criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Roy Dreadstorm.2093

Roy Dreadstorm.2093

well i don’t really know what r u doing anet , im not this type of guy comin on forums to cry like barbie the doll , BUT NOW ITS TOO MUCH
FINALLY i found a good synergy between ranger and druid , it was just comon sense to gain af with the core ranger’s utilities/traits , and u just nerfed it like in what ? two days ? do u even have a look at other class ? do u even kittenIN THINK ABOUT WHAT U R DOIN ??? Cause now im really , really wonderin what the druid will be in the current state of things
i was runnin both PVE/PVP a zerk/druid WITHOUT your kitten staff cuz i hate this playstyle and was fine with the old power ranger , now i can just go kitten myself on you-kittenin-po-rn
seriously ? after LL without any answers
after staff aa and again no answer , zero explanation
we are juste the class that can’t be in high content right now , just think about it , druid will be no more viable in HIGH pvp because it’s now far way better to go old specs !
i can’t even talk about raids where eles and rev will do BETTER JOB than us while still doin exploitable damage….
the time we have to spend now to access to this kitten form dat BTW should be free to access (dont care if u nerf with a train the druid clarity about his cleanse AND breakstun) is not acceptable , only dedicated healers now will go to druid ! do u even realize how many builds u can delete now ? (rangers doesnt have plenty of builds yet)

i was about to say nothing because i’m a guy that learns and improves instead of complaining but here… YOU JUST FAILED , THX

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Roy Dreadstorm.2093

Roy Dreadstorm.2093

i just have like 2k hours on rangers since launch date but i’m really close to leave the game right now … u can face a DH that can land u 15k damage trap burst or a kitten tankyshroud reaper , no matter ! u can’t even build af correctly to face other E-specs LOL
core ranger is now the meta , OOPS WE NEVER WERE IN THE META
We should never be forced to play THIS weapon or THIS one , that’s what i loved with guild wars , u make u’r own build and still can find it viable , now just saty in the way of the mass and take staff +druid+healing gears (oops high heal stats will actually generate less AF > well done) so druid is completely useless

(edited by Roy Dreadstorm.2093)

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: han.4850


Agreed, new build is not fun any more

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: SirSixString.6349


DRUID RUINED for freaking sure. I main a Cleric druid and now it sucks. WHY ANET WHY!?

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: ProtoMarcus.7649


Ouch yeah cleric druids were probably hurt most, all that tough to mitigate damage = less self heal = less CAF generation…

I crafted Zealot Ascended… Not sure how I feel yet ahaha

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: NemesiS.6749


Ouch yeah cleric druids were probably hurt most, all that tough to mitigate damage = less self heal = less CAF generation…

I crafted Zealot Ascended… Not sure how I feel yet ahaha

logged an hour ago thinking of changing my ascended stats but zealot insignias recipes are expensive and mats, i even had the gw2 build edit page up looking how it was going to look. Thanks god i came to the forums and saw all this threats. Druid is ruined, it feels so bad

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: runeblade.7514


The problem with druids is that they were useful in the first place.

They deserve their place in the bottom of the barrel.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Roy Dreadstorm.2093

Roy Dreadstorm.2093

The problem with druids is that they were useful in the first place.

They deserve their place in the bottom of the barrel.

haha pretty much this :p

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Tornupto.2304


Druid still working in Raids because of the pulsing damage. But in openworld…

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Roy Dreadstorm.2093

Roy Dreadstorm.2093

Druid still working in Raids because of the pulsing damage. But in openworld…

druid still works in raid IF u run with staff , thx but no thx

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: nacario.9417


Im not having any issues after the change, I generate enough AF to instantly use it when it comes off cd – though this involves carefully going out of CAF if healing is not needed so that I have some AF already. It does feel like you need to be more aware of when to use CAF and AF management. But sitting in staff while hitting boss, healing allies, damage from pet/healing, healing spring, I have no issues with AF. What I do have issues with though is this below, it was so close and last try >.<


Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Roy Dreadstorm.2093

Roy Dreadstorm.2093

Im not having any issues after the change, I generate enough AF to instantly use it when it comes off cd – though this involves carefully going out of CAF if healing is not needed so that I have some AF already. It does feel like you need to be more aware of when to use CAF and AF management. But sitting in staff while hitting boss, healing allies, damage from pet/healing, healing spring, I have no issues with AF. What I do have issues with though is this below, it was so close and last try >.<

yes sure this nerf is not a problem in raid as long as u RUN WITH A STAFF , without this u can just swap druid to BM or MM or anything u want that is better and dont waste your dps ( you talk about a support druid , i was complaining about non-staff druid dat cannot longer go druid with this change)

