greatsword vs 1h sword

greatsword vs 1h sword

in Ranger

Posted by: TheRatso.2956


I’ve only just started my ranger and I quite like the both of these weapons but I am finding the auto attack on the 1h sword very restrictive as I cannot dodge without using the skills so I bought a greatsword which seems really good,my question is it possible to make a bow+great sword ranger for wvw and dungeons,I am currently trying to boost precision with power as a secondary stat without much regard for defensive attributes will the great sword fit in here or should I review my ideas about my build

greatsword vs 1h sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Puandro.3245


Turn off your sword auto attack. Its your highest dps weapon and its awesome.

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greatsword vs 1h sword

in Ranger

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Turn off your sword auto attack. Its your highest dps weapon and its awesome.terrible

Awesome would be dodge, #2 and #3 interrupting auto-attack.

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greatsword vs 1h sword

in Ranger

Posted by: TheRatso.2956


I could see the lack of dodge being a problem in wvw ,where evading is a big part of the game especially since #2 and #3 have cooldowns on them and vigour would seem wasted on while using the sword

greatsword vs 1h sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Malleus Maleficarum.2603

Malleus Maleficarum.2603

Greatsword shines in a Beastmaster build, imo. What i run needs to be changed for dungeons, basically needing just a complete redesign into another spec, but it’s been working for WvW and it’s actually really good for open world PvE


30/30/0/0/10 basically glass cannon built around bursting with the jaguar. GS fits in here because of the #5 skill which gives a 50% dmg boost on the next attack-which with the 30% more dmg on crit trait, and the 15-20 vulnerability with the longbow and marksmanship traits and stuff like sic em you get huge damage numbers a few hits in a row because jaguars ALWAYS crit in stealth, and their stealth lasts several seconds.

Anyway, back to the GS lol. i switch to it and swoop in after the opening LB vulnerability and #2 skill, then stun with #5 which with the 30 skirmishing trait and my sigil is a 65% duration bonus on it- it’s quite lengthy- meanwhile you and your pet are going to town with increased damage.

Gs fits into a glass cannon build because of the #4 skill. Once they fixed that it rooted you in place, we can now move with it up….and if we’re not standing skill it works like the warrior shield, blocking everything for the whole duration, instead of just one. OR, you can choose to stand in place, block the attack, and get some nice damage with a interrupt-knockback, which will also give your pet another 50% dmg boost.

i think i may have gotten sidetracked from your original question lol, but yes, a GS fits into a glass cannon build, because what it does is make your pet the high damage tool, and also provides defense and mobility and such, plus #5 is awesome.

greatsword vs 1h sword

in Ranger

Posted by: TheRatso.2956


That sounds really good and I’m thinking of going as far into beast master as possible so that sounds really encouraging

greatsword vs 1h sword

in Ranger

Posted by: capuchinseven.8395


Turn off your sword auto attack. Its your highest dps weapon and its awesome.terrible

Awesome would be dodge, #2 and #3 interrupting auto-attack.

Your personal opinion that’s terrible, nothing more.

The bravest animal in the land is Captain Beaky and his band.

greatsword vs 1h sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


I’m a rebel.

I use both. Swoop + hilt bash, then swap, throw dagger, poison roll, spammmmmmmmm autoattack; win or he runs. If he runs, swap back, swoop, stun, bear slash, offensively block (:3), hopefully by now swap is off cd so I can get back to spammmmmmming.

greatsword vs 1h sword

in Ranger

Posted by: capuchinseven.8395


I’ve been trying out a BM melee build, mostly relying on the sword and swapping to the greatsword as I need to but I just love my short bow too much.

The bravest animal in the land is Captain Beaky and his band.

greatsword vs 1h sword

in Ranger

Posted by: TheRatso.2956


I’m mixing longbow with the great sword now, I might switch to short bow but I just feel that sword and short bow are far to mainstream,