Your plan B if Druid sucks?
- maybe not buy expansion
- play new wvw borderlands
- see if longbow is still playable in wvw with all the reflects
- wait for next balance update/expansion
*1 play ele
*2 try not to cry
*3 cry while sleeping
*4 play ranger.
Guild- JLAI (Dragon Slayers of Zhaitan)
Rerolling to necro or rev if it’s “poo.”
My plan B is either Herald or Reaper, I’m pending more towards Herald.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Will likely swap over to the Berserker. I have an inkling that hybrid damage will be favored in a lot of the new content, such as fractal 51+ mobs getting more and more toughness.
I do try to be somewhat positive and keep in mind that elite specs were made with raids in mind and a dying pet would obviously be the first thing to prop up in testing. With that said, Druids -should- be fine. Really excited to find out either way.
Just keep playing my ranger as it is. My build is very effective.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
i hope, that druid will be awesome, but i will stil be playing powerranger, i have no interest in druid
I think many of us are playing multiple classes, even though we dont want to admit it, where one would just jump between a few classes considered as main. Ill probl roll a rev and main it for a while, should druid feel lackluster. Somehow I have a feeling, or a hope, that theyve been secretly improving the ranger mechanics like pets, but we’ll see.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
I’ll probably play revenant for a little bit, I tend to change nub"main" every few months or so, but always come back to ranger or ele eventually.
My hopes/expectations were non existant for Druid as much as I hate to admit it… But seeing the scrapper for engi and knowing that the same guy is working on Druid re-kindled my hopes just a little bit. A small flame still burns my friends!
I thinking about trapper ranger, but Druid line instead of BeastMastery.
I think all of the elite specs might be poo, except Chrono. Because mesmers needed help right?
Herald doesn’t count. They WANT us to play Rev.
Crystal Desert
Same as plan A, not roll one. The concept of druid never appealed to me anyway so I will just stick around to my ranger till they introduce mounted cavalier crossbow spec.
+ I have little hopes they will get it right.
(edited by smitske.4912)
Nobody thinks we will get some article today giving us a sneak peak?
Keep enjoying my current Ranger builds?
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I don’t mind Druid if i can transform into a OrcaLionDragonBear. Not one at a time either.
All. At. Once.
Crystal Desert
I’ll probably play revenant for a little bit, I tend to change nub"main" every few months or so, but always come back to ranger or ele eventually.
My hopes/expectations were non existant for Druid as much as I hate to admit it… But seeing the scrapper for engi and knowing that the same guy is working on Druid re-kindled my hopes just a little bit. A small flame still burns my friends!
Really?? Wow my feelings are precisely the opposite for the same reason. Irenio, the guy that gave us MDG the necro trait (siphoned power) that was so worthless that Gee completely got rid of it. A trait which only the necro with it’s damage sponge Death shroud could make make use of, and still found it completely worthless, we now on ranger instead. A GM no less. The guy who completely ruined the already underwhelming engi gadgets by removing all of their traits, then replacing them with a hobbled, awful version of gadgeteer. A trait so badly designed it actually requires you to get hit 5 times before you can use it. Five hits. In GW2. A game which requires active defence because of OHK boss skills and powerful player attacks.
A guy who thinks that Medical Dispersion Field is acceptable as a GM with its woeful 8hps output. A guy who thinks that adding more Ai to engineer after the ongoing debacle and complete failure that is turret balancing, is a good idea and new kind of play.
The best work Irenio has done for Engineer is the scrapper hammer, which I doubt you could honestly even say is his work since it’s a skill for skill copypasta of Ranger G/S with some slight improvements and flashy lights.
Lets not forget that Scrapper’s first two traits are entirely worthless in PvE
Seeing scrapper has actually made me really worry about Druid, precisely because it’s the same guy.
I’ve been on plan B for over a year now….
Roll a different class lol.
For me, I’m a group player. I only play when my friends/guildies do things together (PvP, WvW roaming, fractals). I haven’t played solo in a while because its just too boring for me…
Now, I’m gimping my team by playing ranger, thats a fact, whether some of you like to admit it or not, ranger in team settings are not in a good spot at all (especially WvW/PvP, which is my main areas of play).
While its fun and an absolute blast to play ranger, I’ve switched to Ele about 10 months ago and haven’t looked back. It feels better knowing you can help our team out in terms of support , healing, DPS, basically everything my ranger did, Ele does a lot better…. most classes do it better in a team environment than ranger…
Now I’ll hold my final judgement until druid is out but….yea i’m not holding my breath. I can’t see it becoming a top tier class like guardians,ele, warriors, revs, etc
I’ll probably play revenant for a little bit, I tend to change nub"main" every few months or so, but always come back to ranger or ele eventually.
My hopes/expectations were non existant for Druid as much as I hate to admit it… But seeing the scrapper for engi and knowing that the same guy is working on Druid re-kindled my hopes just a little bit. A small flame still burns my friends!
