a Vote for Ranger speed..

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Zagan.7318


Rangers from my point of view should be able to scout efficiently, the profession itself fits the description of a fast moving hunter/tracker that can scout. Stealth is thieves’ thing but speed is another issue, speed can be implemented to signet of the hunt and make a huge change on our play-style.

I love our profession, I love my pets but as many of you would agree there is still something missing…

Adding speed would be the first step in my opinion.

Say AYE for 20% speed to Signet of the Hunt!

Zaganor-Master Ranger
-Black Lion Mercenary Corps. Captain. [MERC]
-Sea of Sorrows

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: AlexRD.7914


Aye for 25% just like thieves have it

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Freyvin.5690


Agree 100%, the master of the wilds should not be the 4th best scout. This was my exact topic today in the office. My argument is thieves should have a viable ranged counter and rangers could/should fill that role.

This one change could go a long ways to fixing a lot of the “broken” perception the class gets and allow us not to have to run a bloody warhorn everywhere when I made a Norn ranger to wield a greatsword/longbow and that isnt viable in WvW because we need speed to scout.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Titan.1580



Anything that makes my “Ranger” actually feel like one has my vote.

Just think of it this way, if Aragorn was a gw2 “Ranger” instead of the one he really was, he wouldn’t have made it beyond the first installment.

You KNOW I am right.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Zagan.7318


Maybe 20% speed brought down to normal 10% speed when we attack or fight back could keep things balanced. 20% constant speed would make kiting too easy unless the opponent triggers a swiftness spell.
We don’t have to be the #1 at scouting but I sure as hell would love to be effective at it.

Zaganor-Master Ranger
-Black Lion Mercenary Corps. Captain. [MERC]
-Sea of Sorrows

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: slingblade.1437


Yes please. For WvW I always have have SoH (even though it’s very weak) as well as a horn, and RaO for my elite. There’s just too much ground to cover at default speed, especially since we generally have to avoid combat when alone.

Bottom line, a single viable speed boost would be wonderful.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: arenta.2953


15% that way thieves cant cry that ranger’s getting to much speed.
10% to little.
20% makes thiefs cry unfair.
15% + a GOOD active affect(you know..something that isnt crap) sounds good.

Jade Quarry’s Tomoko Takei, Anabuki Tomoko, and Assassin Ahri

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Centaur runes + warhorn = 100% swiftness.

Yes, you sacrifice some damage to pick up these runes, but it’s not much since the primary stat for them is Power (the bread and butter stat for rangers) and if you didn’t need the rune, you’d be losing dps by spending a talent point or skill slot to get the run speed.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Zagan.7318


15% that way thieves cant cry that ranger’s getting to much speed.
10% to little.
20% makes thiefs cry unfair.
15% + a GOOD active affect(you know..something that isnt crap) sounds good.

thieves have 25% constant running speed.
15% is still too little imo.
I suggested 20% to avoid thief whining as well. There is no need to take it down any further from my point of view.

Zaganor-Master Ranger
-Black Lion Mercenary Corps. Captain. [MERC]
-Sea of Sorrows

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: FormulaX.8901


Im all for improving rangers, giving us some sort of edge, i feel more like an engineer sometimes in WvW because im so much utility (traps and healing and combat support)

Im especially inclined towards bringing the shortbow speed back….

Brauhaus – Ranger
I put my traps on yo’ walls and outside yo’ doors.
FA- “We Love Puttin’ Our Wood in your Asspen”

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Da Poolp.6809

Da Poolp.6809

Or Tail Wind usable out of combat, with an internal cooldown (5sec) like engineer.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Freyvin.5690


Why should the Master of the Wild not be the absolute best scout in the game? Someone explain this to me. Thieves have speed and stealth, the ranger should at LEAST have speed and I argue shadow refuge (hiding your party in the woods from prying eyes) should have been a ranger skill to begin with.

OR give a ranger tracking….including tracking of stealth or “see stealth” on a short cooldown.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Freyvin.5690


Heck make the speed useable ONLY outdoors (IE WvW and in PvE) and not in dungeons, SPvP or caves.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


I’m all for some improvements, but running speed isn’t where we need it. Centaur runes are too easy of a fix, especially if you pop on a greatsword when travelling and spam Swoop.

