Your pet names
- Jaguar: Mick
- Rat-Bear: Ratlock
- Jellyfish: Squishy
- Spider: Itzy
- Devourer: Bitzy
- Armor Fish: Tank
- Shark: Spank
- Pink Moa: Pinky
- Black Moa: Toa (the Moa)
- Red Wyvern: Spitfire
EDIT: Forgot Shenzi and Balu for mir Hyena and Black Bear.
(edited by NapTooN.6283)
Fire Drake: Smaug the Terrible
Wolf: Big Bad Wolf
Shark: Jaw
Off the top of my head,
Black widow spider: Baintreach
Devourer: Kerrigan
Jaguar: Panger
Snow Leopard: Sneachta
Salamander Drake: Cinderspine
Fern Hound: Ferndia
wolf: Macha
Hyena: Heckle
Murellow: Rattigan
Bear: John Bearoman
Owl: Plop
Raven: Badb
Black Moa: Badb Mór
Shark: George
Wolf: Big Bad Wolf
Wolf: The Big Bad [WOLF]
Owl: kittenittenong
Jaguar: Bagheera
Jungle Stalker: Sabor
(edited by Rinse.6094)
Wolf: Juvenile Brown Bear
Owl: Juvenile Red Moa
proud member of NV
My most frequently used and first tamed pet; Salamander Drake: Cinderella… Cinder… Ella… ’cause she breathes fire get it.
Serious names:
Jaguar: Black Virtue
Raven: Black Valor
Silly names:
Red Moa: Machinegun
Hyena: Chuckles
Marsh Drake: Peppermint
Fern Hound: Smells Of Jasmine
Armor Fish: Ugly
Name, names:
Siamoth: Buckley
Cave Spider: Martha
Jungle Spider: Dolores
Note: my Ranger’s name is in Cherokee so some of her pets are named similarly.
Cherokee names:
Black Bear: Yona = Bear
Wolf: Waya = Wolf
Jungle Stalker: Wesa = Cat
Carrion Devourer: Uquedali Gisdi = Flesh eater
Hawk: Tawodi = Hawk
All these pets are ones I use frequently or relatively frequently. The rest sometimes have names sometimes they don’t. My most commonly used pets above all are Cinderella, Black Virtue, Tawodi, Waya, Wesa, Martha and Dolores.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
I swap pets around so frequently, so they are all named juvenile [something]. I used to name them, but since their names wont stick, i dont bother anymore.
Ranger #1 (my main)
Stalker : Chilam Bolam after a Mayan God since the world was supposed to end 12/21/12
his name has stayed for 3 years despite switching pets
Ice Drake: Ice Ice Baby from Vanilla Ice
Ranger 2: her name is Beeste
Stalker: Beauty
Jaguar: Dark Beauty
Ranger 3: Feral
Stalker: Feral Kitty
Jaguar: Feral knight
Ranger 4: Rox lookalike
Carrion Devour: Frostbite (what else?)
Juvenile Jaguar
Juvenile Jungle Stalker
My ranger’s name is Lomeo, so his drakes are Moe and Leo.
I’m so lame it’s cool, right?
Most of my pet names are ‘Tea’, except for my snow owl which is called ‘Snow White’.
Profession: Ranger (80)
~ Victoria.
Well since my ranger is an Asura, mine tend to be BioExperiment A and BioExperiment B…no matter what pet I am using at the time.
Most Drakes: Automated Tablesaw
River Drake: Assault Battery (Because it has the lightning breath.)
Felines: Pneumatic Holepunch
Devourers: Motorized Staplegun
Spiders: Nailgun Autoturret
Bears: Wheeled Anvil
Wolf: Rickety Woodchipper (Because of the Fear effect. Who wouldn’t run from a woodchipper that seems like it’s about to explode?)
