eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548



elementalists get the ability to have 20 skills on their weapons and get to swap attumenemts on the fly and even get to trait them to make it faster

can we not control the skills our pet has
this doesnt make it any harder then what an elementalist has to do

if anything it would make our ai alot easier because we wouldnt need to pray that our drake does a finisher or our bird heals
we can have utility the way an elementalist does

if a ranger is supposed to be with his pet why do we have so little control with our pets
there is absoluely no reason that we cant have more control if the elementalist can micro between 4 sets of abilities

please anet ive read about how you said it would make the ranger harder to play
but how is it any harder then elementalist

edited for spelling among other things

(edited by rshadowkirby.3548)

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Tribio.8531


And why is it that I as a ranger cannot gain any adrenaline?
Right, totally different profession..

The Hatreidis family: Freya / Nina / Demonica / Athena / Faith / Arya / Angie / Sansa
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Snack.9315


And why is it that I as a ranger cannot gain any adrenaline?
Right, totally different profession..

You completely missed the point of his argument… read it again.

“Retired” characters: Fruit Salad (Warrior), Blingerton (Engineer), Shixard (Ranger).
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eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Tribio.8531


You completely missed the point of his argument… read it again.

I just wanted to point out the constant comparison that occurs with Elementalist by OP..
Ele =/= Ranger

The Hatreidis family: Freya / Nina / Demonica / Athena / Faith / Arya / Angie / Sansa
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


You completely missed the point of his argument… read it again.

I just wanted to point out the constant comparison that occurs with Elementalist by OP..
Ele =/= Ranger

That wasn’t his point though…

The point is that ANet has said they don’t want to allow Rangers to control their pet functions because it would be difficult. But then they have Elementalists that control 20 different skills at a time.

ANet should allow us to control a secondary skill for the pet as well as the F2. Just allow Ranger’s to turn it on auto cast if they’re concerned the class would then be too complicated :/

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Pickles.2908


Um rangers get more control over their pets than necros do…at least you can call it back from attacking something without running halfway across a pvp map.

and why would you try to compare ranger pets to ele skills, that’s apples and bacon.


eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: TyPin.9860


And why is it that I as a ranger cannot gain any adrenaline?
Right, totally different profession..

Actually, each time my Wolf doesn’t howl, or howls at the completely wrong time, I am feeling some adrenaline rushing through my body… and it is building up each time until I defeat my keyboard. Expensive skills set, I can tell you.

not serious

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

(edited by TyPin.9860)

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Pickles.2908


Ranger pets get one skill, just like every other pet in game. Why is this such a problem for some people?


eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Ranger pets get one skill, just like every other pet in game. Why is this such a problem for some people?

Because no other class in the game has pets as their defining class mechanic.

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryan.8367


Also, necros have the choice to go Minion master, rangers don’t and I also don’t think necro pets have a row of abilities like our one pet does, you summon the pet and get to use it’s ability on the whim and then it recharges/dies. Comparing necro pets to ranger pets also is, comparing ‘apples and bacon’ as you put it.

Seems like you’re just a necro that doesn’t like rangers and obviously isn’t in favor of providing rangers with more uniqueness to the pet system, which is what something like this would do even if Anet has said countless time they won’t do it.

Tanbin 80 Ranger

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Pickles.2908


Also, necros have the choice to go Minion master, rangers don’t and I also don’t think necro pets have a row of abilities like our one pet does, you summon the pet and get to use it’s ability on the whim and then it recharges/dies. Comparing necro pets to ranger pets also is, comparing ‘apples and bacon’ as you put it.

Seems like you’re just a necro that doesn’t like rangers and obviously isn’t in favor of providing rangers with more uniqueness to the pet system, which is what something like this would do even if Anet has said countless time they won’t do it.

no, necro never have the pet skill bar like rangers, and i play a ranger too buddy. cheers.

edit: to be more clear, yes necro pets get one skill that you can cast (same as the ranger pet) but you must use a utility slot to equip a pet and you do not ever have the f1-4 buttons for pet.. meaning you can’t tell it who to attack or when to stop.


(edited by Pickles.2908)

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Pickles.2908


Ranger pets get one skill, just like every other pet in game. Why is this such a problem for some people?

Because no other class in the game has pets as their defining class mechanic.

Therefor pets must be buffed? Your logic has run out.

ranger will always have a pet without traiting or equipping to get it, DEFINING CLASS REQUIREMENT FILLED. Ranger pets do not –need- more skills. You may want them, but you are one of few. Most rangers couldn’t care less since you already get some rad pet skills like aoe fear.