What we need is a fix to the 1h sword so that we’re mobile where we really need it: in combat. Also, an increase on attack speed for the longbow would be a big help to make the class feel less sluggish.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Fate.8673


This definitely should be one of the signets they are looking at, the 50% increased damage for pets is great for burst but there’s barely a reason to justify the passive (although it does help jump puzzles quite a bit).

Dahkeus you’re a bit offtopic, Centaur runes require heavy investment (a whole rune set just so I can get around?), and GS isn’t something all Rangers should have to carry around to feel mobile.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: AlexRD.7914


Why should thieves run faster than us? After all, we are the true scouts. When you refer to a ranger, the first thing that comes to mind is a hunter, a tracker, a scout.

When you think of a thief, the first thing that comes to mind is stealth and subterfuge. Speed does not.

I think a 25% Passive is fair.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Batlav.6318


10% is a joke i agree for atleast 20%


a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Aridia.3042


25% just like the thief. They’re still faster with a short bow, even more so with the porting utility.

This is suppose to be a roaming class and they move like a guy that’s eaten too much Cheetos who’s never ran before in his life.

Change the order of sword 2 while they’re at it. It should gap close and then roll back. It completely breaks up the flow of using it as a traveling tool.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


This definitely should be one of the signets they are looking at, the 50% increased damage for pets is great for burst but there’s barely a reason to justify the passive (although it does help jump puzzles quite a bit).

Dahkeus you’re a bit offtopic, Centaur runes require heavy investment (a whole rune set just so I can get around?), and GS isn’t something all Rangers should have to carry around to feel mobile.

If all you got from centaur runes was speed, yea, it would be a heavy investment, but considering that you get a bunch of power, they’re a good choice.

Look, you have to make a sacrifice somewhere to get the speed, whether it’s from runes, talents, or skills. For example: with engineers, you can easily get 100% swiftness, but you’ll need a 10 point investment down Tools. For thieves, you have to give up a skill slot if you go with the signet and that doesn’t even make you go as fast as swiftness.

Don’t get so hung up in the fact that this comes from runes and not a ranger-specific aspect. One way or another, something’s gotta give.

Also, you don’t NEED a gs to feel mobile. You can run around without a GS and still have 100% swiftness, but if you’re running around and not in combat, why not? It’s not like you have to have an exotic GS with a sigil just to be able to use swoop, lol.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

I think its agreed everyone would love this. Id also love signet of the hunt to give the 50% damage effect to both attacks of blinding slash, since its 1 attack that hits twice it shoudl affect both hits, and channeled hits, just my opinion.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Kurow.6973



Rangers don’t need any more speed. If you’re having trouble keeping distance, then you’re doing something wrong.

Scouting is what Thieves are for.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Aethersong.5189


I would love to have 25% speed boost and a useful active on that signet. Perhaps they could even make it where the active gives 10 seconds of swiftness. That way, if you really needed a speedboost to catch up to someone, it would be on demand from the signet.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538


Rangers don’t need any more speed. If you’re having trouble keeping distance, then you’re doing something wrong.

Scouting is what Thieves are for.

That isnt true, if they had perma stealth then maybe, but they dont. You obviously dont pvp or the comment about keeping distance wouldnt have come up, any melee can close distance easily, well timed dodge rolls, and a few of the many gap closers they have in their skill bars and its a melee fight. Trust me, all I play is ranged with melee secondary, I know how to pvp and kite, I also play melee and have no trouble getting to rangers or any ranged class except maybe a thief, mostly because they can teleport constantly. Signet of the hunt needs to be 25% speed since we are supposed to be as fast if not faster than thieves.

As for scout, rangers make more sense as scouts than thieves, they are there to steal from the enemy afterall, not scout them for your team.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Avandor.5743


20-25% seems acceptable and a viable change, got my vote.

80 Human Druid of Piken
Stomp for PĂ­ken [PS]

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Batlav.6318


the speed bonus works only out of combat so wheres the problem exactly ?
you know it has nothing to do with keeping the distance right ?

oh sorry forgot that you are some kind of forum expert…


a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Bohun Martell.8963

Bohun Martell.8963

I play the game too. I play Ranger too…and if you’re having trouble keeping distance, you’re doing something wrong….do you PvP?

1. This is not about keeping distance in combat. There are lot of in combat swiftness(birds, skirmishing line) dodges and evades.
This is about scouting. And scouting requires quicker out of combat movement.

2. I can’t see a reason why Thief signet have to be that much better than Ranger signet.
They might have better, ok. If Ranger is jack of all trades, ok. But in this trade, we are in deep bottom half of the race along with Mesmers. So let Thiefs be fastest. I would love to match Warriors/Elementals and Necros.

