- at some point i’m sure rangers will have some major improvements, but that won’t be for a long while.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

(edited by Swagger.1459)

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Cempa.5619


As long as you avoid long bow you are ok for anything other tower defense.

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: urdriel.8496


Ranger does not have enough damage to be competitive in WvWvW , sad, but true all other classes have more dps than you, I rolled a thief and a guardian to play WvWvW.

now, the best Ranged class is Warrior, kill shot (you can 1 shot a thief) and parabolic arrow (7-8k)are really nice skills (sry but i preffer to hit for 10k 1 time than hit 12 times for 1000.

(edited by urdriel.8496)

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: ChillyChinaman.6057


Don’t even bother. There is nothing you can do in WvW.

1. Your damage is a joke and your shots get evaded 90% of the time by people simply circling you.

2. Your pet is a moron and can’t hit the broad side of a barn. Most classes can outrun the pet or kill it very easy.

3. You are useless while attacking a keep. BECAUSE YOU CANT kittenING SHOOT ARROWS UP. While engineer happily throws grenades up.

4. You are useless in defense because as soon as you stand near the edge some thief pulls you down, standing further back you won’t be able to hit anything because you get Obstructed.

5. Your pet is completely useless in defending keeps. ZERO. NOTHING.

6. You get 2 shot by almost every other class. Sometimes even one shot and that;s wearing full toughness set because medium armour is shiat

I almost forgot.

7. You can’t get away or catch up to any other class, they either have more movement speed, are invisible 90% of the time or teleport with skills that have barely any cooldowns compared to our horn which is our ONLY kittenING movement speed.

8. Not enough stun/lock breakers, we have 1, yeah whooping one. We don’t have any stuns either, just one that lasts for 1sec, hahaha, kitten you anet.

1. Won’t say anything about damage, but the patch did a fair bit to alleviate missing.
2. Pets hitting moving targets, especially combined with the Signet of the Hunt buff helped a bit. I will admit they still die easily though.
3. Too bad grenade damage got nerfed 30%.
4. I’m pretty sure what you’re saying is true for everyone standing on the edge of a keep.
5. You can try using the “Guard” shout to teleport your pet to the ground for some shenanigans every 24-30s. I have no real counter to this one though.
6. From reading you’re complaint, this isn’t even a Ranger specific problem, but an Adventurer class problem that Thieves, when out of stealth, and Engineers would have to deal with as well.
7. Post patch, everyone is pretty much the same speed now w/o using perma swiftness builds.
8. I completely agree on this one though. Besides Signet of Renewal and Lightning reflexes we can’t escape stuns. And then those to breaks don’t remove immobilize like some of the other profession’s skills. I will disagree partially about the stuns though. We have 2 that are on moderately popular weapons at the moment, Greatsword and Shortbow. Combined with the Moment of Clarity buff, we can now have 1.5*2=3s of stun if we needed it.

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Volundarhus.7815


I’ve been having a ton of fun swooping into the front portion of a horde, popping immunity and entangle, watching the poor saps that can’t flee melt under team fire as I run back to my own front line.

It’s pretty amazing for pushing. It’s usually about 9/10 times I’ll get away scott free, and If I do die at least 5 of theirs went down and I’ll be getting a ress shortly.

Kamikaze time.

Dragonbrand – Dumaresq
Loch Ness Monster (nnnf)

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Pvp.2758


Don’t even bother. There is nothing you can do in WvW.

1. Your damage is a joke and your shots get evaded 90% of the time by people simply circling you.

2. Your pet is a moron and can’t hit the broad side of a barn. Most classes can outrun the pet or kill it very easy.

3. You are useless while attacking a keep. BECAUSE YOU CANT kittenING SHOOT ARROWS UP. While engineer happily throws grenades up.

4. You are useless in defense because as soon as you stand near the edge some thief pulls you down, standing further back you won’t be able to hit anything because you get Obstructed.

