Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zezyze.5978


What are your choices of weapons?
I feel that there are definitely many interesting variations to choose from.
I go with Longbow and GS.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Axe/axe – SB.ppl may dont know that the 5 in axe offhand is a very good defensive skill..i focus in pet dmg,i stay close with these weapons and do some cc on enemy while my pet (Jaguar) stealth nuke em.I mean like 3k dmg each hit while its stealthed.Y sure,Rangers need rifles killshot

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: tofus.4751


For WvW I usually run SB and Axe/Warhorn, or sometimes I change build for 1500 range and run LB and Axe / Warhorn. For PVE its either SB and Axe / Warhorn or GS and Axe / Warhorn.

I never leave the saftey of a town without the Axe / Warhorn.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Focksbot.6798


Twin axes and shortbow/longbow (depending on the area).

Twin axes rocks.:

  • Winter’s Bite applies two conditions in quick succession.
  • Ricochet and Splitblade are great when you have multiple mobs closing in on you, or want to charge headlong into a battle already underway.
  • Path of Scars, in conjunction with the others, lets you put out eight or nine solid hits on a group of three enemies in a couple of seconds.
  • Whirling Defence weakens multiple melee enemies while reflecting projectiles – brilliant when you have a couple of mobs on top of you supported by multiple arches.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Pyrial.2917


Axe/Torch and shortbow. Spider and wolf pets very fun to play and durable in spvp.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Da Poolp.6809

Da Poolp.6809

GS/LB for PvE and WvW, GS/SB for sPvP.
Maybe I’ll use Sword/Axe if they fix the #1 of 1H sword.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Loki.4871


Greatsword and either shortbow/dual axes. I like to get into the scrum, and if things dicey you can back off, keep a safe distance from a melee foe and heal/wait for an opportunity to dive back in.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: iBlasiannn.4279


In PvE I use my shortbow and axe/warhorn. My axe has the stacked power sigil so it give’s me a good boost when farming. Shorbow is for single enemies. In WvW I use the shortbow, axe/warhorn, and longbow. shortbow and axe/warhorn for small group "missions’ and mobility. I use the longbow when we are attacking or defending a camp/keep/point to control the enemy.

Februaryy – That one thief on Blackgate
Januarry – I play Ele sometimes because I hate my existence
[oPP] – Over Powered People

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: tarnin.1690


I’ve been doing a lot of hotjoin sPvP. sb and axe/warhorn seems to be doing the best for me. No clue for WvW or tPvP. I used to do sb/lb but i find the axe/warhorn give a lot more options on the small maps.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrys.7145


in SpVP I find axe/warhorn a must. Why I need to get max toughness power and health on other items leaving crit low. Have to deal with burst thief warrior potential.

So Axe/warhorn becomes a must to augment power and crit. Thankfully it’s available.

Arrys Shaikin
A whittling ranger becomes viable by forcing his opponent to whittle

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


I’ve been using longbow/shortbow. Two of the “worst” weapons according to the Ranger forum warriors. Guess what? It’s awesome.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: FeyChey.1896


I love the ranger greatsword. Pretty much my staple with axe/warhorn for my spirit build Yes it sucks but I love it.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Laef.4519


In pvp I currently use axe/torch and sword/dagger, I find it a lot of fun with all the dodges and conditions. In pve I use longbow/gs or longbow/sword&horn.
I dont like the look (too small) or the sounds (pew, pew, pew..) of the shortbow otherwise I maybe would have used that..

Oops! Google Chrome could not find

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dallason.7859


For pvp I’m using axe/torch and sword/warhorn. Mainly a condition damage build. Many people seem to forget that bleeds aren’t the only condition we have available and with the carrion amulet you can do a ton of burning damage.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryoki Hokishami.2756

Ryoki Hokishami.2756

GS/ Sword and Torch. I absolutely love it. my utilities are Sharpening stone, Quickening Zephyr, and either Spike trap (most PVE) or signet of stone (PVP/ Dungeons). I can melee almost anything, and GS is highly underrated as a condition spreading weapon. It fills the bill perfectly. Maul+Sharpening stone+ Spike Trap+ Entangle= 15 bleeds on all enemies in your area.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i use sword /warhorn with auto attack turned off to eliminate the root and GS i have nigh survivability and i am always next to my pet for abilities such as signet of renewal and protect me, auto evade and lots of dodges, and decent enough direct damage so i can pretty much kill anything 1v1 and survive long enough against folks to save the node against more than 1