(ignoring this person and moving on in the conversation about ranger pets)
I would love to see some new pets with a different make up of stats and skill and skin, that would be fun.

or pet armor


eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Pickles.2908


OH some pet emotes would be cool too.


eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


The idea behind necromancers “pets” has always been that they are raised, undead minions, and therefore recyclable. Hence, necromancers minions end up functioning more as an additional tool for the class, and their power damage output is left unscathed because of it.

However, rangers, due to the philosophy of “pet is always out,” have a reduced base power damage that is split with the pets damage output in order to reach maximum; something that necromancers simply aren’t forced to do.

Finally, @OP and people making the ele comparison, agreed. Just because the devs don’t want to make the pet mechanic more complicated doesn’t mean that they have to leave the mechanic as the least interactive, most simple mechanic to use in the game (for the most part).

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player
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eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Pickles.2908


Usually when I get in to discussion like this with a person and we have different opinions on the subject I find myself agreeing with some of what they say… but not so much with you. You have been incredibly hard to understand, you seem to only care about being right and proving me wrong instead of bettering game mechanic, and you constantly shoot out personal insults. I think it’s time you moved on, I am, it’s guild tpvp time for me and I’ll be playing my ranger, enjoying my one BAMF pet and kicking tail without complaining about a great class and a great game. I hope you can calm down at some point tonight. GL HF. XOXOGG.


eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Usually when I get in to discussion like this with a person and we have different opinions on the subject I find myself agreeing with some of what they say… but not so much with you. You have been incredibly hard to understand, you seem to only care about being right and proving me wrong instead of bettering game mechanic, and you constantly shoot out personal insults. I think it’s time you moved on, I am, it’s guild tpvp time for me and I’ll be playing my ranger, enjoying my one BAMF pet and kicking tail without complaining about a great class and a great game. I hope you can calm down at some point tonight. GL HF. XOXOGG.

Peace out.

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Miflett.3472


This is a thread about perceived skill cap. If anyone wants to make pity arguments over the specifics of one class not equaling another, then you have either missed the point, or want to serve your ego by eliciting some good ol troll response.

So… skill cap. As far as rangers go currently, I don’t see how having two buttons to control AI is very complex; much less being too demanding to add some much needed functionality like pets bars or basic skill controls.

Leader of Grim Omen [GO]

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: rshadowkirby.3548


thank you to those who actually understood my arguement
and to the necro saying your minons need more control you have FAR more build options where you are not hampered by ai

you CHOSE that build
we sadly didnt

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


What buttons would they be on if they gave you more control? You already have an attack, a heel, your special ability and then the swap on F1-4. Nothing in the game uses F5 or further if I am not mistaken. How would they implement more control besides giving you more buttons to use?

Comparing to Ele swapping is totally apples and oranges though as the swap changes the the eles 1-5 buttons not the F buttons. If you take control of the pet maybe temp lose your current weapon skills? That might be doable but would you even want that?

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Chipster.6713


Pets just don’t belong in this game. What good is a pet if it gets lolstomped by a champion before the fight even starts?
I’ve stopped playing my ranger for that exact reason.

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Conix.4589


The point of this is that we would like more control over our pet’s moves. Why does my eagle cast swift every other move instead of DPSing? Why does my dog never knock down? I know he has it! Stuff like that. It would allow me to actually USE the game mech ANet decided to hamper me with.
Also, dodge. Sure, a random champ out and about can be easy enough to solo… but the harder ones WILL one shot your pet unless you trait. And that really kills build options for reasons I won’t go into here.
Even if they just made your pet invuln during your dodge, that would be something.

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryan.8367


Ranger pets get one skill, just like every other pet in game. Why is this such a problem for some people?

Because no other class in the game has pets as their defining class mechanic.

Therefor pets must be buffed? Your logic has run out.

ranger will always have a pet without traiting or equipping to get it, DEFINING CLASS REQUIREMENT FILLED. Ranger pets do not –need- more skills. You may want them, but you are one of few. Most rangers couldn’t care less since you already get some rad pet skills like aoe fear.

(ignoring this person and moving on in the conversation about ranger pets)
I would love to see some new pets with a different make up of stats and skill and skin, that would be fun.

or pet armor

Who said anything about pets needing more skills, or are you meaning the keymap functionality for their existing skills as ‘more skills’? If anything I’d like to them to fix our horribly broken F2 functionality on the pets themselves before I see keymapped skills for their other actions but even then, it’s a really good idea that provide alot more viability in the pet itself entirely, I don’t think anybody could argue that except maybe the ergonomics side of things which should be left to the player, maybe an option to have automated skills other than F2 but if we want to bind keys to those skills, we can – so they get the best of both worlds. He just wants to be able to bind their ALREADY EXISTING skills as a pet owner should be able to command to do so. That’s all, lol… People blow kitten way out of proportion without actually reading what the person even is asking for, it’s so hilarious how many people do this on these forums.

