basic question about pet skills
Your pet has 1 skill YOU can control (F2), the other 3 are the autoattack + 2 skills YOUR PET controls.
The other skills are inherent for each Pet Family and are used at the pet’s AI’s discretion because ANet feels it would be too complicated to give ranger control of 3 additional skills, all the while Engies and Eles do that and more.
it would be SO awesome if we could control more than one attack, suddenly some pets would become much more useful.
Thank you for your responses and i agree, it would be great to have more control over the pets skills rather then leaving it to AI, many times i wish i could have selected one of the ai skills in a situation to boost my own attack
well geez. That’s certantly a good idea
Although we can’t forget the swap pet; return; attack functions.
We could also blend the attack and return functions into one single key: the pet is attacking, press button to return to me, press again to attack again, we would have to press it twice just to switch targets though…
The basic attack we wouldn’t have to assign it to any key obvsiously. But to make 2 attacks instead of 1, i’m all aboard with the idea.
I doubt it would require that much programming.