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Apophis.8561


shortbow / axe+warhorn → trap condi build. very, very good build i recommend it

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Skolvikings.5132


I leveled using shortbow & axe/horn. Yesterday, I finally gave sword/horn a serious try. Oh my gosh was it fun! It was a little challenging running solo in Cursed Shore because I haven’t quite figured out how to kite with a sword. But whenever I could lay down some CC, or while playing in groups, the sword seemed to melt the mobs. QZ + sword is truly amazing.

The only thing I don’t like about the sword is the #1 skill’s leap which sometimes triggers as the targeted mob dies, and you leap out of the fray and have to turn around and head back.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: War Siren.2346

War Siren.2346

Greatsword as a main weapon, Axe/axe for ranged, gap closing, and range defense.

With the right build the synergy on these weapons are absolutely brutal…. But a lot of Rangers refuse to think outside the box and just want bows, which there is nothing wrong with that, and bows do need some love.. But being essentially a Barbarian with a companion is my way to play.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: kitai.7638


ok i dont have a ranger yet so this is pure theory but i’m seeing alot of axe/warhorn combinations but no one is using axe/torch? i would think the skill 5 fire field would make an awesome setup for axe and shortbow? or am i missing something

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Melchior.2135


I honestly carry one of everything (and two Axes). I most often keep Greatsword in weapon slot one, and Axe/Axe, Axe/Warhorn or Shortbow in slot two. I’ve been playing with Longbow and Axe/Torch lately just for variety (and easy Burning combo fields). I’ve never really got a feel for Sword or Dagger, but I still carry around a set because inventory space is plentiful and I never know when the mood will strike. This is mainly for PvE. I don’t enjoy PvP when I have to rely on Pet AI as such a major part of my class.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Electro.4173


I do as above, carry one of every single usable weapon on my person and switch off between them periodically. Keeps it interesting that way. And considering that I’m planning on building my character based on full Beastmastery and probably a split of Survival and Nature Magic to supplement, I’ll probably continue to do so since I won’t really have any traits centered around any weapon in particular.

But my favorite weapons are Axe / Warhorn, Sword / Torch, and Greatsword (and as for specific 2 set configs, usually A/W and one of the two melee options, with S/T probably the highest).

Axe / Warhorn would probably be considered my main weapon period, since its the one that best supports my pet. Call of the Wild buffs my pet as well (wish it had a bit more range though, so I could stay closer to max Axe range and still catch the pet with the buff), and Winter’s Bite’s secondary function to let my pet apply weakness is very useful for helping my pet tank.

Sword / Torch has a nice flow to it, the two weapons work quite well together. I love throwing down a Fire field with Torch 5, then jumping out with Monarch’s Leap, hit them with Torch Throw while at range, and then jump back in, nabbing a Leap combo finisher and getting a Fire Aura. Using a Frost or Poison trap lets me do the combo again without waiting for the long cooldown on Torch 5. Though the final combo field hit doesn’t work too well against fast attacking / highly mobile enemies.

My liking Greatsword is probably largely style. I just love the visuals on the 2 and 3 skills, they’re amazingly fitting for Ranger. Makes me wish the other half of the Greatsword attacks were equally “Rangerish” (and the same can be said about the majority of the other Ranger weapon skills, seems like they had this great idea of animal-inspired attacks, got a few weapons like the Sword and Warhorn done, and then just gave up with the rest of them, which is a shame). The moveset itself isn’t terrible or anything, but nothing about it is amazingly fun or effective, just the visuals are so good.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Actracts.1389


Long Bow as my main. Axe/Axe as my melee and mob control. IMO, I think the Axe/Axe combo skill tree is a good middle ground meeting for the LB and SB. Axe/Axe has good range, while being able to cause condition, a dual attack move, and a hell of a “Oh Kitten” skill five when you’re surrounded by mobs! Add on to traps and sigs and a good pair of pets, I rarely ever get pwn by anything under Champions (save for underwater).

