please critique my spvp build.

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Cholk.8513


mostly a glass cannon build focused on the fury buff from the red moa.;TsAg0Cto4ywlgLLXOukct+YUwGEA

Rules for this build are as follows.
Don’t be a hero.
Apply fury from horn and moa before every battle.
Be a ranged ninja.
Its ok to run.

Axe/horn 5, f2, ` to longbow, f4, 3, QZ, 2, 1

edit* for correct link

(edited by Cholk.8513)

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Calypso.9701


I’ll be direct and say its trash.

Details below:
1) extremely bad choice of runes & accessories, if you go longbow, you want burst not condition. I understand conditions are for the traps.. but traps do hardly enough damage to even scratch an enemy.

2) extremely bad choice of sigils, steal health triggers every 2 seconds and only steals 30-100hp per activation

3) poor choice of wilderness and NM traits, your healing is negligible and the regen will do nothing for you

4) all other classes outperform you in every way possible

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245


The Sigil of Minor Corruption does not fit well unless you never die and even if you were perfect, + 10 condition damage is small, not sure how condition damage is calculated but lets say you have 1000 condition damage, would be 1%. I mean, I just don’t know how its calculated.

I would change tourch out for warhorn, gives 18 second buff that goes well with your cautious style approach because of the swiftness buff it gives, the 20% critical damage and adds 35 raw power, and 35 condition damage, buff also benefits your allies. Another thing to consider is the swiftness buff because it enables you to not only outmaneuver your opponent, but gets you from point A to B faster, increasing your chances of capturing a point, thus increases your teams chances of winning. Also Hunters call makes for a fine opener. However, is fun to burn people

As far as your armor, I don’t like it. You benifit so much more if you keep one kind, rather then mix it 3 ways like you have. Most of those benifits don’t start showing themselves untill you get to the 5th or 6th piece of armor.

Traps are nice, seems like you have lots of control going on. I myself are not use to using them in pvp, but can see the benifit at a price because traps are limited to predicting what your opponent is going to do next, and of you decided to drop one on the fly during battle, that takes time and you could get yourself into a bad situation fast. If I was you I would go with skills that you could execute on the fly that would help you get out of harms way quickly.

I like the trait that you chose “primal reflex” and “natures protection” but don’t like the trait you chose in your nature magic line “natures bounty” I think that you would be better off chosing “natures protection” because it goes well with “primal reflex” and “oakheart salve” won’t go into why, but instead just go check it out and you will see what i’m saying.

I know what your trying to do with traps, and see the traits for them, again, I do not have much experience with them because I always thought of traps as a PvE thing, human opponents are just to smart and unpredictable to make them effective in any MMO I have ever played that has traps.

Was this critical enough for you?

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Cholk.8513


please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245


Ahh, ha… I get it now. Love this build, it like 95% better then the other. I do not know about giving so many traits to your pet in pvp because pets are sort of broken, they can only hit stationary targets, unless you use spiders like I do because they spit poison and such, and most are condition damage based so goes well with your setup. With your pet traits, and with a pet that can spit poison and with your “rampage as one” buff, your pet sure would dish out some damage. might be interesting.

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: poolman.7245


Also, a pet that spits are harder to kill because they stay away from there apponent like you!

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Calypso.9701


Much better choices made this time round but still not the best, details as follows:
1) Scholar is not very useful in pvp, as in one hit you lose the 10% bonus, Rune of Ogre does a better job.

2) Pets and spvp don’t mix, don’t rely on your pet and put more traits towards yourself.

3) The dodge roll is useless for 30 points, better spent in Power to get either longbow range and dmg or piercing arrows

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Cholk.8513


Also, a pet that spits are harder to kill because they stay away from there apponent like you!

I thought the same thing too, the jag just seems to hit pretty kitten hard. Believe me I wouldn’t gave him that many if i had better things to spend it on. maybe ill swap the jag out with the spider and see how it goes.

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130



The sigil of corruption/bloodlust etc are very nice in sPvP actually.

You might not think 10 in a stat is much, but it stacks to 25( so +250 stat). That is +25% of your example, not 1%. And in sPvP you get 5 stacks per kill. So it adds up pretty kitten quick.

Also, Calypso, traps do a ton of damage if you have condition damage gear.

