WvW support build zerg/havoc teams
hey ayden. swiftness and regen are such weak boons, especially without full cleric gear. i just dont see them making a difference. WH + HS is amazing now though. if ure gonna go the condi cleansing route, id just put some points into spirits and go SoR/MT/Stone Spirit/SoN, in addition to brown bear for the condi cleanse. spirit CD’s got reduced and you can get a new one up every 25s. SoN every 2 mins if the first one lives!
i tried playing ranger as support before, even made a top-rated reddit guide about it. but unlike staff ele and cleric guard, i didnt find my support abilities mattered at all. no stability/protection/might, no big on-demand heals, and no hard cc =(
off-topic: check out my valkyrie build im working on. if youre gonna hang out with zergs, might as well do a load of damage and kinda live most of the time.
(edited by mistsim.2748)
i tried playing ranger as support before, even made a top-rated reddit guide about it. but unlike staff ele and cleric guard, i didnt find my support abilities mattered at all. no stability/protection/might, no big on-demand heals, and no hard cc =(
I feel the same way in zergs but in small teams I feel a bit more useful
off-topic: check out my valkyrie build im working on. if youre gonna hang out with zergs, might as well do a load of damage and kinda live most of the time.
I would run this spec if I wasn’t having to deal with the megablobs of tier 1
Yet, I made a similar build late month using Valkyrie pieces as well:
im thinking with the 30 secs of stability, SoS invulnerability, sword evade and disengage, and hunter’s shot, we shouldnt be too bad off. +20% damage when flanking. im in JQ myself. in tier 1, it’s all about damage damage damage. and stability.
when or if they fix muddy terrain, i’ll likely be back on my sentinel build, but right now MT is just inadequate.
Whats the problem with MT if I might ask?
it works on only 3 targets instead of 5. that includes the initial immobilize, and the pulsing cripple
Whats the problem with MT if I might ask?
Muddy Terrain used to hit 5 targets and now its 3, which is a bug or stealth nerf. This is one of the only skills in WvW that make Rangers useful and not fixing or talking us the deal with this skill just puts us in a worst position we are already in for WvW.
just keep submitting bug reports. i think they rarely read class forums.
I didnt know that … good to know.
One other question: Would it make sense to use Runes of Altruism with Natures voice + traited ‘Guard’? together with Warhorn that would add up to 31 secs of might and 26 secs of fury. That doesnt sound too bad to me? Combined with a fixed MT + Entangle you could provide decent CC as well as constant boon support.
(I think its pretty important to pump out boons DURING combat, not only in the might stacking phase before.)