Really?? Wow my feelings are precisely the opposite for the same reason. Irenio, the guy that gave us MDG the necro trait (siphoned power) that was so worthless that Gee completely got rid of it. A trait which only the necro with it’s damage sponge Death shroud could make make use of, and still found it completely worthless, we now on ranger instead. A GM no less. The guy who completely ruined the already underwhelming engi gadgets by removing all of their traits, then replacing them with a hobbled, awful version of gadgeteer. A trait so badly designed it actually requires you to get hit 5 times before you can use it. Five hits. In GW2. A game which requires active defence because of OHK boss skills and powerful player attacks.
A guy who thinks that Medical Dispersion Field is acceptable as a GM with its woeful 8hps output. A guy who thinks that adding more Ai to engineer after the ongoing debacle and complete failure that is turret balancing, is a good idea and new kind of play.
The best work Irenio has done for Engineer is the scrapper hammer, which I doubt you could honestly even say is his work since it’s a skill for skill copypasta of Ranger G/S with some slight improvements and flashy lights.
Lets not forget that Scrapper’s first two traits are entirely worthless in PvE
Seeing scrapper has actually made me really worry about Druid, precisely because it’s the same guy.
you really compared the Ranger GS with the Engis hammer? You compared, what is easily the worst 2 handed melee weapon, to the engis hammer, which is looking to be one of the best? Because they both have a block and whirl finisher?
Plan A) Don’t order HoT. It’s not $50 worth of content, none of the classes introduced are improvements (DD, arguably), WvW’rs and PvP’rs are getting all the maps we need anyway.
Plan Order the expansion. But for that to happen, the content would have to be 50$ worth of incredible, and my guess is it aint.
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
none of the classes introduced are improvements (DD, arguably
I’ve got 3 choices for HoT: Herald, Reaper or Druid.
I’m not likely keep playing warrior/guardian because i want some change.
Hmm..probably won’t buy HoT and continue playing Ranger.
1. Play Revenant and Reaper for a while
2. Do majority of new pve content
2. return to ranger just to see…
3. be sad and stop playing gw probably
I play multiple classes in PvP anyways, so it’s not a huge problem for me even though I really like playing ranger.
for myself i am in a win-win-situation
when the druid is nice, its nice, i win.
if the druid is poo, i mean completly poo, idc, i play my beloved class and celebrate to see how many QQ-Forum-rangers ragequit their class and the average skill level of my class rises, i win.
when the druid is good, but not good enough to pleasure all the QQ-forum-ranger, i have my fun reading all the funny QQ-forum-ranger-threads, i win.
looking forward to it
the skrittfinisher was my idea!
you really compared the Ranger GS with the Engis hammer? You compared, what is easily the worst 2 handed melee weapon, to the engis hammer, which is looking to be one of the best? Because they both have a block and whirl finisher?
Umm no, because they’re identical.. 1 fast, fast ,slow heavy hit with addional effects, 2 heavy hit aoe, multi-stage leap finisher gap closer, 4 block and damage, 5 stun and heavy damage. Sure the Ranger damage comes from the pet, but it’s the same end result. The ranger GS is an excellent utility weapon, hardly the “Worst in game” and solid in all content. Sure Engi hammer is improved, I pointed that out. It’s still serves exactly the same purpose and each key is the same function.
I don’t know what to expect mang, wanna say I have hope for Druid, but will most likely end up rolling for a Herald instead due to Anet’s loving history for Ranger
Well it’s Q3/Q4 release season. So, the Destiny expansion is already amazing, Halo 5 is coming out a week after HoT drops, Star Wars Battlefront drops later this year, and so does the new Starcraft expansion.
All of which ALREADY have priority over buying HoT.
So I actually encourage everybody to save their money until about a week after the HoT drops, so that they can reevaluate the features and make an intelligent consumer decision, since outside of beta testing ANets game for them, there is no advantage to prebuying HoT. Actually, prebuying a product is, in some way, bad practice, because it tells developers we’ve been sold on their promises and not necessarily the product, and that they are doing a good job and can continue what they are doing, at least from a marketing and numerical standpoint.
Seeing as how I doubt the vast majority of us think that about ANet at this point… Yeah, don’t give away your money yet. For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
Playing my shout guardian in any(if any) hard group contents, and rolling reaper in other areas.
Hop on board the Reaper train as I already play Necro anyway. I’ll keep my Druid for Birthday Gifts though. Yay…
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Suck or not, I will always love the ranger class no matter what. I won’t bandwagon to other classes like Cavs Fans. lol
I will play my old variety of ranger builds that I already have fun and success with unless they prove to be totally outclassed by every other new elite build in the game of course.
I will without a doubt play a herald aswell it looks so good to me I wet myself a little everytime I look at it.