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Himei.5379


I was a Condition Shortbow/Axe/Warhorn before the animation fix but now I’ve changed to a Shortbow/Greatsword set. Only thing I miss is the speed buff from warhorn, makes traveling through a map easier. My gear is now towards pow/crit/toughness. I’m loving the change, my greatsword has toughness as main stat and I always had 20 trait points in WS before the SB fix so it just fits. I have yet to pick up or make a Knight Exotic top but once I do, it’s going to be fun. Im full Berkerker gear with soon Knight Top with pow/prec/toughness for accessories.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sabyne.6329


I’m still leveling but I use sword/axe and shortbow and I love it for the moment.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


I’m now going SB/ Axe + Warhorn for WvW. Really really effective and refreshing to play more of a skirmisher

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Leviatana.8107


Didn’t they remove the reflective part of the offhand axe? Anyhow my current setup is

Greatsword and Axe/Warhorn. Unlike the sword the greatsword allows me to circle around the mob and use my skills wisely while giving me the ability to dodge roll whenever i wish to do so. I use my Warhorn to buff myself and the group for 20 seconds. The axe is nice to keep my distance for awhile while still being part of the fight.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Paradox.5498


I leveled mostly axe/warhorn + longbow, but recently I mainly play axe/torch because of the burn combo possibilities. I only switch to longbow now when I want to make sure I only hit 1 target or on larger boss fights.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: bri.2359


Level 80 now, and mainly PvE, so Longbow/Greatsword for me.

I carry around everything else I can use. When I start doing dungeons, I’ll probably be swapping the other weapons around like crazy …

Lvl 80’s: Ranger; Guardian; Mesmer; Necromancer; Thief
Gandara Megaserver

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


I use sword/torch, greatsword, and shortbow. Once I get the trait that allows traps to be ground-targeted, I’ll likely start using longbow more. Sword is a great weapon if you want to lock down an opponent, but it has to be used quite differently than other weapons since your mobility comes from the weapon skills, rather than from running around / dodging (the auto-attack skill on the sword sort of locks you in place if you don’t time things right).

I’ve found that I can be dramatically more effective when making use of my combos…laying down fire with a trap or the torch, then doing the sword/greatsword leap attacks or shooting through it (and also several pets will do a combo in the field as well) does great things for my damage. Then I use the regen field that’s also great for combos with range.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


For PvE i usually use SB + Sword/Horn full berseker gear.
As for WvW Longbow + Sword/Horn full berseker gear.

I tried condition builds but i didn’t like them, they felt pretty weak and doesn’t fit well other than solo playing because condition’s stacks are quite limited, not to mention that there is no Rabid exotic jewerly which is lame.

Also greatsword is quite useless, a single sword brings you much more damage and survivality, but you need to use it well or it can give you some problems.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


@Fozzik, Unfortunately targettable traps have a reallllly crap range, 600 range /:

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: ControllerJacobs.2843


Shortbow and Sword/Torch

Gives me a lot of Condition damage and defense. I was using Longbow, but the Shortbow has more condition damage and the Longbow#5 is a little too narrow in utility for me (particularly because it’s self-rooting).

I’ve also found shortbow works a little better than the Longbow with the pet. If I’m in close and use the 3/4, my target frequently switches focus to my pet.

(edited by ControllerJacobs.2843)

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: khadorian.6417


I use shortbow, greatsword and traps.

Iv been thinking about axe/horn vs greatsword.

The axe/horn is probably better but i like having some melee and 2hand sword feels like a more survivable option.

<a href="">My WvW Necro power build</a>

(edited by khadorian.6417)

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


Greatsword is actually a one of the better weapons for a defensively oriented Ranger.

Also, besides the QZ issue, shortbow is still an awesome weapon.

(edited by Moderator)

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


Greatsword is actually a one of the better weapons for a defensively oriented Ranger.

Also, besides the QZ issue, shortbow is still an awesome weapon.

And what’s a defensive GS ranger supposed to do? The GS damage is beyond bad, and there are far better options for a defensive play that don’t need to rely on a tricky evade on the autoattack and a semi useless block. If i played defensive i would honestly use sword/axe or even dagger…but surely not a GS. I don’t see the purpose of GS on ranger…it just doesn’t bring anything to the table.

QZ is still amazing, not for SB tho, i usually use it on my Longbow or 1h Sword.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


Greatsword is actually a one of the better weapons for a defensively oriented Ranger.

