WvW vs mesmer

WvW vs mesmer

in Ranger

Posted by: nacario.9417


Been doing some WvW and I seem to struggle vs the condi mesmer due to high stealth uptime. Ive tried different variants of the power longbow/gs, but If I dont burst him down during his stealth cd/reflect/invul, then he seemes to rotate and outlast me. Anyone else tried different power variants with some success?

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

WvW vs mesmer

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Memers get lots of heat in the pvp/wvw forums, i dont play a mesmer so icant tell for sure but meny palyes say they have several broken builds atm and they can abuse the the condi spam which already been anounced to be “abit to pwerful”. Best way to fight a broken builds is with another broken build. Watch the other topics on ranger forum for exploits, we have several of them ATM.

WvW vs mesmer

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I played nothing but condi mesmer in WvW for a few weeks recently just to learn skill rotations and stuff. What I learned is I am ridiculously vulnerable most of the time, but people just don’t realize it. Like I’ll be completely out of cooldowns and people will run off to attack a clone they should definitely know is not me.

Keeping track of the real mesmer and then messing up his skill rotation is key (i.e. there is no way he should ever get mass invis off if he isn’t already stealthed).

Beastly Warden can taunt a mesmer out of stealth. It’s an instantaneous, so use it on a melee pet right when he stealths and you know where he is.

Also with the new resounding timbre trait, sic ‘em is a totally viable skill now. I’ve been annihilating thieves and mesmers lately… talk about messing up a skill rotation. It’s hysterical to watch thieves stand in their shadow refuges while completely visible, it’s like someone who thinks they have an invisibility superpower walking around town naked.

I’m sure you’ve noticed the new reflect on dodge trait mesmers get. That’s pretty nasty for a LB user.

WvW vs mesmer

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


Condition mesmers probably the strongest build right now for roaming.

1. The conditions + survivability on mesmers is ridiculous.
2. Mesmers mobility is not something to be laughed at anymore. Teleports are instant cast and were not affected by the changes done to movement skills. I was able to catch up to a FGS ele the other night with my mesmer.
3. Condition Mesmers hardcounter rangers, regardless if you’re glass LB or condition bunker.

WvW vs mesmer

in Ranger

Posted by: Klonko.8341


Condition mesmers probably the strongest build right now for roaming.

1. The conditions + survivability on mesmers is ridiculous.
2. Mesmers mobility is not something to be laughed at anymore. Teleports are instant cast and were not affected by the changes done to movement skills. I was able to catch up to a FGS ele the other night with my mesmer.
3. Condition Mesmers hardcounter rangers, regardless if you’re glass LB or condition bunker.

I dont know about all these condi-mesmer QQ, I always beaten them with my double melee glassy spec (it takes sometime because they run). On the other hand, power mesmer of any sort destroy me… Mesmer this patch are cancer lol.

Raining Rainbows lvl 80 ranger ~~~~~ SBI server

WvW vs mesmer

in Ranger

Posted by: MattyP.6954


Mesmers have always annoyed me, but right now my biggest issue is with power/burst variants. With the survival line, I can cleanse almost constantly, but I was dueling with a Power Mesmer, got him down to 1/3 health after he burned his heal, and he cleared 70% of my health in a matter of seconds.

It’s probably a LtP issue on my part, though. Every build has a counter, after all.

Server — Fort Aspenwood
Mains — Mathias of the Wood [Ranger]; Collaborator Bluatt [Engineer]
Alts — Necromancer, Warrior, Elementalist

WvW vs mesmer

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


If anybody can post a video of them beating a decent condition mesmers on a ranger…