anyone have a condition trap ranger build?
The general trait layout is 20/25/15/0/5. Take the trap traits, obviously, but the rest can be tailored to what you need.
As for weapons, Shortbow with Axe/Torch, Sword/Torch, or Axe/Warhorn depending on what you want.
The general trait layout is 20/25/15/0/5. Take the trap traits, obviously, but the rest can be tailored to what you need.
As for weapons, Shortbow with Axe/Torch, Sword/Torch, or Axe/Warhorn depending on what you want.
Why not 30 into the precision tree?
[XI]Trap Potency - Conditions caused by traps last twice as long and traps recharge 20% faster.
IMO this is vital. Its too good to miss out. Twice as long means twice the damage, alongside the shortened CD. This is the thing that will make traps very deadly.
yea i wanna try this cuz i havnt really been killing many players lately with shortbow so time for a change and ive seen sum vids of this build and it like wrecks x.x question tho? why take 5 into pet traits for ?
(edited by Lordryux.9785)
The 5 points in Beastmastery is for the 2 secs of quickening zypher.
Personally I don’t find it useful for me but that’s just my opinion
It should be 30 points in precision, I didn’t type that out right and I can’t edit my post. You’ll actually notice running 20/25/15/0/5 leaves a blank 5 points.
The general trait layout is 20/25/15/0/5. Take the trap traits, obviously, but the rest can be tailored to what you need.
As for weapons, Shortbow with Axe/Torch, Sword/Torch, or Axe/Warhorn depending on what you want.
Oh dear God please do not listen to doombunny, he has either 0 hours of PvP or just guessing.
The build you want to go for is 10/30/25/0/5
Keep your marksmanship at 10, do not need anymore and anything extra will not change anything for you.
30 is for the 2 trap traits that give you control of them and 50% larger + double the duration of conditions
25 in survival to boost your condition damage and for hide in plain sight and shared anguish
5 in beast to get quickness on pet switches
Superior rune of the undead to give you more condition damage and toughness, making you very hard to kill.
DoomBunny never specified whether the build was for PvP or PvE. 20 Marksmanship is generally taken for the Piercing Arrows trait, which is quite good in PvE. Situationally, Eagle Eye can also take that spot, in the rare event that you need a 1500 range longbow for something. your pet’s opening strike can also trigger independently from yours, granting a potential 10 stacks of vulnerability.
Hide In Plain Sight, and Shared Anguish both have very niche uses in PvE. I would argue that Hide In Plain Sight is rather useless in PvE due to the extremely short duration of the stealth.