condi raneger?
Doing something wrong? Yeah, you’re using Shortbow lol. Best to stay away from it if you wanna do PvP on ranger.
hi guys. I was wandering how good is condi ranger in pvp. I tryed few bulds with short bow. Disaster. I can stuck 20 bleeds in few sec but every single calass in game removes the them so easy. Am doung something wrong for sure.
The idea is not to stack 1 condi to the maximum, but to stack many different condis fast enough to produce a burst. There’s no readily available builds I can find but for love of all that is holy, do not use shortbow.. S/T or A/T will serve you much better as sources of condi. Staff is pretty much mandatory for the mobility it provides.
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.
The idea is not to stack 1 condi to the maximum, but to stack many different condis fast enough to produce a burst.
^QFT here. You’ll want quick and/or constant application of a few conditions to override clears.
There’s no readily available builds I can find but for love of all that is holy, do not use shortbow..
S/T or A/T will serve you much better as sources of condi. Staff is pretty much mandatory for the mobility it provides.
I’ll disagree here. Feel free to take shortbow with S/T or A/T. Shortbow is a good utility/hybrid weapon so long as you have a good swap. The daze/stun and immob are a great help in team fights.
Here’s what I’ve been running as an example. Build LINK
Feel free to swap Nature Magic for Druid.
I prefer A/T – S/D or A/T – /D, myself.
ty for build mate. i tested it its ok. Not bad but still. Every more experienced player is gonnna remove condi easy. i have problem with Guardians and Eles. Just every condi is removed. Stil power build is far more beter. i prefer condi but its not viable in pvp
Condi, including SB, is pretty decent, but anything not using staff is starting off at a deficit, and staff doesn’t work that great with condi. It’s just a curse of staff being too good, like scrapper hammer.
here are a couple of builds i use when i feel like playing something different – i left the amulet out deliberately
something a little more bunkery
I even through some trap on on occasion
Mender staff is still better though
pure burst condi , not made for camping points but +1 support and AoE unbockable attacks.
only tried it a few times , i just got back from a long break from gw but so far this works in a 1 roaming support role which is perfect for the amount of mobility it has and Rapid condi application , just make sure you throw on the warhorn 4>5 (while arriving near the cap then swap barrage > cripples first then unload quickly with RFsharpening stone (or save Sharpening stones to reapply if cleared) > point blank shot/huntershot when needed or carry on with damage , swap to wolf f2 and warhorn 4>5 chain again.
high damage condi application output in group and decent job at 1vs1’s
great in +1 situations
Great mobility and stability.
needs a team ally to offer protect support vs theifs and some revs with high stability.
High focus target .
low hp and short term survival aka needs team support vs assasin play styles.
glass build.
I tweaked the standard WvW roaming Stealth Trapper build a bit to use it in PvP. It has nice condi burst and disengages, and you can wreak a bit of havoc in a group fight if you can get in, drop traps, and get out.
The problem though is it is very reliant on Astral Form for the stun break and condi clear, but it builds Astral Force pretty slowly. Healing trap helps with this, but it’s often not enough. The only match-up issues I have are against Warriors (can beat them but it takes way too long) and Necromancer (due to condi transfers).
It works ok, but it doesn’t out-perform a Menders Druid in any way.
I tend to feel comfortable around condi druids on the other team – not too hard to eat them alive. Since condi requires a good deal of projectile use, my druid loves dropping staff #5 on a node and watching the condi druid furiously heal me and my pet.
I’ve only ever met one condi druid in ranked, and suffice it to say he wasn’t contributing very much at all. Bunker meta druid (or some other power-support sniper setup) seems to outperform condi way too much right now to make condi worth a team slot.
I tend to feel comfortable around condi druids on the other team – not too hard to eat them alive. Since condi requires a good deal of projectile use, my druid loves dropping staff #5 on a node and watching the condi druid furiously heal me and my pet.
I’ve only ever met one condi druid in ranked, and suffice it to say he wasn’t contributing very much at all. Bunker meta druid (or some other power-support sniper setup) seems to outperform condi way too much right now to make condi worth a team slot.
And the other thing is the tables have turned, power druid counters condi ranger. Tor years condi ranger hard countered power ranger. But then staff counters literally everything in the game to some extent.
I had an interesting experience today from the “enemy” point of view. I’ve been playing condi warrior in a pathetic attempt to finish the backpiece. My overall win percentage has plummeted to a rather hysterical 40%, so I’m really not good at it. Went up a guy I knew was a condi druid, totally ignored everything he did, intentionally stood in his traps, and just spiked him down. There just isn’t enough damage vs sustain on a condi druid.