Tanbin 80 Ranger

(edited by Ryan.8367)

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Apple.8126


Ranger pets get one skill, just like every other pet in game. Why is this such a problem for some people?

Because no other class in the game has pets as their defining class mechanic.

Therefor pets must be buffed? Your logic has run out.

You do know ranger pets count for around 30% of a rangers damage?
Why doesnt a trait line give “Increased 30% damage, however you can no longer summon any pets.” call it Mourning or some rubbish.

Also we get ONE skill, f2.. sometimes the positioning in this game RUINS it, sometimes it forgets to cast then goes on cooldown! It is broken.

So what if giving us 4-5 pet skills makes ranger harder, can that REALLY hurt? maybe we can actually be on par with spirit builds as having glowing little trees following me around doesnt seem very aggresive and ofcourse I’m not going to play a less superior build if this one annihilates.

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Miflett.3472


Frankly put, pets and action combat do not mix at all. I fear as though this part of the holy trinity was brought over without due thought on how the action combat aspect of GW2 would pan out. I wish I knew the answer to this problem, but until something good comes forward, I believe getting to work on a customizable pet bar would be a great first step.

Leader of Grim Omen [GO]

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Solandri.9640


Frankly put, pets and action combat do not mix at all.

The real fix for pets is to improve their AI. Give them an internal endurance bar, make them walk around red circles, dodge or move out of them if they form underneath them, and dodge big wind-up attacks.

If they want to make it worth their while, they should then give these AI improvements to mobs as well. It would make PvE a lot more interesting. And theoretically it should simplify simultaneously balancing for PvP and PvE since many skills/tactics which work in PvE only because mobs are dumb would stop working.

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Rawrakai.2908


It’s painful to read all you people compare Necro pets to Ranger pets. Necro pets are Utility skills! How about we compare the death shroud to ranger pets? Necros have excellent control over this ability and can integrate it into their skill rotation or situation however they need. However, my moa just heals whenever the hell it wants to, typically at extremely inconvenient times.

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Ranger pets get one skill, just like every other pet in game. Why is this such a problem for some people?

Because no other class in the game has pets as their defining class mechanic.

Therefor pets must be buffed? Your logic has run out.

ranger will always have a pet without traiting or equipping to get it, DEFINING CLASS REQUIREMENT FILLED. Ranger pets do not –need- more skills. You may want them, but you are one of few. Most rangers couldn’t care less since you already get some rad pet skills like aoe fear.

(ignoring this person and moving on in the conversation about ranger pets)
I would love to see some new pets with a different make up of stats and skill and skin, that would be fun.

or pet armor

Who said anything about pets needing more skills, or are you meaning the keymap functionality for their existing skills as ‘more skills’? If anything I’d like to them to fix our horribly broken F2 functionality on the pets themselves before I see keymapped skills for their other actions but even then, it’s a really good idea that provide alot more viability in the pet itself entirely, I don’t think anybody could argue that except maybe the ergonomics side of things which should be left to the player, maybe an option to have automated skills other than F2 but if we want to bind keys to those skills, we can – so they get the best of both worlds. He just wants to be able to bind their ALREADY EXISTING skills as a pet owner should be able to command to do so. That’s all, lol… People blow kitten way out of proportion without actually reading what the person even is asking for, it’s so hilarious how many people do this on these forums.

careful with what you say, someone might report you for saying they don’t read and you’ll get banned…… (happend to me)

Edit: eh whatever. Yes lol this person clearly didn’t read a thing about what this post is. Need to be (ignored and moved on to what this thread is really about)

(edited by Tricare.2946)

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Samitan.6192


Yay, i’m back to agree with Tricare again.

Personally, this is just me, so it’s my opinion, on what I would prefer, (and yet i’ll still get flamed) they scrap the 2 additional attacks and just give some sort of AoE boon to allies and then a buff like every 5th attack cripples for 3 secs, this would give some support to the ranger class as well as not having to give any more control options as in the other two attacks so the pet still does it’s standard attack as well as the special F2 in addition to providing boons and buffs to allies. Obviously how beneficial the boon is would have to be balanced with the damage of the pet.

I’m sure others would be able to handle having control of the extra two attacks and it doesn’t sound like much, but when you are trying to keep yourself alive as well as your pet at the same time as attacking and keeping an eye on everyone else, those extra two attacks will probably go forgotten or distract you, well me anyway, from something more important.