Hyena: Blueprint Dispenser
Pigs: Metal Detector
Birds: Blimp Mounted Drill
Most Moas: Walking Jackhammer
Blue Moa: Shield Generator
Hyena: Chuckles
This one made me… Chuckle. XD
(edited by Toolbox.9375)
most of my names are all based of of dark souls, as that’s one of my favorite game series
Krytan Drakehound/Jungle Stalker: Smough
Wolf: Ornstein/Sif
Hawk: Artorias
Owl: Priscilla
and then you have my underwater pets…
Shark: Juvenile Pink Moa
Bear: Howbearinwater
edit: and for the beta, I used Smokey and Sparky. I’ll let you guess what pets those were ;P
my most used names and pets
Owl : Hegwig
Raven : Nevermore
Eagle : Justice Forever (chessy i know)
Wolf: Jippy
Drake hound: Kraken
Pigs : Kragg Moves ( you know the Song the way she moves because it kicks up dust ready to charge:p)
Drakes : Citizen snips or Citizen king (if lightening drake i don;t know why but this drake type suits the Bender super hero from Futurama charater mainly because this lightening drake can a bit of kitten)
Marsh Drake: Rosko
Lynx: Myze
Reef Drake: Scala
These are the three I use the most at least.
Drakehound : Barkimedes (after Archimedes)
Hyena : Lyss Ilya (the two names of the deities that compose Lyssa, because Hyenas duplicate)
Raven : Desmina (after Grenth’s first follower)
Pig : Iggy Azaelia
Eagle : Freedom or Murica
Stalker: Mrs. Purrington
Snow Leopard: Snowy White
Drake: Zwelgje
Spider: Peter Parker
Brown Bear: Theodore Roosevelt
Shark: Sharques Cousteau
They always follow the syntax format of [Name] the [Adjective].
Wolf: Fredrick the Brave
Arctic wolf: Syrus the Astute
Sylvan Hound: Sparky the Verdant
Krytan Hound: Fisk the Unbroken
Red Moa: Hackles the Angry
Owl: Twitchy the Scared
Armored fish: Chichiri the Wise
Shark: Brutus the Hungry
Lynx: Noah the Playful
Shark: Sharques Cousteau
I high-five myself for knowing who Jacques Cousteau is
Ever since birds were super OP. I have named them after whatever I think is the most broken mechanic in the game.
Fiery Greatsword
Burning Speed Evade Frames
Burning Scaling
Daze Mantra
Lich Form
Just depends on the balance at the time.
Am I good?… I’m good.
Wolf: Victor
Carrion devourer: Amanda
Shark: Jonah
Red jellyfish: Emily
Wolf: Midnight
Black Widow: Stryker
These change depending on whats viral in RL.
Owl: Hide Yo Kids
Raven: Hide Yo Wives
Owl: Watch Me Nae Nae
Raven: Watch Me Whip Whip
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~
No matter which pets I choose, they will always be named “Paxi” and “Fixi”.
Germans will understand.
I usually name them “juvenile (insert random animal)”. For example my eagle right now is named juvenile whale and my wolf is juvenile giraffe.
Lashtail Devourer: Ding
Carrion Devourer: Dong
Devourers are the only pets I use.
Smokescale: New Meta Pet
Fire Wyvern: Visual Effect Only
Wolf: Old Reliable
Raven: Blynding Styling
Owl: Chillin N Killin
Alpine Wolf: Chill Meta Op
For all others, I go lazy and just name them their F2 ability.
On my sylvari ranger:
Jungle Spider: Greagoir
Marsh Drake: Keallach
Reef Drake: Meave
Jellyfish: Cabhan
On my Charr ranger:
Salamander Drake: Sootmouth
River Drake: Zapjaw
Frost Drake: Coldsnap
Marsh Drake: Bugbreath
Reef Drake: Loudmouth
Sheer Heart Attack
raven or eagle: Skye
river drake: Singapur
wolf: Ginger
“Rob and Bob”
Because I got fed up with typing longer names in, I would have one letter names if I could, like A and B.
In pvp I give them my character name. It occasionally confuses bad players since taunt and stealth make them drop target.
Out of curiosity, is there any reason why this, after 3 years, has still not been implemented in some fashion (retaining pet names)? Does anyone have any idea? Other competitors to GW2 have had this for a long time, so I don’t understand why it’s never been looked at here.
Names are by family type for me. I can’t decide if my character can’t be bothered to name them more specifically, or is simply engaging in mad science to alter them. Asura are like that.