And honestly, I would prefer to get some traited speed option.
Like: 10% speed buff when attuned to air/ melee weapon equipped/ dagger equipped
15% speed buff when 2 daggers equipped.

Small idea for beastmastery line trait (becouse it seriously needs some improvement):
10-15% speed buff if Your pet is alive or 10% when alive and 15% when close.

(edited by Bohun Martell.8963)

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Byjorne.3496


Why should the Master of the Wild not be the absolute best scout in the game? Someone explain this to me. Thieves have speed and stealth, the ranger should at LEAST have speed and I argue shadow refuge (hiding your party in the woods from prying eyes) should have been a ranger skill to begin with.

OR give a ranger tracking….including tracking of stealth or “see stealth” on a short cooldown.

only to be fair, shadow refuge was an assassin skill of the first guild wars which pretty much made a change of name to thief in guild wars 2, but yes i really do wish that ranger would receive a buff of any sort. i mean if the ranger in gw2 functioned anywhere near as well as they did in the first game they would be dominating, but there are so many issues with gw2 rangers that it makes me sad.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


This definitely should be one of the signets they are looking at, the 50% increased damage for pets is great for burst but there’s barely a reason to justify the passive (although it does help jump puzzles quite a bit).

Dahkeus you’re a bit offtopic, Centaur runes require heavy investment (a whole rune set just so I can get around?), and GS isn’t something all Rangers should have to carry around to feel mobile.

Its 150% increased dmg and has a short cd.
But imo yes,10% its to low and noone will bother to become 15%.
I hope they will test it and in a few months we will see it happens

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

Yes increase the speed, just make Rangers MOVE faster, it’s so pathetically SLOW.

And fix the short bow !

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Bohun Martell.8963

Bohun Martell.8963

Its 150% increased dmg and has a short cd.

Afaik it is 50% increase on 1 hit.
Like 750 instead of 500.
Considering our level of control over pet….

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Its 150% increased dmg and has a short cd.

Afaik it is 50% increase on 1 hit.
Like 750 instead of 500.
Considering our level of control over pet….

Please make me a favor..Go to the Mists pick up a Jaguar,pick up the signet of the hunt and activate it.Dont do anything now…just click on your Jaguar….it have an icon saying attack of opportunity…and below says 150% more dmg in the next hit

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Bohun Martell.8963

Bohun Martell.8963

Its 150% increased dmg and has a short cd.

Afaik it is 50% increase on 1 hit.
Like 750 instead of 500.
Considering our level of control over pet….

Please make me a favor..Go to the Mists pick up a Jaguar,pick up the signet of the hunt and activate it.Dont do anything now…just click on your Jaguar….it have an icon saying attack of opportunity…and below says 150% more dmg in the next hit

Make me a favor. Take Your jaguar to the golem and order him to attack.
Tooltips are tooltips. Reality is reality.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Daze.6914


If I’d have to ask one and only one buff that would be this one.
Even with the +10% of the Signet of the hunt I ’m almost always let behind in WvW, we really need a +25% here. Being a Norn ranger make you really feel like if you played the game in slow-motion.
I add my vote too!

War Inc. Community [WIC]
Far Shiverpeaks
GW2 WvW - GW2 Gem Price

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: bman.1683


I suggest that rangers should get a small buff depending on the pet they have out. For example, having an eagle out would give you a 10% speed boost. Switching to a bear would in turn improve your characters toughness, and so on.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Ugh, so many broken abilities on the ranger and other areas of improvements and people are asking for a speed buff, when a simple rune swap fixes this with minimal sacrifice.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Paken Kai.5970

Paken Kai.5970

Ugh, so many broken abilities on the ranger and other areas of improvements and people are asking for a speed buff, when a simple rune swap fixes this with minimal sacrifice.

A “simple rune swap” would indeed fix the mobility problems of the class. But if another class made the same swap, we’d be just as far behind.

Using external sources to balance a class is not an acceptable answer.

Paken Kai – Ranger
Raven’s Talon [RT]
Henge of Denravi

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Da Poolp.6809

Da Poolp.6809

Its 150% increased dmg and has a short cd.

Afaik it is 50% increase on 1 hit.
Like 750 instead of 500.
Considering our level of control over pet….