Also, besides the QZ issue, shortbow is still an awesome weapon.

And what’s a defensive GS ranger supposed to do? The GS damage is beyond bad, and there are far better options for a defensive play that don’t need to rely on a tricky evade on the autoattack and a semi useless block. If i played defensive i would honestly use sword/axe or even dagger…but surely not a GS. I don’t see the purpose of GS on ranger…it just doesn’t bring anything to the table.

QZ is still amazing, not for SB tho, i usually use it on my Longbow or 1h Sword.

The greatsword provides a lot of mobility and defensive tools. It’s actually really good with a trap build. The problem is that most people want to play Rangers as an in your face melee profession, which we are not. The greatsword requires movement, not static fighting.

It’s a different playstyle than a Guardian or Warrior greatsword. Once you figure it out, it’s a pretty good weapon.

I was referring to QZ specifically with the shortbow. I know QZ is awesome. I use it in almost every build.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


i dont use any type of bow,

i carry axe/torch, sword/warhorn

full condition build + traps

and it felt like im producing more DPS in in this setup

specially when battling a mob, bouncing fire axes

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


The greatsword provides a lot of mobility and defensive tools. It’s actually really good with a trap build. The problem is that most people want to play Rangers as an in your face melee profession, which we are not. The greatsword requires movement, not static fighting.

It’s a different playstyle than a Guardian or Warrior greatsword. Once you figure it out, it’s a pretty good weapon.

I was referring to QZ specifically with the shortbow. I know QZ is awesome. I use it in almost every build.

A lot of movility with GS? sure you will go around your target throwing traps and what else, but you are better of doing the same with other weapons, i still fail to see how a GS ranger will do better with a mediocre weapon that really has no use other than the evade on autoattack which is quite random. Maybe i played it wrong, but i tested it for about 2 weeks and i found GS the second most weak weapon the ranger has the first one beind main hand axe. I still believe sword has more movility despite the fact that it roots you, but the second and third skill are amazing and have really low cooldown.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chesire.9043


SB/LB combo here for all three aspects of the game. Not level 80 yet, but I feel sorry for people in WvW when I get there and get my gear up to par.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Leviatana.8107



Having tested out all weapons my taste goes mainly to the greatsword mainly due to the close melee ranged and mobility it adds. I agree the sword has some nice ways to make a distance and evades like the hornet leap and serpent strike but I don’t like this rooted feeling it gives. If you add a dagger offhand to this you have another evade even which I did try out for awhile to see how it worked but I cannot say I’m a fan of these two weapons (sword and dagger).

When I’m running with the greatsword the third followup on the autoattack Power Stab let’s you evade a rapid attack, you have a daze and a block(with knockback followup) available to you. Perhaps a personal taste but I prefer this over a sword due to the fact I can still move around unless I activate my block counter but then you know something big is coming your way anyway.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


That’s just personal taste as you pointed out Leviatana, just as how i like a spirit build but at the same time is not as effective as any other build (it’s not even effective hehe)

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


If you build around the greatsword for damage, it kind of stinks. If you use the greatsword as the utility weapon that it is, it’s a really nice weapon.

You have the built in evade, a block, and a daze (or stun) as Leviatana said. What didn’t get mentioned is that Swoop gives you amazing mobility every 10 to 12 seconds. You can move 1,100 units in the blink of an eye. That will put you WAY outside of melee range and just a few steps from being outside of the range of almost every other profession. From there you can swap to your other set for swiftness, lay traps while you’re moving, and still be doing ranged damage to your foe trying to get back into melee range.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


You can do the same (better actually) move to get away with a sword, and has shorter cooldown than GS, which makes it much better for what you seem to use the GS (traps, block and run away).
What you didn’t notice is that not all classes are melee, most of the classes won’t give a crap that you are at range because they will still hit you, and if you melee with GS you do lower damage and take the same or even more hits.
Also a big thing to take into consideration, is that a few debuffs make that escape skill useless and you will barely move.

If someone likes GS is purely a matter of taste, not really utility. I used to do the same you described with my GS while i tested it, and found sword/horn much better for the same purpose, and brings you another ranged skill and a must have buff for all kind of situations. What i also found is that sword is amazing when paired with QZ, attacks faster and hits harder than GS, so it’s a double edge weapon…it can melt people in those 4 seconds just like shortbow did before the nerf.