I had an interesting experience today from the “enemy” point of view. I’ve been playing condi warrior in a pathetic attempt to finish the backpiece. My overall win percentage has plummeted to a rather hysterical 40%, so I’m really not good at it. Went up a guy I knew was a condi druid, totally ignored everything he did, intentionally stood in his traps, and just spiked him down. There just isn’t enough damage vs sustain on a condi druid.
To be fair, I haven’t found a Ranger build yet that could counter a War. Might just be me but that’s a fight I usually need a +1 against.
I had an interesting experience today from the “enemy” point of view. I’ve been playing condi warrior in a pathetic attempt to finish the backpiece. My overall win percentage has plummeted to a rather hysterical 40%, so I’m really not good at it. Went up a guy I knew was a condi druid, totally ignored everything he did, intentionally stood in his traps, and just spiked him down. There just isn’t enough damage vs sustain on a condi druid.
To be fair, I haven’t found a Ranger build yet that could counter a War. Might just be me but that’s a fight I usually need a +1 against.
It’s easy on shoutbow druid, the only problem is that it takes too long to kill them and you have to stay at range. Most often the warrior will get the point cap and will be anle to hold out until help arrives, so it’s not really worth the fight unless the rest of your team is holding their own pretty well.
Ya wars are a pain for anyone, but it illustrated how it’s not worth the fact that you have to lose most of the sustain of a mender druid and have minimal (or even zero!) defensive utilities, all to have all your damage simply ignored by someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. I was on a pure glass warrior too. Traps in particular are awful and in no way do enough damage to justify losing out on things like PM, SoS, SoR, etc.
Back when traits gave stat points and before there were any good utilities to choose from, condi rangers could be nice and tanky, but they didn’t keep pace with the rest of the PvP game.
Traps in particular are awful and in no way do enough damage to justify losing out on things like PM, SoS, SoR, etc.
i run a full bar of traps on a fully condi focused build and i’ve gotta say, enemies simply MELT.
they can run condi clear but the condis just keep applying, Ancient Seeds is what makes ranger traps amazing
massive stacks of burn, poison and bleeding all while they’re immobilised and unable to get out of the traps
i run axe/torch for even more condi pressure but also i have an odd choice of also using longbow as my secondary, not a condi weapon at all but it gives you a knockback (which you can use to then root them with Ancient Seeds if you need to make some distance), and also a stealth which comes in handy both for finishing and for an “oh skritt!” button
(edited by Liewec.2896)
Condi can work, which is why I described it as decent. But at a certain minimal level of enemy competency, it’s severely subpar, and full traps are totally unviable. I very rarely call anything unviable, but full trap ranger in PvP above a reasonable MMR is totally unviable because it lacks so much and brings so little.
There is the old excuse a competent teammate can keep you alive, but that’s really inefficient. If you’re going to dedicate a whole team slot to keeping someone alive, there are builds and professions that do a lot more damage than a trap ranger, and take less effort to keep standing.
It’s like saying a p/p thief melts people. Of course it can, but it’s a bad build. You’ll never see a trap ranger in a tournament.
Edit: Just to clarify, not knowing if some lurkers know how to make builds. Full traps are bad because it means your utilities can’t provide invulns, stun breaks, condi clears, defenses like taunt, protection, movement, and so on. It objectively makes an unviable build at a certain level where these kinds of things are expected. Pure damage doesn’t cut it when someone can pop an invuln or resistance and negate half your skillbar.
(edited by Fluffball.8307)
I gave trap ranger in pvp plenty of time. I really want it to work….it can be so fun.
If traps were a weapon set this wouldn’t be a problem. They are not.
If the trap damage was power based and not condi based, it might help but again, it’s not.
The utilitys you lose to use traps is just unbearable.
God forbid the condi ranger gets condied himself!
With no utilities other than traps, how do you propose to remove the condis?
Oh sure, there are times when you can surprise a whole team, but its really not worth it.
I like your edit fluff “Pure damage doesn’t cut it when someone can pop an invuln or resistance and negate half of your skillbar”— — -- agree x 3
Even as someone who plays Trap/Condi Ranger, I’ll agree that you do lose some (or a lot of) utility taking traps over other options.
I’d just like to address this here:
With no utilities other than traps, how do you propose to remove the condis?
There are more ways than just utilities to remove conditions. I’m currently using NM/Evasive Purity along with other survival traits. There is also Sigil of Generosity and Sigil of Purity. And to make everything hurt less, I take Rune of Melandru for -25% condi duration on self.
And Healing Spring (heal trap) cures a condition on trigger and every 2 seconds active.
(6 total). With this setup and careful positioning, I can generally survive the average condi bomb.
Now I will admit that I’m probably not at that level where builds stop working (I’m only mid-silver) but there are options.