pls help me ( a very new Ranger -Archer)

pls help me ( a very new Ranger -Archer)

in Ranger

Posted by: wancho.8235


Hello everyone. this is my first time to play GW2 and i have chosen a Ranger (archer) as my main character. i just played the game not concerning which built to follow.. i lvled up to lvl 63 just by exploring the maps, doing Maw, (some events) and the story quest.
now im wondering which or where to start. like what kind of armor to use – power- precision – crit – condition – magic which among this should i focus on.. which traits should i focus on.. what pet to use etc. (very noob).

is there a thread where i can read a detailed info about starting a ranger (archer)? i tried checking some threads but i cant find any thread for new players playing Archer..

i would really appreciate any help. thanks ^^

pls help me ( a very new Ranger -Archer)

in Ranger

Posted by: SteveK.5827


You can only use leather armour so just equip the best you can find.
Personally I put as many trait points as I can into Precision and Power and top up with maybe some vitality.
Use what ever pets you can find to start but try and get a Lynx and I also use an Eagle or a spider. Charm every juvinile creature you come across then you can use them when you want.
If you Google Ranger build Guild Wars 2 you should have heaps of places to look.

pls help me ( a very new Ranger -Archer)

in Ranger

Posted by: wancho.8235


hi SteveK thanks for the reply. i tried using an armor with Power-Precision then Power-Crit damage on the slot. all of my equipments are power-precision and crit damage. even in accessories. but some one told me condition is better. but while playing the game i realized that i really need to read more so i can become at least an efficient Archer. i’ll try to search google then for a detailed “walktrhough/guide” for ranger.. right now im using longbow – using Rapid Fire then Point Blank shot after which i switch to short bow for the criplling shot then switch again to long bow. i really still got to learn SO many things about this game..:) thanks again.

pls help me ( a very new Ranger -Archer)

in Ranger

Posted by: Mart.2710


Also, try not to think of the Ranger as the typical Archer archetype because there are a plethora of other weapons that the Ranger can use besides the Shortbow/ Longbow.

E.g. Sword, Dagger, Torch, Warhorn, Greatsword, Axe.

pls help me ( a very new Ranger -Archer)

in Ranger

Posted by: SteveK.5827


Good point Mart.
I used Longbow for a long time ( excuse the pun ) but lately changed to short bow due to more versatility and condition damge. Lean to attack from behind or the side..
Can not see the point in having two bows as you want something for closer work. I use Axe and Torch which gives you some range but burn damage too. Dont be afraid to switch from bow to melee if the pet loses agro on your mob.
I try different weapons sets depending on my mood but the above is my serious set up.

pls help me ( a very new Ranger -Archer)

in Ranger

Posted by: wancho.8235


thanks for the reply guys i really appreciate it. i will try axe and torch too. but which stat on the armors should i focus on..? should i focus on an armor with Power – Precision – condition or Power – Precision – crit damage..?

and i still got to read mode on the traits i have 53 points but dont know where to put them..

pls help me ( a very new Ranger -Archer)

in Ranger

Posted by: wancho.8235


by the way, i want to make a character that is more focused on PVE ( dungeons).. PVP-WVW will come later when i have reach 80 and with a decent equipments. but right now i want to focus more on leveling and after reaching 80 i will focus on Dungeons..

pls help me ( a very new Ranger -Archer)

in Ranger

Posted by: Voltar.8574


Since the buttons you’ll be pushing the most are your weapon skills, I’d figure out what weapons are fun for you first. Try them all and see what’s fun and then pick traits and skills that compliment them. Once you feel comfortable with that, check out the runes and sigils…some of those will modify entire builds.

You can go to the Heart of the Mists and play around with max-level traits to try stuff out. The gear in there doesn’t entirely translate but /shrug.