Roxxy – Drakes
Rokoko – Birds (including Moas)
Rikka – Arthropods (Including Devourers)
Rukk – Jellyfish
Rinn – Fish
Never did figure out a name I like for dogs or cats though.
Wolf: Anubis
Hound: Barkspawn
Murellow: Crush
Panther: Dusk
Birds: Scrambled Eggs
-Genetta Tigrina – Cicadina – Genetta Victoriae-
Out of curiosity, is there any reason why this, after 3 years, has still not been implemented in some fashion (retaining pet names)? Does anyone have any idea? Other competitors to GW2 have had this for a long time, so I don’t understand why it’s never been looked at here.
I don’t think anet has commented on it, but forum members have been arguing back and forth for years about the requirements of storing 20 million (random guess) pet names. Some people say it would strain the system, some say it would be trivial to recall.
I like to call any cat “hairy pawter”
I call wolves “lyca”
spiders “chelicerata”
the white owl “hedwig” the raven “tenebrus”
the eagle “murica” and the hawk “stephen” (he is the king of hawks)
I don’t use the other pets but if for some reason I had to use them they would all be named “bob”
Wolf: Boo Von Go Away
Drakehound: Scooby Doom
Drake: Oops your Dead lol
Vol I –
Vol II –
My Raven is always “Question” (because “Quoth” is a little too obvious )
Snow Owl “Freezerth”
Reef Drake “Bazyl”
Eagle “Muh Freedoms”
Armor Fish “Mr Fishy Fish”
and Jaguar “Midnight”.
These are my fav ^^
It’s really pity they didn’t find a way to fix the pet naming system. I honestly doubt that it’s difficult to achieve, and would not believe even an official ANet comment to the contrary-they just don’t consider it a priority, even if it’s likely not too hard to program.
I always name them regardless, but it’s an inconvenience when you want to switch pets, so I just make up names that would fit the pet (Karm The Retributor, things like that.)
Fern Hound: Olive You Long Time
Murellow: Prof Wrinklebottom or Capt Flatulence
Reef Drake: Skuttlebutt
Devourers: Miso Thorny
Shark: Nurse Ratchet
In pvp I give both of my pets my character’s name…it confuses the hell out of some people. LOL
Black Widow Spider – Muffins
Reef Drake – Mittens
Salamander Drake – Matches
Marsh Drake – Mouthwash
Shark – Molars
Brown Bear – Tonsils
Cave Spider – Elizabeth
Jungle Spider – Booker
Eagle – November (when I’m repping my bank guild, tag [RAIN] )
(edited by oshilator.4681)
Fern Hound – Thornfang
Murellow – Pickles
Raven – Poe
Jellyfish – Squishy
Jungle Stalker – Mr. Binkles
My daughter has a fern hound named “Cabbage”
Jaguar: Winnah
Stalker: Kitty
Lynx: Rhys
Hawk: Henry
White raven: Poo
Black raven: Poe
Any of the drakes: Filip
Wolf: Vicky
Dog: C A T (that’s what his collar says)
Any of the spiders: Spiderpig
Shark: Sharky Longears
Any of the jellyfish: Henrietta
I rarely use the others. When HoT comes and if smokescale isn’t overnerfed she’ll be Janine. Tiger will be Karl.
Snow owl: Owl Rly
Jaguar: Kitty Goes Boom
Lynx: Commander Zazzles
River Drake: Eddie Lizzard
Wolf: I’m With Stupid
Krytan Warhound: Dög
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF
Juvenile everything.
Except the owl and the ravens. Coffee Time and Poe.
River Drake: Frogodile
Other Drakes: Calango (gecko in portuguese)
Jaguar: Sombra (shadow in portugese)
Wolf: Lobinho (Tiny wolf in portuguese)
Spiders: Dona Aranha (Lady Spider in portuguese)
… can you see a pattern here?
Raven / White Raven: Lua / Sol (Moon / Sun … try to guess in what language)
Eagle: Careca (Bold in portuguese, kinda clever eh?)
Hawk: Eye (yes I broke the combo)
Jelly Fish: U Jelly (I smile every time I go underwater)
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
I name my pets after Bionicles :P