everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
placement of axe and Gs show me the light.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
GS is fine where it is. There is no decent reason to give the GS power so easily to LB/GS rangers, mostly in WS. 6/6/6/0/0 Power monster ranger with + X % damage everywhere, reduce recharge for both weapons and perma fury on both weapons and SOTF ? No way.
Tchuu Tchuu Im A Train [TCHU] – Gandara
(edited by borya.2964)
You don’t really need marksmanship now that longbow base properties get buffed, gives room for beast mastery.
Here a theoretical build for the greatsword trait, which adds in a bit of pet condi:
Skirmishing: sharpened edges – spotter – quick draw
Wilderness survival: expertise training – peak strength – wilderness knowledge
Beast mastery: rending attacks – two-handed training – beastly warden
weapons: longbow, greatsword
skills: full survival
And a theoretical build for the axe trait:
Beast mastery: resounding timbre – wilting strike – honed axes
Wilderness survival: ambidexterity – shared anguish – empathetic bond
Skirmishing: sharpened edges – trappers expertise – strider’s defense
weapons: axe, dagger, sword, torch
skills: shouts and traps
(edited by Adrian Guardian.9480)
You don’t even need to take pet traits in the BM line. Plus, the minor traits give your pet a massive boost.
Roaming GS-S/WH
TU, MT, LR, “Sic Em” “RaO”
GS-Doom/Intelligence. Sword-Leeching. WH-Energy.
Cavalier Armor/weapons – Zerk/Valk trinkets
Beastmaster’s Bond, MoC, Remorseless
Expertise Training, Oakheart Salve, Wilderness Knowledge
Resounding Timbre, 2hT, ZS
A/D S/T Axe-Leeching, Dagger-Geomancy, S-Leeching, T-Energy
Jaguar/Jungle Spider
Cele Gear, Trapper Runes
“HaO”, Flame Trap, Viper’s Nest, Spike Trap, Entangle
Sharpened Edges, Trappers Expertise, Quick Draw
Ambidexterity, Oakheart Salve, EB
Resounding Timbre, Natural Healing, Honed Axes
(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)
The lowdown of it is:
- MH axe gives might to you and the pet; might stacking hugely benefits pet so you can put points in more defensive stats like healing power, which allows you to be tankier.
- axe also has a spammable soft cc which further benefits pet
- GS also has a bunch of cc’s that benefit the pet but also vuln stacking
- GS generating fury allows you to invest less in precision and therefore more into defensive stats; it will also work beautifully with remorseless GM
BM and the two weapons basically allow you to go tankier while still outputting decent damage. A power build with more sustain for example. Before with cleric gear, our damage was negligible even though we had lots of sustain. The placement of these traits that buff these weapons in BM was arguably very well thought out. You can and will still use GS with other power builds but as it is currently, you won’t need to trait GS. Whereas BM line benefits from traiting these weapons.
Hope this helps.
(edited by mistsim.2748)
One guy saying it doesn’t need to be so powerful, When every other call will be oosing power and defensive skill.
One condi build that you might as well be holding a rock for all the damage coming from you weapons.
None of which are better than what I can make now even with a 3rd master trait.
I guess ill donate my frostfangs to my warrior or revenant once hot comes out.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
Suit yourself. I prefer the jade axe to the frostfang. Axe will be very powerful if you spec into BM. How would you like to use the axe? You can still max out 2 other trait lines. I guess I don’t understand what you’re complaining about.
(edited by mistsim.2748)
Rangers rarely spec into BM now, yes. However once the change happens the BM line will give you faster pet swap, make your pet tankier and hit harder, and make your pet move 30% faster while giving it more powerful critical hits.
There is no ranger build that wouldn’t benefit from these minor traits. None at all. Every ranger build uses a pet as it isn’t optional. Every ranger build relies heavily on their pet’s crowd control to boost their own survivability. Having a pet that lasts longer and hits harder is a benefit to every ranger build.
So I don’t really see why you’d be upset for having to go into BM to get the traits you need if BM has the traits you need.
