(edited by khornemuse.5930)
[build] The Swordmaster Ranger
Hi all.
I see discussions on the forum about the sword, the GS which one is better, which AA is better. And i said, well why not both ?
Here is the build.
So gear
-armor is berserker. We need damages. Runes are scholar, for crit damages and good bonus of damages at the beginning of a fight. Synergizes welle with 25 in wilderness (same bonus so 20%)
-Trinkets are berserker too.
-Weapons. GS is the defensive set so knight stats. Intelligence sigil for the super Maul attack
-Sword/dagger : all berzerker. Energy sigil for extra dodge (and te have the dode of 2,3,4 weapon skills)Traits.
Because we are full berzerker we are pretty glassy, so we need 30 in WS to have a good response again conditions. We got cd reduction for all of our weapons…
20 in nature magic. Very importantt the V gives a large amount of dmg. The other trait grants fury on GS. And we have a GS :p
I took 10 in Beasts for the shouts, a personnal choice, protect me is good, and attack is usefull…. Others can put the 10 pts somewhere else…
10 in skirmishing, for extra damages on pets…Skill bar.
-Troll : best heal ever :p
-Shouts, already explained. Some ppl will prefer lighting reflexes, the mud…
-Signet : give a large amount of thoughness, with this, we are not glassy…Pets : bear : dispel, big HP pool. It will take all my conditions.
Eagle : good dps. Jaguar is fine too.Gamelay.
GS : 3 (gap closer) 5 2 . 4 for counter and then swap to AA the opponant with sword, and poison him when healing. Then wait and restart the rotation.PRO:
-Dodges, blocks
-High DPS
-High Mobility
-Condi cureCONS
-2600 armor
-Condi bombs.Comments ARE welcome :p
if you love melee on ranger, this has been going around for quite some time now. very effective in PVP as well, perma might +5% damage while under might meaning you will be dealing perma +5% no matter what health youre in, plus might on switch and signet use. tested the build my self, your only problem would be necro bomb condi. but other than that:
hambow warrior = viable(depending on your skill as a ranger)
pistol whip thief = viable
s/d theif = viable
ether signet mesmer = viable (depending on your skill as a ranger)
meditation guardian = viable
diamond skin ele = viable
engie 1 trick pony = viable (as long as you dont kill your self from confusion)
coming from a lvl 32 PVP Ranger.
Hey there !
I’m glad that my topic grapped some people
But i’ll prefer if we discuss on my build, not yours anyway XD
Ok your build is much more tanky than mine, but you have not dispell at all, and a very low crit chance and crit damage. Good for tanking, holding points, but, IMO, but not to quickly kill someone, stomp and move.
i’ll make a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJD9hGmRMU0
(edited by khornemuse.5930)
Love your build and it’s right up my alley, the two melee sets are beautiful together. I just wonder if you could steal 10 points from anywhere to get Nature’s Voice since you already have 2 shouts and on a reduced cooldown? Might give you a tad more sustain, although the regen wouldn’t do a ton without healing power.
What is the motivation behind the eagle? Maybe one of the cats or dogs would suit you better?
Also, hide behind your pet when you stomp warriors to block the hammer.
Hey, thanks for your comment (yeah i’m happy :p )
Get nature voice yes, but sacrifice what ? Maybe the 10 in skirmishing, but it’s 10% crit dmg, and that’s huge… Very hard to steal those 10 pts…
For the eagle, it gives me speed in combat, which is useful (cause i don’t have hunt Signet…), its f2 is short cd (whereas the jaguar invisibility is long cd, so i’ve to take f2 reduction). Also, the eagle has speed, so i don’t need the 30% mvt speed for pets.
And thanks for the trick of the body block
Hey there !
I’m glad that my topic grapped some people
But i’ll prefer if we discuss on my build, not yours anyway XD
Ok your build is much more tanky than mine, but you have not dispell at all, and a very low crit chance and crit damage. Good for tanking, holding points, but, IMO, but not to quickly kill someone, stomp and move.
i’ll make a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJD9hGmRMU0
well we can 1v1 come find me in pvp put your build on and ill use mine if youre interested.
Don’t want to be rude, but your opponents weren’t the greatest. I would also go with Nature’s protection instead of Strength of Spirit if I would run your stats. You only lose 70 power and the protection might be useful on a zerker build if you run into people that run some tronger builds. The warrior without healing signet and sword/GS was… sub-par to say the least.
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF
@AEFA, we’ll do this one day, you’re from north america or EU ?
@nagymbear : the last one is not the better of the world (that’s why he’s at the end of the video). I think he was zerg-shaped. For the protection i don’t know. The thing is that a zerker warrior has telegraphed attacks, and can be dodged (like first fight). But here we talk about a top tiers build (zerker warrior) versus a low tiers/mid tiers (close-combat ranger). The warrior with rush hits harder than a maul, have a better armor and HP regen :p
Thanks for comments !