

in Ranger

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


Hi all.

I have taken every profession to lvl80 now apart from necro and ranger.

I do this mainly through Wv3 and have noticed a few things on my lvl50 ranger. The most glaring one is the total lack of stunbreakers or escapes in general.
On my mesmer i have tons of escapes and breakers, the same on my Ele.
My Thief (now deleted) never died unless to a zerg appearing from nowhere.
My warrior could also escape pretty easily if needed.
My guardian hasn’t got much in the way of blinks or mobility but he makes up for it with sheer tankyness and simply refusing to die.

On my 50 ranger im dead unless its a 1v1. All classes have the ability of chasing me down, and if they have CC i find myself justhaving to wait it out.

Are there any utilitys that i have missed… any blinks, stun breaks, invisibilty. Anything at all realy?
This isnt a QQ btw, i seriously want to know if im missing something here.
It just feels alien to have one or all of the above abilitys on all the other classes and then nothing on this one.

I must be missing something surely.
Can someone enlighten me please?


in Ranger

Posted by: Indoles.1467


Sword #2 First used while facing the opposite direction you want to travel, then spin 180 and use it again.
Greatsword #3 Use in the direction you want to go.
Shortbow #3 Target a foe behind you, run away from them, cast and continue running with swiftness.
Lightning Reflexes breaks stuns and rolls backward. Positioning needs to be heavily considered because if used while fleeing, you can wind up in the middle of the enemy zerg.

Having issues with conditions? Wait for empathic bond to proc, drop healing spring, or make sure your pet is close and use Signet of Renewal and then follow that up with an escape mechanism.

Tip: If you use traps, drops a spike or chill trap before fleeing.
Tip: Make sure you have cripple/chill/immobilize removed before you cast lightning reflexes or any ranger escape mechanism for that matter since they reduce distance traveled.
Tip: Shortbow #3 can be used on foe behind you, so simply target them before casting, no need to back pedal when cast.

What I do? If under heavy conditions, I hit Signet o Renewal, then #4 on greatsword, process to walk for a couple seconds, and then #3 on greatsword to escape (very high success rate on fleeing). If you use longbow/shortbow you need to use utility skills like lightning reflexes for effective means to escape (Huge reason why I don’t use lb/sb).

(edited by Indoles.1467)


in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Hi all.

I have taken every profession to lvl80 now apart from necro and ranger.

I do this mainly through Wv3 and have noticed a few things on my lvl50 ranger. The most glaring one is the total lack of stunbreakers or escapes in general.
On my mesmer i have tons of escapes and breakers, the same on my Ele.
My Thief (now deleted) never died unless to a zerg appearing from nowhere.
My warrior could also escape pretty easily if needed.
My guardian hasn’t got much in the way of blinks or mobility but he makes up for it with sheer tankyness and simply refusing to die.

On my 50 ranger im dead unless its a 1v1. All classes have the ability of chasing me down, and if they have CC i find myself justhaving to wait it out.

Are there any utilitys that i have missed… any blinks, stun breaks, invisibilty. Anything at all realy?
This isnt a QQ btw, i seriously want to know if im missing something here.
It just feels alien to have one or all of the above abilitys on all the other classes and then nothing on this one.

I must be missing something surely.
Can someone enlighten me please?

We have 2 good stun breakers, not really a problem, However far as escapes go, if you get jumped by a couple people, you’re pretty much screwed
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies


in Ranger

Posted by: Telegraph.7509


Sword and greatsword both offer excellent escape abilities – if you use both gs and sword sets and have lightning reflexes on your bar, you can put 2500 distance between you and the enemy in a couple of seconds. You also have a 4-second block on the greatsword between the jump cooldowns.

The key of getting away is the 20 second stability that comes with Rampage as one. I play a gs + sword/dagger Ranger in WvW, and never have trouble getting away from any situation… unless I screw up and forget to deselect an enemy before leaping. Yikes.


in Ranger

Posted by: BroScientist.9875


The key of getting away is the 20 second stability that comes with Rampage as one. I play a gs + sword/dagger Ranger in WvW, and never have trouble getting away from any situation… unless I screw up and forget to deselect an enemy before leaping. Yikes.