5. Your pet is completely useless in defending keeps. ZERO. NOTHING.

6. You get 2 shot by almost every other class. Sometimes even one shot and that;s wearing full toughness set because medium armour is shiat

I almost forgot.

7. You can’t get away or catch up to any other class, they either have more movement speed, are invisible 90% of the time or teleport with skills that have barely any cooldowns compared to our horn which is our ONLY kittenING movement speed.

8. Not enough stun/lock breakers, we have 1, yeah whooping one. We don’t have any stuns either, just one that lasts for 1sec, hahaha, kitten you anet.

You must be doing it wrong.

S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Jazenn.7526


For going WvW I guess I have a few suggestions. Longbow seems to be a favorite here, for 1500 range and Barrage. Also axe is good for bounce. Pets that give buffs or CC can be useful, but don’t invest too much offensively into them because they are often on the front lines getting zerged on. You have plenty of damage at range, so use that range!

My advice would be to go in with your current build and fix what doesn’t match the playstyle. You can be perfectly useful, despite some opinions.

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: racta.4250


I hate all of you negative nancies. TRY TO PLAY wvwvw before knocking your ranger. Get geared, and actually TRY.

You can be great. We get a lot of great tools for roaming, but you have to get good with all of them before you yourself can become good.

Heres my build:

This build works with lvl 80 exotic gear on. Anything less and you won’t hit hard enough.
Weapons: Bow is for the damage. You have great burst at max range to start with 15% vulnerability. Once they close blast them with rapid fire + pet swap.
Sword is when you get melee on you and you are taking too much damage (AKA you can’t evade around them and keep using the bow.) You have 3 evade abilities and a snare. Also any quickness with the sword #1 (I don’t use autoattack because its imperitive to dodge when you need to) will dominate a caster.

Pets: Wolf is godly for cc. Melee on you? press f2 and evade near the pet, wooo aoe fear. Hound is just as good, but roots instead. They have decent toughness so they won’t die to a gust of wind as long as you are not fighting zerg vs zerg. Use the pet CC and you will be so much better as a player. Don’t be afraid to swap these guys either. The quickness is awesome and so is when the pet comes out and pounces right on somebody. Stuns are rare, you have 2. Awesome. Don’t complain about their speed, with Signet of the hunt and hunters shot, they’ll get to the players unless its a thief full speed running away. In which case your 3k bow shots will finish him off.

Skills: QZ is amazing. Don’t be afraid to blow it for a finisher. Dead opponent is always better than an alive one. Short cooldown = USE IT.
Signet of the hunt: What can i say, its amazing now. So easy to catch up to people, easier to get away, and easier to get around map.
Protect Me: Who cares if your pets alive if you are dead? Sometimes you get rooted and you have people beating on you. Sometimes you need to finish a guy off but he’s kittenstorm of damage. Sometimes a thief is about to pop on you and you don’t want to take any damage. Swap the pet once he’s low. Really though, it kills the pet but you don’t die. Alive you > alive pet, EVERY TIME.
RaO: Stability, swiftness, fury. For a long time. Yes please, a lot of roaming fights are decided before RaO wears off. Fury gives me 55% crit chance. Crits are an extra 2k on my long range shots.

Traits: Marks for the plus to power. Range on longbow is nice, fury and might when the pet gets to 50% is also nice. Opening strike is awesome in roaming fights and keep defense for blasting one guy down super quick with a partner.
Skirmish is for the crit. Flanking is great for when they run away and your hitting them for stupid amounts of damage. Pets critting harder helps make the pet worth more than just CC. I see my dogs critting for 1.5-2k regularly. Vigor always helps rangers. Evading is good, remember that. Learning how and when to evade is the single greatest thing you can learn in GW2. I’m not kidding.
Wilderness: This boosts your survival. End regen, protection when you roll are self explanatory, see above comments on evading. The traits are for defense. Stealth is marginally useful. When coupled with shared anguish it becomes great. Also great for finishing since that first CC is ignored so you can finish stomping.

Sigils/Runes are too your taste. I run Knights gear, Valk jewelry, and a couple zerkers added in. I was a little bit short on health and wanted a higher crit damage, so I went Wurm. Chilling on weapons is always good especially as a bow ranger. Plus people run away all the time in WvWvW, chilling them ends that quickly.

That is my build. It’s not for everyone but it plays as an archer and can be really good. I don’t claim to be the best ranger ever but I do very well in small fights. I implore all rangers: Stop whining and try to get better. Especially in WvWvW. We have the tools, great ranged damage, great finishing abilities, good damage. Just TRY before you die once and write off the class because of what people write on these forums. We are not broken and we are not even close to bad.

[Bush] – Dragonbrand

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Don’t even bother. There is nothing you can do in WvW.

1. Your damage is a joke and your shots get evaded 90% of the time by people simply circling you.

2. Your pet is a moron and can’t hit the broad side of a barn. Most classes can outrun the pet or kill it very easy.

3. You are useless while attacking a keep. BECAUSE YOU CANT kittenING SHOOT ARROWS UP. While engineer happily throws grenades up.

4. You are useless in defense because as soon as you stand near the edge some thief pulls you down, standing further back you won’t be able to hit anything because you get Obstructed.

5. Your pet is completely useless in defending keeps. ZERO. NOTHING.

6. You get 2 shot by almost every other class. Sometimes even one shot and that;s wearing full toughness set because medium armour is shiat

I almost forgot.

7. You can’t get away or catch up to any other class, they either have more movement speed, are invisible 90% of the time or teleport with skills that have barely any cooldowns compared to our horn which is our ONLY kittenING movement speed.

8. Not enough stun/lock breakers, we have 1, yeah whooping one. We don’t have any stuns either, just one that lasts for 1sec, hahaha, kitten you anet.

1. Bows yes, Melee No, My damage isn’t crap either.

2. My pet can hit targets just fine, Outrunning it depends, with that new Signet up, only like Mesmer and Thief can really manage it.

3. You can shoot arrows up, never had trouble with this…I would recommend Glass Cannon if you’re zerg humping keeps though

4. Don’t stand where you can be pulled down? Damage Wise it’s not terrible, Barrage with Berserker set is a lot of damage.

5. This is pretty much true, You can use it for Protect me if zerg humping, Maybe that Guard Talent could be of use..I don’t zerg hump much anymore so i’ve not really played with it.

6. Not True… I tank pretty good against 1 to 2 targets, After that though I get mowed down usually.

7. Signet is pretty good now, Horn was always a good way to escape fights… I can actually do fairly decently kiting now if I run that Signet.

8. We have 2, One is Lightning Reflexes which is an amazing Stun Breaker, the other is Signer of Renewel which is not bad either (needs signet cooldown reduction though) We also have some of the best condition removal in the game in regards to Empathetic Bond.

In closing, You sound like you just have trouble with the class, Maybe its not for you.. I don’t have most of the troubles you described though.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: jvang.1387


Honestly in WvW you stick to a zerg. Go longbow and speck into marksman so you have have range of 1500 and support the zerg from far back.

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: zetherin.8372


Don’t even bother. There is nothing you can do in WvW.

1. Your damage is a joke and your shots get evaded 90% of the time by people simply circling you.

2. Your pet is a moron and can’t hit the broad side of a barn. Most classes can outrun the pet or kill it very easy.

3. You are useless while attacking a keep. BECAUSE YOU CANT kittenING SHOOT ARROWS UP. While engineer happily throws grenades up.

4. You are useless in defense because as soon as you stand near the edge some thief pulls you down, standing further back you won’t be able to hit anything because you get Obstructed.

5. Your pet is completely useless in defending keeps. ZERO. NOTHING.

6. You get 2 shot by almost every other class. Sometimes even one shot and that;s wearing full toughness set because medium armour is shiat

I almost forgot.