(edited by Sleepy.2647)

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


Uh, what? Sword has NO block, it has NO daze or stun, it has ONE evade on a 15 second cool down, and it has a leap that’s on an eight second cool down, but is only 400 units. It’s an entirely different weapon and doesn’t have nearly as much utility or mobility as the greatsword.

You fail to grasp the function of the greatsword. I can tell because you keep talking about fighting in melee with it. It’s not for fighting in melee. It’s for surviving until you can get into a more advantageous position. Which is kind of the point of the Ranger class in general.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ageia.5843


I like range, so I go with a Longbow/Short bow combo. Sounds odd, I’m sure, but it works for me.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


I like range, so I go with a Longbow/Short bow combo. Sounds odd, I’m sure, but it works for me.

I beg you to ditch the LB and have a go with Axe + Warhorn / SB ^^

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


Uh, what? Sword has NO block, it has NO daze or stun, it has ONE evade on a 15 second cool down, and it has a leap that’s on an eight second cool down, but is only 400 units. It’s an entirely different weapon and doesn’t have nearly as much utility or mobility as the greatsword.

You fail to grasp the function of the greatsword. I can tell because you keep talking about fighting in melee with it. It’s not for fighting in melee. It’s for surviving until you can get into a more advantageous position. Which is kind of the point of the Ranger class in general.

Sword leap covers more range than GS, and much better because it doesn’t just cover one direction and the first leap you don’t even have to care about canceling your target and turning around which makes it 10x better. I know you use it for surviving, but be honest…the block is garbage and very situational, just like the daze which lasts for 1 second.

I talk about melee combat because sword allows you to do it in a efficient way aswell as using it to get range or avoid hits, GS leap is just that…a leap, sword one also has avoid on it. Not to mention that’s 3 skills out of 5, using horn that’s the best buff ranger has and a mediocre ranged attack.

Judging what you said, either you didn’t use a sword or you don’t know how to use it. You should try it a bit more, the second skill is a leap which avoids and at the same time does damage, and if you decide to strike them back it causes cripple, and the third skill is an avoid which also does damage and inflicts poison not to mention the autoattack also causes cripple, it’s the best melee weapon rangers have despite the fact that it roots you.

I can guarantee that if you are capable of surviving well with a GS you will be godlike with sword/horn, GS is just not enough to give you more range over your enemy.

(edited by Sleepy.2647)

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


Apparently you’re the one who doesn’t know how to use a sword. To get the same effect as Swoop by using the sword leap you first have to use Hornet Sting, which rolls you backwards away from the fight 400 units. You then have to turn around 180 degrees, cancel your target, and use Monarch’s Leap to gain 600 units for a total movement of 1,000 units. Which is 100 units less than Swoop and requires two button presses, a target cancel, and a 180 degree turn. Swoop is 1,100 units (versus 1,000), requires you to cancel your target and you don’t even have to turn. You can simply leap 1,100 in the direction you’re facing without having to worry about leaping back into your opponent.

You’re comparing apples to oranges.

Sword is strictly for melee combat. It provides very little mobility and if you use the chain attack on auto, it actually hinders mobility.

And sure, sword also has evasion on it. Once every 15 seconds. The greatsword has evasion every couple of seconds.

I’ve played my Ranger as my main since release and have used every weapon pretty extensively. Sword is a great weapon, but it pales in comparison to the greatsword for utility and mobility. End of story.

Your Weapon Combinations? The Popular Choices?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


Did you even use GS leap and believe that’s 1.100 units? Try both and you will see sword covers much more range overall, you are still missing the point that the first leap from sword also evades. Using sword leap gives you enough time to cancel your target and turn around, where as the GS makes you do the same BEFORE using the leap which doesn’t even avoid. Just the leap itself from the sword already covers almost the same range as GS not counting the evade itself.

The evade on GS is pathetic, if you get to use it then you are in melee, dealing crap damage and taking a lot of damage.

That’s 2 evades vs 1 crappy block and daze, one of the evades being on 8 seconds cooldown.

But whatever, stick to your lovely GS, to be playing your ranger for so long you know very little about the sword…sure 1.100 is more than 1.000, but ingame those 1.100 are more like 800.

(edited by Sleepy.2647)