Why grind dungeons? Only relevant content…
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Calypso.9701


Yes it does Rav, under one assumption… they stay inside the trap. It’s hard enough to get people to run into them and we don’t have any immobilise to make full use of the trap, dodge is too easy.

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Cholk.8513


Much better choices made this time round but still not the best, details as follows:
1) Scholar is not very useful in pvp, as in one hit you lose the 10% bonus, Rune of Ogre does a better job.

2) Pets and spvp don’t mix, don’t rely on your pet and put more traits towards yourself.

3) The dodge roll is useless for 30 points, better spent in Power to get either longbow range and dmg or piercing arrows

Just my thinking on some of this.
1. You would actually be shocked how often i’m near 100% life, the thought on this build is to fire from the safety of range, using other teammates as center stage for your firing range.

2. I agree with this somewhat, i set my pet to passive, Moa is just a buff kitten, and the puma/panther is just added dps after the moa buff. I will also be switching to the spider for more ranged damage.

3. I think your right, for 30 points Evasive Purity is just really not worth it. tho, 30% longer fury buff really does add up, with the current traits moa gives over 19 seconds (80% uptime) of fury alone with a recast of 24 seconds.

Ill mess around with droping 10points in nature magic.

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Calypso.9701


Let me suggest you try the following just for comparison sake to your current build:
take away 20 in NM and place 20 in power and get the 5% longbow range and damage.
add QZ to utility and use it just before you use skill 5 then followed by 2.
change to a power/crit build
Use a canine pet to control battles – esp the wolf
Note that you can use your pets f2 skill even when you are down, just watch out for the 3sec cast time.

See and feel the difference.

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Haudruff.7804


pets r not broken.

there s “just” one problem: if u want your pet to hit stuff in melee-range, then u have to take “agility training” in skirmishing line. since it only needs 10 points there, it is no big deal; on the other hand it is a must for most builds.

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130


pets r not broken.

there s “just” one problem: if u want your pet to hit stuff in melee-range, then u have to take “agility training” in skirmishing line. since it only needs 10 points there, it is no big deal; on the other hand it is a must for most builds.

That doesn’t make them attack faster…so if the target is mobile the attacks still miss. It lets them miss more often though, so…you know, there’s that.

Why grind dungeons? Only relevant content…
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.

please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Haudruff.7804


Thats true. On the other hand imo:

1) pets r for utility, not for dps
2) if they’d attack much faster, it would be op, since it is an AI and not players skill that does dmg. ofc one can argue about balancing, that a “little” faster wouldnt be too bad, but pets should never be THE dmg-source for a ranger, since what i wrote -they r AI-controlled…


please critique my spvp build.

in Ranger

Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130


1) That’s not true.

Some pets are for utility, some are for damage, some do both. The problem in PvP is that dps pets aren’t doing their job. They just flounder about soaking up aoe damage until they die, lol.

2) You seem to not understand the problem.

Pet goes up to target and stops at attack range, winds up attack animation… target moves, pet attack misses. Repeat.

That is the issue. Having the step where the pet closes into range to attack happen faster doesn’t do anything at all to fix the problem. Because the pet stops. The pet, litterally, stops. He could freaking be teleporting to the target, and it wouldn’t do any good because between the start of his attack, and the finish of his attack, the target is now out of range.

To fix this, pets either need to have far shorter attack animations, or attack on the move. This wouldn’t have increase thier damage vs stationary targets at all. They could still attack just as often, just the time by which they go through the stop/animation would need to be shorter/negligible.

Pets wont be the damage source for the ranger if they are tuned properly to not be. The devs make the descision on that one, how much of the ranger dps belongs to the pet. I prefer it be a very small fraction, personally. But regardless how much the ranger’s dps the pet is, it should at least be capable of being used.

The way to look at an ai controlled combat pet isto think of it as a dot. It does damage over time. But unlike other dots, it has a different counter, because it is obviously not cleansible. But it can be killed, and it can be CCd. Regular dots cannot be CC or killed… it is just an alternate form of dot to a condition dot. It doesn’t have to be OMG OP just because of that! But it should actually function and deal its damage when not being countered by death/cc!

Why grind dungeons? Only relevant content…
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.