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Roy Dreadstorm.2093

Roy Dreadstorm.2093

btw u failed at vale guardian (not so much failed he’s almost down haha still gj ) so maybe u should run zerk like everybody and let urself being heal carried by a tempest ele

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


Actually itr makes sense, that you no more get Af when you heal yourself when you are on full health, but it was kitten usefull and the only synergy ranger traits and abbilities had with Druid.

Just reverse it and do more condition possibilities on staff and change traits a little more so you can play support OR control.
Its anoying nas hell, that every ranger player has eather play ranger base or are pushed to a healer, although the glyphs are very good in pve and the traits have so much potential.

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Roy Dreadstorm.2093

Roy Dreadstorm.2093

yes i agree it makes sense but we all know there dat there is few skills dat clearly makes “sense” do u think it makes sense for our pet to stop runnin when he’s landing a skill on his foe ? does the eagle stops flying and stay in the air when he sees a tiny mouse runnin ?

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: nacario.9417


btw u failed at vale guardian (not so much failed he’s almost down haha still gj ) so maybe u should run zerk like everybody and let urself being heal carried by a tempest ele

Is Tempest healing superior compared to druid though in this VG fight? The team I was with took chunks of unneeded damage and I managed to top em off at the right times (of course they all supplemented with water fields), we died mainly cuz ppl was standing in blue/orange to much/were stressing out in later phases.

For reference I was using full zealot with some zerker offset. My impression is that anything works for VG, the most important is that everyone must know the fight + move the boss right and must be good at their class/skill synergy (like waterfield blasts). I feel druid at least has its place with well timed burst heals, 10% x 2 raid damage from Empowerment glyph and spirit + another potential 15% from GotL. The knockback glyph does Wonders took as it can “remove” 3 seekers.

Im not so happy about my own damage though despite me being zealot, but if teammates are geared it is possible. I also switched out sword to Axe for the split phase as sword AA just teleports us around into blue circles.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

(edited by nacario.9417)

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Roy Dreadstorm.2093

Roy Dreadstorm.2093

i don’t really know if the ele is superior but it could be since this nerf :s so i really don’t know what to think… soon people will know dat takin 1 good tempest ele or 2 is better in heal/damage/buffs than a druid support , they will not try to waste their time and would optimise their sucess chances

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: nacario.9417


i don’t really know if the ele is superior but it could be since this nerf :s so i really don’t know what to think… soon people will know dat takin 1 good tempest ele or 2 is better in heal/damage/buffs than a druid support , they will not try to waste their time and would optimise their sucess chances

Can the Tempest support that is built for healing on boons do great damage? While my zealot druid’s AA from staff and pet isnt all that, its still something, pluss the 35% potential raid damage we can keep up. I dont see if Tempests can bring that, while each healer brings something unique. But my experience is only for VG, and so far it looks like it doesnt really matter what healer we bring, it’s all in the hands of the 10.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Firelysm.4967


Druid: Astral Force is no longer gained when healing a target that is already at full health

Let me state this, ranger before patch 20.11.2015 with buff on AF to gain it from every source, and nerfing staff 1 and 2, was acceptable, very viable and fun, we were able to support people and give them chance to survive. We are specialized to support people, while yesterday tempest was in pair with druid healer, providing more heals already before the nerf, but now? Ranger Druid is not even viable any more because you limit yourself so much that this simply denys you from using specialization.

  • 1) This is support class, who do we support if we can’t build up AF in time with this change?
  • 2) What’s the purpose of limiting a ranger and denying him from using glyphs that are important in CA mode with this change?

Developers, please come to the game, and feel your classes, stop just drilling the kittening paper theory which makes 99% of the time no sense. I was playing druid for 2 days, because now it was decent, but now, i’ll just leave it in dust, it’s not worth taking it any more because other classes that are not even support, are doing that job better and more frequent then we can.

Anet devs, wake up, no hard feelings, it’s time to stop pointless changes.