Please make me a favor..Go to the Mists pick up a Jaguar,pick up the signet of the hunt and activate it.Dont do anything now…just click on your Jaguar….it have an icon saying attack of opportunity…and below says 150% more dmg in the next hit

“Attack of Opportunity is an effect that makes the next attack do 50% more damage”

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Rocl.6130


Its 150% increased dmg and has a short cd.

Afaik it is 50% increase on 1 hit.
Like 750 instead of 500.
Considering our level of control over pet….

Please make me a favor..Go to the Mists pick up a Jaguar,pick up the signet of the hunt and activate it.Dont do anything now…just click on your Jaguar….it have an icon saying attack of opportunity…and below says 150% more dmg in the next hit

Let me explain how percentages work. A 50% increase of damage is equivalent to doing 150% damage. The crucial part of the wording is if it says “150% increase in damage” or “deals 150% damage.”

Your damage in a vacuum is 100%.

If a skill states that it increases damage by 50% then your total then becomes 150% or 1.5x your base.

If a skill states that it increases damage by 150% then your total becomes 250% or 2.5x your base.

Dealing 150% damage = 50% increase in damage.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Deleven.7508


posting this in the ranger forums will likely be a little biased, you should try this in general discussion

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: fikii.9458


if we should expect some speed boost, it will +-20% speed of Signet of the Hunt, but … wait for it people .. still wait … UNDERWATER !!!!

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Deleven.7508


heres my idea

grats 10-25% move speed based on how close you are to your pet

it would be good for scouting and would help the melee ranger out a bit

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Forzani.2584


Absolutely Rangers should have better movement. It fits the class. Not sure how a Thief, with stealth, also has great movement.

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


heres my idea

grats 10-25% move speed based on how close you are to your pet

it would be good for scouting and would help the melee ranger out a bit

Except your pet always trails too far behind when you run and stands too far in front when you’re stood still.

Rangers should get a passive 25% from a trait (Wilderness Survival), remove one of the many useless junky traits.

Then you can have signets with useful effects.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: OnionXI.6735


Kind of funny to see people that are willing to settle for something as low at 15%. Thieves have 25% from a signet passive. Eles can have 25% by just being in air attunement for a bit but it’s unnecessary since an Ele can also hit two buttons and have 100% swiftness – same with warrior.

It is a bit odd, for a class that derives its name from ranging, that swiftness or other speed boosts seem pretty scarce.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283


I think rangers should move at +30% movement speed. The fact that the ranger can’t be the fastest class in the game is downright ridiculous. The entire ranger concept is based around ranging. Also where is the ranger’s tracking? The stealth needs a counter, it is seriously lacking right now. The ranger should just be the anti-thief.

(edited by arcaneclarity.5283)

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: cargan.5689


Rangers from my point of view should be able to scout efficiently, the profession itself fits the description of a fast moving hunter/tracker that can scout. Stealth is thieves’ thing but speed is another issue, speed can be implemented to signet of the hunt and make a huge change on our play-style.

I love our profession, I love my pets but as many of you would agree there is still something missing…

Adding speed would be the first step in my opinion.

Say AYE for 20% speed to Signet of the Hunt!

30% in any MMO Thieves get stealth back stab your dead.
Warriors get so many hitpoints you have to log off to go to work before you have kitted them down
rangers have the best run speed because we get niether of the above and run away a lot.

Ulfar SOR

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: YumCHA.8706


Yes. Signet of the Hunt barely gives any difference in movement speed.

Rangetastic, 80 Ranger | Archers United [ARC]
Sea of Sorrows

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Glektor.2934


I’m not sure if anyone mentioned it, but it’s not just thieves with stellar speed abilities. Elementalists also get 25% while air attuned(think it’s their 5 point minor trait in air?).
Warriors of course have almost permanent swiftness if they use the Signet of Rage.
30 second uptime and 48 second cooldown(traited, 60 if not).
And, of course, the Thief 25% passive signet was mentioned, etc.

So, basically… who cares if the thieves whine, they have plenty of other advantages with stealth, teleports, etc.

In closing: Yes, I’ll take 25% passive, please I’d even be happy with 20%, but there’s no real great reason for us to not have 25%.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Casey.9687


25%….let the thieves whine, who gives a kitten? they are overpowered as it is.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Batlav.6318


Eles minor is 10% 25% major if air attuned also there were 10% in arcane if using dagger i think

and i’ll say it again for the not so smart thieves around it works out of combat only
and it won’t help is any away during battle