I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
So, with the upcoming feature patch including 2-handed weapons getting a second sigil slot, how are you planning to upgrade your bows?
WvW Shortbow, I’m strongly considering rearranging to~
Sigil of Bursting (+6% condition damage)
Sigil of Nullification (on crit: 60% chance to remove boon)
Longbow being more power-based looks like maybe
Sigil of Power (+5% damage)
Sigil of Bloodlust (on kill: stacking Power buff)
Any more clever pairing come to mind?
For WvW Longbow:
Fire and Ice!
short bow, sigil of generosity/sigil of purity
long bow fire and lightning
I’m actually expecting to see some changes to Purity/Generosity as part of the review. Having one just be flatly better than the other is not likely to stand.
Running Air and Fire together is amusing for random damage bursts.
Running Air and Fire together is amusing for random damage bursts.
but they share cd or are they changing that too ?
Separate cooldowns for all sigils with different names, is my understanding.
Running Air and Fire together is amusing for random damage bursts.
but they share cd or are they changing that too ?
Shortbow – Sigil of torment (For the extra condition)
– Sigil of Malice (for the extra duration needed to put that extra tic of condition)
Longbow – Sigil of Fire
– Sigil of Battle/Bloodlust
Torment,Perception with either bow
I don’t waste a slot for bloodlust or precision buff. Take 1 minute and you can get a full stack with 2 spare weapons.
GS bloodlust + battle (power build up)
Long bow fire + force (dps)
So far I prefer to stack up naturally to keep it interesting.
Running Air and Fire together is amusing for random damage bursts.
but they share cd or are they changing that too ?
I love these kind of logical answers.
A child is born and the mother asks “Is it a boy or a girl?” and the doctor replies “Yes”…
Running Air and Fire together is amusing for random damage bursts.
but they share cd or are they changing that too ?
I love these kind of logical answers.
A child is born and the mother asks “Is it a boy or a girl?” and the doctor replies “Yes”…
Even worse if the doctor replies “No”
There was only one question. He didn’t ask “do they share a cooldown?”, he stated that they do and then if that was changing. Which it is.
Running Air and Fire together is amusing for random damage bursts.
but they share cd or are they changing that too ?
I love these kind of logical answers.
A child is born and the mother asks “Is it a boy or a girl?” and the doctor replies “Yes”…
A single question was asked: “are they changing that too?” which requires a yes/no answer. The first half of the comment was a statement, which required no answer.
Well, just Energy/Fire on everything everywhere.
I don’t waste a slot for bloodlust or precision buff. Take 1 minute and you can get a full stack with 2 spare weapons.
Aren’t they changing it so you’ll lose the stacks if you switch to a weapon without the sigil?
25 bloodlust stacks is +250 power. Which for most builds will be about +10% damage. Even when buffed with food and 25 might stacks, it’ll be about +7% damage. So superior to sigil of force (+5% damage).
I don’t waste a slot for bloodlust or precision buff. Take 1 minute and you can get a full stack with 2 spare weapons.
Aren’t they changing it so you’ll lose the stacks if you switch to a weapon without the sigil?
25 bloodlust stacks is 250 power. Which for most builds will be about +10% damage. Even when buffed with food and 25 might stacks, it’ll be about +7% damage. So superior to sigil of force (5% damage).
There was a rumor floating around but I can’t really see them doing it.
I’ll probably just mush in another accuracy sigil or a sigil of force. It’s not worth trying to get a full stack of buttlust in WvW on a ranger with a longbow anyway.
Upon review I have to agree that Sigil of Torment looks like a real candidate – love the idea of punishing foes for closing with/chasing me. I’m still intrigued by Nullification, but the 10 second cooldown is harsh.
My understanding is that for Dungeons its hard to beat Sigil of Night, since the 10% damage bonus is always active there.
Aren’t they changing it so you’ll lose the stacks if you switch to a weapon without the sigil?
Do you mean un-equiping the weapon? Would suck to lose all stacks just for switching.
I don’t waste a slot for bloodlust or precision buff. Take 1 minute and you can get a full stack with 2 spare weapons.