I also play an engineer although never really took a big liking to it but it’s fun in small doses, the scrapper looks absurdly OP in some of it’s traits I will definetly have a go at a brutal melee build as they are very fun to play as high dmg but tanky builds I like those types it’s what I have on my warrior too.
(plus all the other classes I have and mainly use to farm platinum with)
Played Ranger for 3 years…
But only few months ago, i have understood, WHY i lay ranger!
Because i love to reed forum, where some rangers CRY, how hard their life and other topics, where mesmers, warriors, Guardians, d/d Eles and thiefs cry about how OP rangers are.
I love it really much!
That’s why i play ranger!
Plan A - if the druid spec actually puts us in a better spot, I’ll consider pre-ordering HoT to reward ANet for finally doing the class justice.
Plan B - No expansion, log in for dailies and wait for Fallout 4. Maybe enjoy the nice fall weather.
Well it’s Q3/Q4 release season. So, the Destiny expansion is already amazing, Halo 5 is coming out a week after HoT drops, Star Wars Battlefront drops later this year, and so does the new Starcraft expansion.
All of which ALREADY have priority over buying HoT.So I actually encourage everybody to save their money until about a week after the HoT drops, so that they can reevaluate the features and make an intelligent consumer decision, since outside of beta testing ANets game for them, there is no advantage to prebuying HoT. Actually, prebuying a product is, in some way, bad practice, because it tells developers we’ve been sold on their promises and not necessarily the product, and that they are doing a good job and can continue what they are doing, at least from a marketing and numerical standpoint.
Seeing as how I doubt the vast majority of us think that about ANet at this point… Yeah, don’t give away your money yet.
That’s actually pretty sage advice. I tip my hat to you.
Suck or not, I will always love the ranger class no matter what. I won’t bandwagon to other classes like Cavs Fans. lol
Like all those who main ranger. Who cares about the other ?
Great thread.
Tchuu Tchuu Im A Train [TCHU] – Gandara
Suck or not, I will always love the ranger class no matter what. I won’t bandwagon to other classes like Cavs Fans. lol
Like all those who main ranger. Who cares about the other ?
Great thread.
True! Ranger always was below average, but we still play it.
Nothing will stop us!!! Even if none will take us in to raids or even Silvary will not talk to us, we’ll stay on ranger class.
Complain in the forums so that the devs buff them to OP level. It worked for Reaper, Tempest, Zerkers, Chronomancers, Daredevil, Herald.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Complain in the forums so that the devs buff them to OP level. It worked for Reaper, Herald.
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
Complain in the forums so that the devs buff them to OP level. It worked for Reaper, Tempest, Zerkers, Chronomancers, Daredevil, Herald.
You have to complain on revenants and necromancers forum. Only that way they’ll notice you’r complains xD
But i think, that it’s forbidden for them to talk about Ranger until TwitchCon.
i go too mi war and kick rangers from party in dungeons new meta xD
There are other things to do and other games to play. I’ll do whatever floats my boat.
If the druid is “poo” and it stays “poo”, then I know spending time on this forum is wasted. So I can cross that off my list aswell.
i go too mi war and kick rangers from party in dungeons new meta xD
In 20sec fight, Trap ranger doing 2.2x or warriors dps
mi ranger pick war only phlax with banners or kick all haha.
My plan B is remove Ranger and make another Revenant.
i go too mi war and kick rangers from party in dungeons new meta xD
In 20sec fight, Trap ranger doing 2.2x or warriors dps
mi ranger pick war only phlax with banners or kick all haha.
Most fights don’t last 20 secs…. the build also needs whatever you are fighting to stay inside the small bonfire as well…. yea good luck with that on mai trin or any other freaking boss…. i’ll take an extra Icebow over ranger any day.
My plan B? Just play another three years with a broken class
If Druid is still fun to play i’ll probably do what i did with ranger and say “kitten it” and play it anyway and just wait out the storm. If it’s really boring to play, or is so bad i can’t realistically use it in any way at all (keep in mind i’ve been playing as a supporting bunker rez ranger for the past 3 years), then i’ll just stick with ranger and ignore druid until it’s fixed.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Well, I have my old elementalist main still. Will probably grab my staff and play that. I also intend to make a revenant as that looks really fun to play and I love the lore theme of it.
And it’s not like druid makes ranger worse and I already play that, so…. Yah. Still play core ranger.
If druid is a new and interesting playstyle I’ll probably still play it in Unranked and have a blast.
If it sucks?
It’s simple. Start petitions, boycott, keep addressing ANet directly, publicly make a vast reaction to how they kept lying, ignoring and screwing Rangers over, making fun of us and some other stuff too.
And I don’t need any fear to claim those statements. Proof to everything I just said is already online ready to be reached. Lots of players deserve better than this. If druid is yet another failed design after all those years of being treated so horribly – I believe I’ll risk being banned for spamming their inboxes.
If I get banned for trying for our community’s rights I’ll take the risk.
(edited by Tragic Positive.9356)