7. You can’t get away or catch up to any other class, they either have more movement speed, are invisible 90% of the time or teleport with skills that have barely any cooldowns compared to our horn which is our ONLY kittenING movement speed.

8. Not enough stun/lock breakers, we have 1, yeah whooping one. We don’t have any stuns either, just one that lasts for 1sec, hahaha, kitten you anet.

1. Won’t say anything about damage, but the patch did a fair bit to alleviate missing.
2. Pets hitting moving targets, especially combined with the Signet of the Hunt buff helped a bit. I will admit they still die easily though.
3. Too bad grenade damage got nerfed 30%.
4. I’m pretty sure what you’re saying is true for everyone standing on the edge of a keep.
5. You can try using the “Guard” shout to teleport your pet to the ground for some shenanigans every 24-30s. I have no real counter to this one though.
6. From reading you’re complaint, this isn’t even a Ranger specific problem, but an Adventurer class problem that Thieves, when out of stealth, and Engineers would have to deal with as well.
7. Post patch, everyone is pretty much the same speed now w/o using perma swiftness builds.
8. I completely agree on this one though. Besides Signet of Renewal and Lightning reflexes we can’t escape stuns. And then those to breaks don’t remove immobilize like some of the other profession’s skills. I will disagree partially about the stuns though. We have 2 that are on moderately popular weapons at the moment, Greatsword and Shortbow. Combined with the Moment of Clarity buff, we can now have 1.5*2=3s of stun if we needed it.

In your #6, you forgot that ele’s are crazy squishy as well. And for #8, the shortbow stun is a conditional stun. If you’re fighting someone and they’re attacking you back, you probably can’t get behind them or to the side of them very easily.

WvW New Ranger / Share your builds/ideas !!!

in Ranger

Posted by: ninjambo.3784


I play WvW every day on my Ranger and all I can say is that people QQing about how rangers are useless are just simply doing it wrong. I was viable before, and now after the patch I am more than happy, and theres still more to come.

I run longbow/shortbow and canine pets (Wolf,Hyena). Now that pets can hit moving targets and arrows are faster, my build is way better. With opening strikes you can start off the fight with 20 vulnerability on your enemy, more than any other class. And even better is that you can ALWAYS have 10 vulnerability on your target. I use SOTH to keep 25% movement speed so I can chase down and keep distance from enemies much easier and dont have to worry about swiftness since the difference is only 8 percent now. Basically keep your target at distance with longbow knockdown, canine f2/knockdowns, and skills that cause cripple. I personally like to have my health bar at 18k, and try to have around 40 percent crit chance.

In EVERY build I’ve tried I always pick 5 points in BM for the 2 seconds of quickness every 20 seconds. This is great because you can have quickness on EVERY longbow 2 skill if you do it right. This is usually 1/3 to 2/3 of the enemies health when combined with the vulnerability and pet attacking.

When defending or assaulting a tower, 5 on longbow is your best friend. People will back up on the wall for a while when they see crippling arrows falling from the sky onto their head, and when defending it will back atleast half the defenders off your gate for a little, small but still plays a big role when with other people.

When an enemy with really high DPS like warrior or thief is attacking me, I dodge, then use 3 on shortbow, Lightning reflexes, dodge, switch weapons(sigil of energy for 50 percent refill on dodge) dodge again. That is 5 dodges in a row, if you practice with this u can evade 90 percent of an enemies damage, which is INSANE when dueling enemies. After I’ve evaded all their cooldown attacks I use 4 on longbow, then AOE fear with wolf, then 3,2 and switch to shortbow to finish them off.

Rangers are great, you just have to know how to play them. QQing on the forums until we are OP is not a good idea because you know what happens when a class gets OP, they get nerfed right back into the ground and cycle restarts. Welcome to MMORPGs…

Stawker / Lord Stawk
Founder and former Guild Leader of [RET] Reticle
Current Guild Leader of [BLNT] Better Luck Next Time