Aren’t they changing it so you’ll lose the stacks if you switch to a weapon without the sigil?
25 bloodlust stacks is 250 power. Which for most builds will be about +10% damage. Even when buffed with food and 25 might stacks, it’ll be about +7% damage. So superior to sigil of force (5% damage).
There was a rumor floating around but I can’t really see them doing it.
I’ll probably just mush in another accuracy sigil or a sigil of force. It’s not worth trying to get a full stack of buttlust in WvW on a ranger with a longbow anyway.
You don’t use LB to get stacks. You equip whatever 2 alternate weapons to compliment your build. Power build I use Sword/Axe, trait entangle and 12 kills later I have 24 stacks. Condi build A/T + traps + entangle and your 12 kills comes even faster.
(edited by Forzani.2584)
I’d save the bloodlust stacks for a secondary weapon and stick sigil of fire and whatever that sigil is for 5% damage.
I suppose depending on what your goal is.. in zerg play I suspect fire and 5% damage will be overall better than fire and lightning, though that would be amusing to watch your target scramble after a couple of hits.. lol.
Fire and Air on my shortbow for the extra punch and the lawls from the different death animations mobs have being fwooshed or zapped.
For WvW, I may slot Fire and Torment.
There was a rumor floating around but I can’t really see them doing it.
I’ll probably just mush in another accuracy sigil or a sigil of force. It’s not worth trying to get a full stack of buttlust in WvW on a ranger with a longbow anyway.
Doubt it’s a rumor. Devon said they’ve been wanting to implement that for a while.
Which makes all this new creative thinking useless since you’ll be running stacking sigil on it one way or another. They won’t let you put Air/Fire on killshot, maul, backstabs when they’re trying to nerf burst damage. There’s always a catch with this game.
I don’t waste a slot for bloodlust or precision buff. Take 1 minute and you can get a full stack with 2 spare weapons.
Aren’t they changing it so you’ll lose the stacks if you switch to a weapon without the sigil?
25 bloodlust stacks is 250 power. Which for most builds will be about +10% damage. Even when buffed with food and 25 might stacks, it’ll be about +7% damage. So superior to sigil of force (5% damage).
There was a rumor floating around but I can’t really see them doing it.
I’ll probably just mush in another accuracy sigil or a sigil of force. It’s not worth trying to get a full stack of buttlust in WvW on a ranger with a longbow anyway.
You don’t use LB to get stacks. You equip whatever 2 alternate weapons to compliment your build. Power build I use Sword/Axe, trait entangle and 12 kills later I have 24 stacks. Condi build A/T + traps + entangle and your 12 kills comes even faster.
I can actually get halfway to full or more from just a single barrage if a fight goes well and I don’t die from Retaliate overload. I mostly meant as in you don’t have the survivability with LB that you get on other weapons to stay alive constantly in big fights. Force sigils may be a smaller boost but it’s always there and doesn’t require me to keep refilling it ever time I get downed.
The LB makes a good sniper weapon but I tend to use it with piercing arrows to pressure people trying to retreat to the safety of the back of their zerg so i get caught in the hammer train quite often. It’s high risk but can pay off pretty well. Especially when you get lucky with Tab and find an enemy commander.
This type of sigil will have more strict rules applied on them, so that a player will no longer be able to gain 25 stacks and then un-equip the sigil.
You’ll all be running stacking sigil on your main weapon. LOL, thanks for playing.
Clueless Devs > Creativity.
Hello? “Un-equip” and “swap” are different things. The change is “You may no longer benefit from gear that’s not even equipped.”
And there is definitely going to be some testing to see if having the matching stack-builder Sigil on your aquatic weapon will keep you from losing the stacks…
I wonder what will happen if you use two weapons with the sigil to get stacks twice as fast, then replace one of the weapons with something else….still leaving one weapon with the stack sigil?
You can’t build stacks twice as fast – the first one puts the second into cooldown – you get one stack (or 5 against players) per kill. Period.