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Jacks.5367


I have been playing ranger class for about 1 week now and just reach level 60. My final predicament is Ranger class need to be buffed. You can only control 1 pet at a time and you are only able to cast only 1 of 4 skills (even you don’t get to choose which skill to activate). Even some of them has super long cd.

Here is the comparison to other professions:
Discipline trait can improve warrior burst recharge.
Virtues trait can improve guardian virtues recharge.
Tools trait can improve engineer tool belt recharge.
Arcana trait can improve elementalist attunement recharge.
Illusions trait can improve mesmer shatter recharge.
Trickery trait can improve thief steal recharge.
Soul Reaping trait add more life pool to necro death shroud.

And what do Ranger get for Beastmastery a total 300 pet attributes that is still useless.

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Spiuk.8421


Loner spirit - Skirmishing Adept trait: Increases all your damage by 10% , you can’t use pets.

Just do it kitten .

Rubios – Tales of the Sunless [TXS]

(edited by Spiuk.8421)

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Fjandi.2516


Loner spirit – Skirmishing Adept trait: Increases all your damage by 10% , you can’t use pets.

Just do it kitten .

There have been some calls for perma-stowed pets, and while I have said this in other areas I will say it again here. I don’t think we will let you perma-stow pets – the main reason being we want the player to be interacting with the pet, and the pet to be part of the identity of the player. The role of ranger is to to have a pet in our game, and with that comes a bit of extra micromanagement that comes with the package. Right now the micromanage is difficult and more tools are desired, and I honestly feel that once we make micromanaging pets easier, more responsive, and better in general that players won’t mind that they don’t have perma-stow capabilities.

I expecially love the last part, about the “more responsive” pets. Pls notice his post is 5 months old. I mean they WANT us to micromanage our pets, but i don’t really see much “micromanagement” here, just a plain stupid AI and some f2 skills.

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

actually I can see options how to give more control over pet to player but….
it requires deleting “pet-swap” as an option (to release F4 button)

but that was on the other topic.

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


actually I can see options how to give more control over pet to player but….
it requires deleting “pet-swap” as an option (to release F4 button)

but that was on the other topic.

This again assumes that they can’t just put in a new button. And even if they can’t and we would have to remove something, I’d sooner remove the return key and attach it to the attack key.

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Fjandi.2516


actually I can see options how to give more control over pet to player but….
it requires deleting “pet-swap” as an option (to release F4 button)

Ye would be cool. Tbh i think the “pet-swap” kitten is simply stupid and unrealistic. I suppose they realized how bad pets were and how easy they were to kill, so they introduced this “swap” mechanic. As another player said in a different thread, anet made pets almost expendable, that’s probably what i hate the most. They want the pet to be “part of the identity of the player”, but really pets in this game are like consumables.
I find it funny that charr ranger NPC rox doesn’t have a “backup” pet in case her devourer dies…

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Solandri.9640


Here is the comparison to other professions:
Discipline trait can improve warrior burst recharge.
Virtues trait can improve guardian virtues recharge.
Tools trait can improve engineer tool belt recharge.
Arcana trait can improve elementalist attunement recharge.
Illusions trait can improve mesmer shatter recharge.
Trickery trait can improve thief steal recharge.
Soul Reaping trait add more life pool to necro death shroud.

And what do Ranger get for Beastmastery a total 300 pet attributes that is still useless.

Commanding Voice: Pet skills (F2) recharge faster.

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Static.9841


I don’t really see how they can justify the pet abilities as “making ranger harder to play” considering the amount of skill management you have to do as an engineer swapping through kits that all give you a different set of skills either. Seems like a shallow argument.

[Zeus] Guild ~ Desolation. Not some silly muffin thing, stop stalking me Dhiania!

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


I mostly agree with OP

some pets are not very smart when using their abilites. On some pets the ai works fine for me – mostly on those who have defensive abilites like devourer. He knocks back or tunnels only when he gets attacked which is fine. (If I could also command the knock back it would be sweet but its fine as it is really.)

So pretty much everytime the ability is linked to a specific situation on the battlefield it works well – besides that there is definite room for improving.

I do not think that the ele comparison is helping though because attunement swap is much more trivial. Pet control needs 8 buttons at least and they are active at the same time.. Engineer kit control is a hard to master as well but more consecutive – which makes it a bit more user friendly.

i would welcome a toggle on/off option for advanced pet control for those players who wish to squeez more out of their pets.

(edited by Asmodal.6489)

eles attumenet swap yet we cant control pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Malpractice.7850


Did you know, if you click the pet (selected), then hit F2 it works ~100% of the time?