An additional 150 in pet traits isn’t worth it (we will get 150 baseline), When I can share boons with my pet. What are you giving up to spec in bm. Yes we rarely spec now, Are you really going to spec just for the weapons?
If your spec’ing just to be a beastmaster well good for you. I don’t see why a beastmaster can’t use a bow. Pets tauting foe to them as you light them up (Not say bow show be there either). I really don’t think any weapon should be in the beast master line
My concern is these weapons will see little use unless unless you want to be a beastmaster.
This line has the feeling as an Elite Traitline but it not its core. Just as when staff comes in you will have to spec in to druid to use it.
Even if I were to spec into Bm line, I just feel that I wont be selecting gs or axe because 1h sword with quickness is a beast or quick draw rapid fire and Quickness.
I feel these weapon will just fall to the wayside. Will people use them sure just not to the fullest.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
(edited by Serraphin Storm.2369)
No way, I’ll be loving GS-S/A build now whereas before it was kinda meh. 60606 Beastmaster’s Bond, MoC, Remorseless, Expertise Training, Oakheart Salve, Wilderness Knowledge, Resounding Timbre, 2hT, ZS. Hawk/Eagle. “HaO” or TU, MT, LR, “Sic Em” or QZ, “RaO”. Cavalier gear with Defender Runes. Intelligence Sigils on GS and Axe OH. Its a mad build. That is the fullest you can make a GS and it has loads of sustain, damage and utility.
BM line is just another line, you don’t even need to pick the pet traits (I must have said this 10 times now). You get the minor traits which are a huge buff to your pet as standard and that will up your damage by a considerable amount.
I’m actually looking forward to new Beast Master.
There are already 2 great paths I can think of. Highly offensive build and one disruptive/supportive (bunker-like, again). I’ll probably let my today’s build die away.
66060, 66600 would be a superior builds
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
66060, 66600 would be a superior builds
I was thinking of 6-0-0-6-6.
… Heavy disruptive and tanky build. Don’t forget you can get a new AoE CC on a 15 second cooldown from BM. Don’t underestimate this one.
Also… 3-4 blast finishers … Mmmm … I doubt those builds will be superior in every single scenario.
Not for my playstyle.
Not for my playstyle.
Well, no one is blaming you for that =)
I’m just glad that we’ll finally have some viable BM options. Definitely not the “best for everything” … But finally viable for plenty of occasions.
Remember the traits are still work in progress they might rearrange the dart boards that they label the trait lines and go best 2 out of 3 for random placements and which traits need merger/removal vs. stand alone status.
Back on topic: Would be nice of they clarified if the axe trait will effect the off-hand cooldown as well by design. Kind wished dual axe had more synergy or better feeling playstyle.
Not for my playstyle.
Well, no one is blaming you for that =)
I’m just glad that we’ll finally have some viable BM options. Definitely not the “best for everything” … But finally viable for plenty of occasions.
You beat me to it, I was actually replying to the post above yours and was too lazy to hit quote So, I agree with you.
But…. aren’t the stat improvements being separated from the trait system? I was pretty sure that the overwhelming amount of purely pet related traits combined with the healing power was the main reason why people didn’t run Beastmastery, but personally, before even considering the livestream preview, if I could have the might, vigor, and quickness pet swap with shorter pet swaps paired with almost any other stat, I would find it to be a much more worthwhile traitline.
Without the healing power, and with the new changes, there are actually some decent enough combinations. Things like Zephyr’s Speed and Quickdraw come to mind, but there is going to quite a bit more depth than what is currently available with the system, from my understanding, and a pet swapping/F2 build seems like it could have at the very least a few niche, fun, and potentially effective builds.
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
Not for my playstyle.
Well, no one is blaming you for that =)
I’m just glad that we’ll finally have some viable BM options. Definitely not the “best for everything” … But finally viable for plenty of occasions.You beat me to it, I was actually replying to the post above yours and was too lazy to hit quote
So, I agree with you.
Ah, had no idea;
Sorry, it looked like that for me
kinda thinking about GS/a/a too especially if they buff Whirling Defense