And yes, the question of the hour is “will removing a weapon wht that stack-builder sigil remove the stacks even if you have another sigil of that type equipped elsewhere?”
Don’t know yet, but you can be certain I will within an hour or two of the patch going live .
Two weapons with a bloodlust on each weapon. 12 mob kills =24 stacks. I have done it that way since forever.
Two weapons with a bloodlust on each weapon. 12 mob kills =24 stacks. I have done it that way since forever.
It won’t work anymore.
Hello? “Un-equip” and “swap” are different things. The change is “You may no longer benefit from gear that’s not even equipped.”
And there is definitely going to be some testing to see if having the matching stack-builder Sigil on your aquatic weapon will keep you from losing the stacks…
Err…this is how people stack normally, you stack with one weapon, and then equip your “real” weapon that has the proc sigil.
There, you’ll lose your stack.
Do you really think they’ll let you stack with aquatic weapon and keep it? They flat out said in the previous thread I quoted that they don’t want this. Even if the aquatic oversight is there, they WILL patch it. Go read that thread. There’s enough clueless people that’ll whine about it to get this “fixed” because apparently farming 10g is enough of a deterrent for players nowadays in this game.
Hmm. I’m probably remembering disappointing experiments showing you can’t get two types of stacks going at once.
So yes. Now the test of “does pulling a weapon with the sigili clear the stacks when you have several of the sigils present on your sheet?” becomes even more important to know the answer to.
Two weapons with a bloodlust on each weapon. 12 mob kills =24 stacks. I have done it that way since forever.
It won’t work anymore.
Understood. I didn’t realize we were debating for after April 15th
“On-Kill sigils (those sigils which trigger when you kill something) have received an update as well. The functionality of each sigil has changed so that killing a player is worth five stacks of a sigil in any game mode, while killing a monster only grants one stack. This type of sigil will have more strict rules applied on them, so that a player will no longer be able to gain 25 stacks and then un-equip the sigil.”
Does not indicate with certainty what happens if you still have a copy of the sigil on your character. We can ask, and they might tell us. or we’ll end up experimenting. An experiment that will cost nothing if conducted in the heart of the mists .
Just equip a stacking sigil on one of the underwater weapons and it should skill allow for the other sets to be changed out.
It may. It really depends on how they coded the removal of stacks on de-equipping.
Err…this is how people stack normally, you stack with one weapon, and then equip your “real” weapon that has the proc sigil.
There, you’ll lose your stack.
Do you really think they’ll let you stack with aquatic weapon and keep it? They flat out said in the previous thread I quoted that they don’t want this.
I think the question was more what happens if I have bloodlust sigils on both weapons and swap? If you lose the stack, it’ll be the same as the ranger Master’s Bond trait which effectively prohibits you from swapping pets. Their “fix” would effectively prohibit you from swapping weapons, and practically nobody is going to use stacking sigils anymore. Just like practically nobody uses Master’s Bond.
Err…this is how people stack normally, you stack with one weapon, and then equip your “real” weapon that has the proc sigil.
There, you’ll lose your stack.
Do you really think they’ll let you stack with aquatic weapon and keep it? They flat out said in the previous thread I quoted that they don’t want this.
I think the question was more what happens if I have bloodlust sigils on both weapons and swap? If you lose the stack, it’ll be the same as the ranger Master’s Bond trait which effectively prohibits you from swapping pets. Their “fix” would effectively prohibit you from swapping weapons, and practically nobody is going to use stacking sigils anymore. Just like practically nobody uses Master’s Bond.
Swapping weapons, as in going from main to secondary won’t make you lose stack. Unequipping it will however, will. (e.g. I run LB+GS on wvw. I would routinely unequip either one to use my horn to blast fields, doing that would make me lose stack post patch, if I happened to unequip the weapon that has Bloodlust on it.)
The only question remaining is to Nike’s point, whether stacks will remain if you stacked it with your water weapon and keep that speargun/harpoon equipped the whole time.
Or alternative, if you had multiple BL stacking sigils, would taking one of them away make you lose the stack? (e.g. one on harpoon, one on LB. I unequip LB would the sigil on my harpoon let me keep the stack?)