Ha, I just changed to a LB/GS build and I’ve been doing that exact thing.


in Ranger

Posted by: DancinPuppeh.8421


I deleted my Ranger. I’ve been Ranger/Thief for a few weeks. Swapping between the two. And I lost all patience with the Ranger and ArenaNets pathetic attempt at a “Ranged DPS” Class… I understand the issues to encounter when balancing, but it would be nice to atleast HEAR something is going to happen… So I’m going to go Thief and never look back.


in Ranger

Posted by: Forzani.2584


Yep, the deselect is key. A few times I was going to be fine….but forgot to deselect. Raged a little

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.


in Ranger

Posted by: Forzani.2584


I deleted my Ranger. I’ve been Ranger/Thief for a few weeks. Swapping between the two. And I lost all patience with the Ranger and ArenaNets pathetic attempt at a “Ranged DPS” Class… I understand the issues to encounter when balancing, but it would be nice to atleast HEAR something is going to happen… So I’m going to go Thief and never look back.

I recognized the name. I remember a few of your posts getting after people who were having trouble with their Ranger. That Ranger was fine and learn to play the class.
Most recent …

A lot of people have issues with the Ranger and I really don’t see why. Sure the pets die easy, sure the Damage we deal is lower than most. But the reason we deal lower damage is because our pets can deal the same damage of us… So yes a Ranger alone is weak. But a Ranger + Pet attack is a lot more powerful than you’d think.

Personally I think Ranger is extremely powerful, and even if it wasn’t I’d still stick with it cause I enjoy it the most. I also love the Rangers downed ability more than any other professions. And people say we have the worst downed… Having your pet revive you seems pretty kitten useful to me. Thief and teleport a few inches or go invisible… In most instances that’s completely useless cause people and mobs still know exactly where you are.

I really don’t see why so many people complain about it, if the profession is so un blanaced and so broken to you, and you can’t stand it so much, why are you still playing as a Ranger? If you feel it’s broken then play as a thief or a warrior, something that isn’t “broken”. But to me Ranger feels balanced enough, sure it has some issues, I won’t deny that. The pet could be improved survivability, and maybe even allow players to chose their pets traits and attributes to be more related to it. But if Ranger isn’t for you then don’t play it. There are tons of people who love the Ranger despite what issues people say it has…

Have fun with your Thief

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.


in Ranger

Posted by: BroScientist.9875


I do fine with my ranger. Just put most of your trait points into marksmanship and skirmishing. I have 30 marks, 25 skirm, 10 wilderness survival and 5 in beastmastery.

For marksmanship I have 10 percent damage increase when endurance is full, skirmishing I have 10 percent damage increase when flanking, and I have QZ+2seconds of zepher upon pet swap. I also trait for shortened CD of QZ. I am able to burst very frequently with my LB number 5 and 2(also trait for shortened CD of LB skills). I do crazy amounts of damage that more than makes up for our weak pets. In best case scenario I am doing 25percent damage(i have sigil of force on LB for 5%damage). I also trait eagle eye so I can attack from afar. I really like the ranger and I will stick through him thick and thin.

With that said though, I really think our class is not diverse at all. there are very few viable builds compared to other classes. We just need most of our traits to be brought in line and lots and lots of bug fixes. Also wouldn’t mind if you revert the change to LB that nerfed its damage in close encounters(just seems unnecessary.)

(edited by BroScientist.9875)


in Ranger

Posted by: Meryt.9823


Escape is not an option in Wv3 when targetted by2,3,4,5 etc. players . This is partly because of CD on stun breakers. Even with full set of superior runes of Melandru their effect is minimal (I wonder if they even work!).
Where a thief would simply stealth or a guardian tough it out, the ranger gets left stunlocked.

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.


in Ranger

Posted by: Joey.3928


If you are a norn, Snow leopard or bear elite form

However what everyone else mentioned is what we have. Try and bring the fight to the water. Spear#3 can travel a good distance.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir