heads up: Robert Hrouda left ArenaNet
Another Ranger bites the dust…
So first they get rid of ranger players. The next step was to get rid of ranger playing devs :P
The plan is working, pets are awesome!
Not sure how to feel about this. We never got what we needed while he was around in it’s entirety, just fractions of it and small paint-over-the-cracks fixes. The question now is whether or not they’ll put someone remotely competent in his stead and where that will take us from here.
Not sure how to feel about this. We never got what we needed while he was around in it’s entirety, just fractions of it and small paint-over-the-cracks fixes. The question now is whether or not they’ll put someone remotely competent in his stead and where that will take us from here.
Well, considering he wasn’t working on bug fixes or class balance but was a dungeon designer i kinda doubt there will be anyone :P
No more “huge” underwater patches, oh noooooz
No more “huge” underwater patches, oh noooooz
Wrong dev.
My mistake, I took him for that other guy. Hrouda was just the one to deliver the bad news.
No more “huge” underwater patches, oh noooooz
Wrong dev.
What about JP?
Well, considering he wasn’t working on bug fixes or class balance but was a dungeon designer i kinda doubt there will be anyone :P
I question whether he even designed dungeons after that abortion Aetherblade mid boss.
I expect more for someone who supposedly mained a ranger.
Welp, there goes the only Dev that posts on the Ranger forum.
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian
Every ranger should name their pets as Robert H
Every ranger should name their pets as Robert H
Why? The second we decide to use ever utilize some of that amaaaaaazing versatility they provide with us they lose names.
I never really cared for his input anyhow. He seemed overly optimistic and also seemed to lack knowledge of the depths of the capabilities of the class.
He was a great guy though, and speaking rl for a moment, hopefully the transition ends up being a positive one.
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
yep i saw the post days ago, was going to post it but well. He probably got fired for posting in the ranger forum section lol, they are getting rip of all the rangers, even devs
There’s already a thread about Robert.H leaving..
You must’ve missed it, here
Robert Hrouda has left Arenanet?
While I do believe any thread concerning Robert.H, should belonged in his beloved Ranger class thread.
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
I am pretty certain THAT was the guy who fixed CULLING In that case; BIG mistake ANet. I am ALSO pretty certain he gor fired because of constantly insisting on class balances to fit wvw instead of the kitten smallscale PvP. Last one, you can take as inside information. Point is, he wanted classes to work. And was fired for it.
I am pretty certain THAT was the guy who fixed CULLING
In that case; BIG mistake ANet. I am ALSO pretty certain he gor fired because of constantly insisting on class balances to fit wvw instead of the kitten smallscale PvP. Last one, you can take as inside information. Point is, he wanted classes to work. And was fired for it.
What kind of dumb company would fire a person (that was with them for quite some time too) for wanting balanced classes?
Every ranger should name their pets as Robert H
Why? The second we decide to use ever utilize some of that amaaaaaazing versatility they provide with us they lose names.
lol this, otherwise I totally would name one of mine that
I am pretty certain THAT was the guy who fixed CULLING
In that case; BIG mistake ANet. I am ALSO pretty certain he gor fired because of constantly insisting on class balances to fit wvw instead of the kitten smallscale PvP. Last one, you can take as inside information. Point is, he wanted classes to work. And was fired for it.
What kind of dumb company would fire a person (that was with them for quite some time too) for wanting balanced classes?
When the majority of the developers, including lead developers, say classes are fine, and one or two people keep nagging about it on meetings, then eventually action was taken, as you see.
kitten rangers need more support :< we already get lots of disadvatages and a bit of support on the forum at least (for bug report and tips) is all what we ask… really so hard to have?
There’s already a thread about Robert.H leaving..
You must’ve missed it, here
Robert Hrouda has left Arenanet?
While I do believe any thread concerning Robert.H, should belonged in his beloved Ranger class thread.
umh no, I linked to that exact same thread in my starting post. “You must’ve missed it”
Not everyone reads every sub-forum, so I decided to link to it in the Ranger forum, considering he used to post here and played Ranger himself.
R.H. Leave’d… Can I take his place, please?
We need positive changes ASAP!
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
I just read over the funniest thing ever.
The post from May 27th has one con that absolutely stands out when working for ArenaNet. By standing out I mean something else than shady management.
Pets are not welcome.
Definately related to game balance!
Robert you will be missed, as will the occasional red texts on the Ranger subforum.
Co-founder of Flying Pink Unicorns [PWNY], Ring of Fire
R. Hrouda will be missed by many on this forum including me. Rock on dude! Good luck in your next adventure.
He will be missed.
From now on, don’t expect any posts from devs in the ranger forum anymore.
/ And there were only warrior devs left.
I am pretty certain THAT was the guy who fixed CULLING
In that case; BIG mistake ANet. I am ALSO pretty certain he gor fired because of constantly insisting on class balances to fit wvw instead of the kitten smallscale PvP. Last one, you can take as inside information. Point is, he wanted classes to work. And was fired for it.
What kind of dumb company would fire a person (that was with them for quite some time too) for wanting balanced classes?
When the majority of the developers, including lead developers, say classes are fine, and one or two people keep nagging about it on meetings, then eventually action was taken, as you see.
the whole forum is on fire telling devs the current meta is a joke… these devs need to wake the &@* up
I am pretty certain THAT was the guy who fixed CULLING
In that case; BIG mistake ANet. I am ALSO pretty certain he gor fired because of constantly insisting on class balances to fit wvw instead of the kitten smallscale PvP. Last one, you can take as inside information. Point is, he wanted classes to work. And was fired for it.
What kind of dumb company would fire a person (that was with them for quite some time too) for wanting balanced classes?
Probably the kind that would take years to learn that skills should be separated between game types and then choose not to split them from the get-go in the sequel.
I just read over the funniest thing ever.
The post from May 27th has one con that absolutely stands out when working for ArenaNet. By standing out I mean something else than shady management.
Pets are not welcome.
Definately related to game balance!
Robert you will be missed, as will the occasional red texts on the Ranger subforum.
That post seemed like the most legit one there, good on that person.
-edit- be wary the site limits how much you can see, they want you to sign up.
9/3/13 rip
(edited by thrice.9184)
Since my original thread got locked up, I just want to say that Robert will be missed.
Yeah they dont read the profession threads so this one will be safe.
We’ve lost another member of the Ranger community, and a dev at that? I am now sad…who will help us get more reliable pets and damage now?
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Who cares.
Good, I didn’t particularly like his reply to Rangers that we are A OK…
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ
No wonder, ranger is left in the dark. Kuddos to the Ranger Hero: Robert Hrouda! We will miss you!!!! You were the only one caring for us, without going further into details to prevent infraction. I can only say that everyone (If and i Emphasize if, so this is not infraction justified), that pushed Hrouda away from Gw2, dissapointed me incredible much.
Ps @ people saying his answer were bad: lol. The other devs don’t answer, cause they know we would rage all over their weak reasons why ranger is no priority in their book. They are just smart enough to not say it out loud.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)
Well I’m personally waiting to see what the big announcements are (the WvW one and the other one) as well as the coming skill updates.
Those are the only things that might keep me playing. As it is now I’m just too disgusted with ANet to even log in. They’ve forsaken their own goals as well as the people that loved them.
Now that no devs play Ranger maybe they will finally delete it and let us change class.
I am pretty certain THAT was the guy who fixed CULLING
In that case; BIG mistake ANet. I am ALSO pretty certain he gor fired because of constantly insisting on class balances to fit wvw instead of the kitten smallscale PvP. Last one, you can take as inside information. Point is, he wanted classes to work. And was fired for it.
What kind of dumb company would fire a person (that was with them for quite some time too) for wanting balanced classes?
I have ZERO idea if the above is true or not… but just because they work on a MMO, doesn’t mean they are immune to office politics and all the associated baggage.
he was also upset about having to make 2 week rushed joke updates instead of lasting real serious content
I don’t know about the reason, but Robert Hrouda left ArenaNet:
http://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/Robert-Hrouda-has-left-Arenanet/page/3#post2727739So, unfortunately we won’t be seeing him back on the Ranger forum and we lost the (only?) Ranger dev.
Just came back to look for a new ranger build as I have not played the ranger in a long time. I have to say good, he may have posted although he did not do what was needed for the class.