Astral force was designed wrongly, you should be rewarded with astral force for every outgoing heal and healing boon! Which means when ever you apply regeneration on even fully healed person, you’ve done your job as support providing heals in advance. GETTING YOUR STUPID ASTRAL FORCE FULL WHEN YOUR TEAM MATE IS ALREADY DEAD HAS NO MEANING. AND SPLIT kitten PVP AND PVE, YOU CLEARLY ARE NOT HAVING CONTROL OVER BOTH SIDES. YOU DID RUIN DRUID RANGER EVEN FURTHER.

Ranger solo was viable before, but now it’s a kitten on the stick, just like that ascended collection reward that we got.

Wish I could get back to GW1.. PvP-GvG. It feels like we are outcasted, not desired or rewarded..

(edited by Firelysm.4967)

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Druid: Astral Force is no longer gained when healing a target that is already at full health

Let me state this, ranger before patch 20.11.2015 with buff on AF to gain it from every source, and nerfing staff 1 and 2, was acceptable, very viable and fun, we were able to support people and give them chance to survive, but now?

  • 1) This is support class, who do we support if we can’t build up AF in time with this change?
  • 2) What’s the purpose of limiting a ranger and denying him from using glyphs that are important in CA mode with this change?

Because reasons.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Roy Dreadstorm.2093

Roy Dreadstorm.2093

absolutely amazing , they don’t even take the time to give us an reliable answer/explanation but they still cares about how people sees them , so they changed my thread’s title LOL
now “criticism blblablabla….” ARE YOU SERIOUS THERE ?? do you really think i am criticizing ? nope i just show how incompetent you devs could be when we talk about balancing/fixin classes , there is the point and thait IS the truth ! i loved the work you did on this game until now however u didnt take care really of ranger i was still optimist , now you just show me that i am right by changing my title , you read us but don’t even care of what we are saying there and no matter how we enlighten the issues and give you more and more ideas/suggestions it will just make waste your precious time to doing kittenty work like this one right ?
just gimme some vaseline and i’ll bend over for u

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: ProtoMarcus.7649


They still read the forums at least, so there’s that

Now for criticism;

The previous state where regen and traits and consumables, really anything that healed coming from the druid therefore generating astral force was indeed a little unbalanced, but the new state of no AF generation when allies are fully healed is extremely flawed -

Running with high healing power basically cancels most AF generation, as it charges per tick and not healing percentage, so if you heal everything in one move, you get a fraction of AF generated.

It is true that one of the few situations where AF generation works is during raids, but even then its very situational. As soon as there’s a wipe, the AF is reset, you need to build it up again, and we are limited to the use of Staff for appropriate AF generation.

Some balance is needed, I don’t exactly have balanced suggestions right now, but what I’d suggest the devs explore would be:

  • Remove the ‘need a target’ from staff auto
  • Either lower the AF generation but allow for generation on fully healed allies OR enhance the generation percentage on both from heals and damage dealt.
  • Explore the concept of granting AF generation whenever you have regen on you (that one could be interesting considering all the regen sources on ranger)
  • Rework the concept a bit more: make AF generate over time, BUT also make it so there’s no degen, but all CAF skills ‘use’ AF like thief’s initiative or revenant’s energy. This would allow for more time to use the CAF glyphs but also time CAF skills better.
  • Following the previous suggestion; What if, upon leaving celestial avatar form early, you reset remaining AF like before, BUT you also heal in AoE with a coefficient based on remaining AF? Or maybe still deplete half but still apply some form of healing based on what AF was left?

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Try generating a steady state of AF in WvW…

Raid, NPC, inanimate object is one thing. Trying to do things in a duo, trio, HAVOC squad, or even later a Zerg with CC and stuff flying around it has been difficult to get a steady state of AF.

It is a lot like the lag on a car with a turbo…mash the foot on the gas and you wait for it to spool up. Not like a super charger where it is instant.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: gennyt.3428


They are gutting Druid, it’s become a PITA maintaining AF in our WvWvW raids and roaming.

Whispers with meat.

criticism regarding changes to ranger/druid

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Try generating a steady state of AF in WvW…

Raid, NPC, inanimate object is one thing. Trying to do things in a duo, trio, HAVOC squad, or even later a Zerg with CC and stuff flying around it has been difficult to get a steady state of AF.

It is a lot like the lag on a car with a turbo…mash the foot on the gas and you wait for it to spool up. Not like a super charger where it is instant.

Unless you add a waste gate. or any kind of ALS. which what the ranger needs. Good analysis tho. That is a man’s hobby bro!

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