WvW Power ranger vs Warrior

WvW Power ranger vs Warrior

in Ranger

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Using burst tank build and can’t prevail against GS/axe warriors…can more easily win against eles, engi, necros or thieves than this warrior build.

Any tips?

WvW Power ranger vs Warrior

in Ranger

Posted by: Shirk.6421


I guess you’re running LB/GS? S/D is our best positioning weaponset, the poison also cuts their healing signet. The most important thing is dodging in the right moment. Warriors have very obvious animations. DON’T dodge randomly. You need to use the dodges for eviscerates, hundred blades, shield stun and the 5 on their GS, which also deals quite a lot of damage. When I play against warriors maybe 1 of 10 eviscerates actually hit me. Make use of their animations. This is actually a quite old video of my gameplay where I am actually dodging randomly (shame on me) but just watch a bit and see how much damage you can avoid by dodging in the right moment. https://youtu.be/HBZ9Z1qVYg0?t=10m39s Maybe it helps a little bit^^

(edited by Shirk.6421)

WvW Power ranger vs Warrior

in Ranger

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


Using burst tank build…

Wut? o.O

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF

WvW Power ranger vs Warrior

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Playing on lowest character model settings removes the animations.

WvW Power ranger vs Warrior

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


Using burst tank build…

Wut? o.O

Yeah… Burst tank isn’t very descriptive. Can you post your actual build? Warriors in WvW shouldn’t be a problem with all the room you have to kite around.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

WvW Power ranger vs Warrior

in Ranger

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Tried to use this build

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATBnUqANsg1CCctgh/gaf9FIA+0o4H+ufrhZ4ijKKC-TVSEABvo+TN7P0rSIAuAA+pEcJlCRpsgNdBYpEhMA9bB-w but no good results 1vs1 except vs eles, necro, engie and other rangers

Wars always beat me on this build and against thieves it may go both ways

I have to switch to stealth trapper ( fire/spike trap ) to kill thieves, mesmers and warriors meh…

P.S the eagle pet is used to spam weakness, the loss of dmg respect to owl is not that terrible thx to bleed

WvW Power ranger vs Warrior

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


How do you deal with condis? Because lattely i only see condi glass canon builds around, and it the RNG cleanse and so low HP… How can you manage?

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

WvW Power ranger vs Warrior

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Your build while abit strange, looks solid enough to handle all warriors builds.
Just one tip, check that the warrior has no stability/resistance and berserk mode before using pet taunt ability. Good taunt use alone can do the work for you.

WvW Power ranger vs Warrior

in Ranger

Posted by: Supreme.3164


How do you deal with condis? Because lattely i only see condi glass canon builds around, and it the RNG cleanse and so low HP… How can you manage?

I use -36% condi duration food and “heal as one” to keep my life up, I may run SoR and use it in extreme cases but more than anything I dodge/block the big hit skills from condi classes; I can 1vs1 a necro condi/power without wasting a single dodge ^^ and eles( the ones I met so far) get beaten down quite easily

WvW Power ranger vs Warrior

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


hmmm I love remorseless but it’s not really doing your build any good. You might want to consider dropping the marksmanship line for skirmishing and picking up quickdraw. Doubling up on swoop and hunter’s shot will make it a lot easier to kite them around. You could also run refined toxins over shared anguish to cut their healing down.

I’d also be running lightning reflexes for that 3rd utility, that is the one skill that never leaves my bar. The gap opener plus vigor will serve you a lot better than “protect me” ever will.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended