legendery wepon for ranger
I wonder the same.
Personally I thought about staff as I also have a ele and a mesmer, and I could make an ascended staffs and transmute the skin over. But I’d wait for the druid details to show.
My 2nd choice would be a LB, as I believe they will definitely be viable after the update?
Pick which ever you use the mose/like the best i have kudzu and dreamer and im on on my way for the next one wich i pick after i seen the new skins from hot
I got legendary lb and warhorn for my ranger. Just make The one u like most or wait for The new legendary weapon from hot
I had a hard time deciding on my 1st legendary as well, as I play many professions. Bolt is and was my top pick but I already had infinite light and having to pick which of the 2 swords I would use was going to be too hard of a choice….
So I ended up making the juggernaut instead due to mainly playing a frontline war in a wvw guild at the time… But who knows with new weapons and specs in the future after Druid maybe bunny thumper is still a possibility!
Pick whatever you will use/enjoy. I wouldn’t rec making staff just yet as we have no idea if u will actually like it or not.
Really depends on your playstyle, what game modes and builds you enjoy most. I’m waiting for the release of new legends before I craft my 2nd one.
Sword, axe, and LB are all “meta” in all 3 game modes, if that helps any. But all of the weapons are commonly used. Rangers don’t really have a bad weapon set.
Staff : Bifrost … shoot rainbows
Shortbow : Dreamer … shoot rainbow unicorns
Finisher : Rainbow Unicorn
Overwhelm people with emasculating rainbows and unicorns … laugh.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
Don’t forget to make your armor some hideous rainbow color scheme if you go that route.
Get the warhorn. It’s sexy and you don’t see them alot. Or go with one of the underwater ones. Frenzy would be cool and speargun is amazing weapon.