Given their stance and the minimum amount of whining that prompted this change, I would say the odds are not good even if that little loop hole is there. I have a very strong feeling that they will patch it to close any water weapon loopholes. Especially if someone starts a thread on WvW whining that the blue keep or BL host has crappy access to water mobs so my opponents have stacks but I don’t. Waaaaa! Nerf it Anet, it’s not fair!
In my opinion there is ZERO probability that the stacks know which weapon they came from. Its just a counter from 0-to-25.
I havent been playing recently.. but I had been hoping to try adding Sigil of Ice to my SB (which already has Sigil of Earth on it). All that delicious chill could be a lot of fun.. but if not, then geomancy or torment would be pretty save bets.
Kinda’ hoping Stacking Sigils are weapon-self-aware and do restrict by swap but also play well with other copies. That way you can pick back up where you left off if you swap it back in, or choose to continue the same pool of stacking across both your weapons if you invest a copy on each, but engineers and elementalists aren’t losing out on opportunities.
But to get back to the OP.
Just working off of what we know: Sigil of Fire and Sigil of Celerity on my Longbow.
I’d want to use Fire for it’s AOE damage, but, also to get around Longbow’s tagging issues as a single-target weapon. With 5 stacks per head, and the fact Fire’s AOE can hit up to 5 people, a single well placed Fire proc tags enough warm bodies for a full Celerity stack. Not that things would actually work out so nicely, but I generally like the option to avoid the risky business of tagging with Barrage or Piercing Arrows (and the headache that’s about to become).
No reason for my fascination with Quickness, other than the fact firing longbow like a machine gun is darned near the only time that weapon’s sluggish wet noodle performance doesn’t grate on my poor sniper soul.
(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)
For WvW Longbow:
Fire and Ice!
I’m with you on this, the advantage of bows is you can deal damage to opponents without being hit by melee but staying at range is very difficult in gw2 so regardless if you play a condition or powerbuild I think Sigil of Ice will be a very good second sigil to help keep them away the other sigil would depend on build.
I don’t waste a slot for bloodlust or precision buff. Take 1 minute and you can get a full stack with 2 spare weapons.
You won’t after this new patch, if you unslot the weapons with the sigil you lose the stacks. you’ll however build them faster for weapons that have the sigils as playerkills will award 5stacks like in pvp, AI kills will give 1stack like now.
Something like full rabid could be fun with:
Axe: Sigil of Earth
Dagger: Sigil of Geomancy
Sword: Sigil of Earth
Torch: Sigil of Geomancy
Bleed you basterd bleed!!!
Can i have 1 bow with normal sigils, and then 2nd (exotic ofc) with Sigil of the night (10% damage at night) and use it during night?
So Switching to my GS won’t remove Bloodlust I hope… That would be extremely llame.
I have a couple of sigils to do, but due I don’t really proccing well (sometimes 80% crit chance goes 8 of 10 arrow noncrit… for a whole minute), I’ll use Sigil of Force on my land weapons. Cond Removal and Buff Removal on Water.
For general zerginess:
Stamina and Celerity – More dodging to overcome some longbow survivability issues, and celerity for extra pew-pew and faster ally rezzes.
For pet-centered build:
Luck and Strength – With Fortifying Bond we both gain might and have a chance to gain retal/aegis/prot/swiftness/regen.
My understanding is that for Dungeons its hard to beat Sigil of Night, since the 10% damage bonus is always active there.
Which is why I bought 10 sigils of night and 10 sigils of force the moment I heard about 2 sigils per weapon. Most all my 2 handed weapons on my guard, war, mes, and ranger will be getting those sigils. But, on my Ranger the long bow already has Sigil of Fire so it’ll most likely just get night or force.
So Switching to my GS won’t remove Bloodlust I hope… That would be extremely llame.
From what I have read and the Ready Up stream, it will remove the bloodlust stacks or any stacks from sigils… which is why I’m not bothering with those stacking sigils anymore.
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