WvW build

WvW build

in Ranger

Posted by: Pelopidas.2140


So i made this build, mainly roaming for wvw…im not a pro with ranger so im asking for advice from the forum pros :P

link: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMMQRAnf8YnAVUXZbFaBhaZgo9ITmHTMFGyROFoy/Fs5B-jECBINDimWAiiAgwI0ZSFRjtGsIasKZER1KlYCBcaBA-w

(edited by Pelopidas.2140)

WvW build

in Ranger

Posted by: Liberater.3047


Seeing as you only have 10 in NM I’d suggest replacing some of the Apocs gear with some Dire you’ll need the vitality to handle more conditions. Healing power is nice but I dont think you really need 1500 try dropping it down to around 1100 or even 800 that should give you a nice bit of regeneration and a nice health pool.

WvW build

in Ranger

Posted by: Pelopidas.2140


epic fail, link was wrong, first post now edited. sorry !

WvW build

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

If you are doing well with this then you will do even better with the dire/apoth regen build. If you are going to bring traps with the trait then you really should be running spike. both flame and viper’s are superfluous when you have s/d and a torch since both poison and burning only stack duration and the weapon combo with offhand training allows for long applications against a single target of both conditions.

The regen build also has the added benefit of perma swiftness which helps out on those big BL maps.

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WvW build

in Ranger

Posted by: Pelopidas.2140


Hmm thx for the input, yeah spike trap is a must
perma swiftness why? from ’’Guard’’ shout ?
yeah ill probably try a mix apoth/dire, i think its more sustain less dmg..at what point does heal power make a difference ? 400-500 ?

WvW build

in Ranger

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


It looks like you are hovering between 2 builds.. I’d either take 10 points out of NM and into skirmishing so you can get the second trap trait (which is important if you want to run 2 traps) and you’ll be in a pretty solid trap build, or do as Substance is suggesting and go for a shout regen build which would involve losing the traps, traiting 10 more into NM and then swaping your rabid weapons for apothecary.

But generally you seem to be on the right lines.. One thing I do like about rangers is there is some room to fiddle with your build to make it work how you want, there are many variations of condition/bunker/regen/trap/shout/BM builds which all essentially are alone the same lines.. so just try different utilities and traits and see which suits you. Just take 30 into WS are you’re set to try anything :P

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold