ranger bot omg

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: RHUBAR.2508


I see ranger bot all over the place. when well this be fixed? Yes I am a hater. This class has it own set of issues with out players using bots. there are so many of them how are the dav. letting it go on or is it some kind of skill that my ranger dose not have?

(edited by RHUBAR.2508)

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: McGuit.4032


I agree. There is a group of about 10 bots constantly at Captain’s Cut.
No one seems to do anything about it.
GW2 moderators should give us a button to report bot abuse in game.

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


In the early days of EQ2 the bots were all Necro’s and ever since I have hated the class due to some very bad run in’s.

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Avorniel.5708


GW2 moderators should give us a button to report bot abuse in game.

there is target character-right click-report-choose botting

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Gisei.5749


Report and move on. Anet still has a plate full to work on. They’ll get around to it.

I’m sure they have enough bot reports to show that this is a problem. Another thread isn’t actually needed.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: RHUBAR.2508


who are you a spokes person for Anet? There is a need for another thread, becuse my game play is being messed with. It takes me longer then it should to do a heart when a stuped team of bot comes along and kills every thing in the area. Playes cheating ruining the economy of the game should be high on the list of things to fix. not a stuped “graphic issue”

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


I agree that bots are an issue. I saw like 30 of them yesterday in a lvl 70-80 zone and there was maybe 1 lvl 70 amongst them. The rest were all 7-11…They were all attacking Dolyaks at the same time. I reported but some people were saying that it was the same people they had reported days ago. Not sure why there isn’t such a thing as sending a GM in game, observing the behavior once it’s been reported multiple times and just banning there and then. If there is doubt, keep watching the player but 30-40 level 10’s in a lvl 70 zone with names like AAAABBBBBCCCC all killing Dolyaks at the same time for hours, it’s pretty obvious to even me and I tend to try to not see these people.

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Strzalka.9451


I should write a guide to the why’s and what’s of banning, but here it is in short.

30 Characters = 30 Accounts, at ONE location, in ONE Zone, on ONE Server.
Lets assume they only farm in one location per zone, and they are currently farming in 10 different zones, on 10 different servers. (Obviously there are far more than this)

But assuming thus, that would mean there are 3,000 botting accounts.
Now, they are breaking the rules and will absolutely be getting the ban, however ANET must assume that each of these accounts was purchased. It’s a business and there are laws. (No subs means it should be slightly easier but still… a business with rules/laws..)
As such, they are required to gather evidence that these individuals are breaking the rules. To us, sure it should be a nice quick easy Look>See>Ban, but your forgetting the evidence part. In the event that whoever they ban decides to take it to court, which they could do, ANET needs irrefutable evidence that the individual was violating the EULA that they can present to the court, this could be Video, Screenshots, Chat logs, if they have the tools, they can log any macro script the bot is using, etc. Now given that many of these things could be easily edited (Video/Screenshots/Chat) they need to gather multiple examples of this for each account.

When I worked at Mythic, a good time frame was about 15 mins per ban. This could vary from 15 mins to an hour depending on what exactly the violation was, how intricate the bot script was, and any number of other complications.

So again, lets assume ANET is on top of their game, and it only takes 15 mins per ban.
(15 min) x (3000) = 45000 min or 750 Hours
10 People working 8 hour shifts, 5 days a week, doing ONLY bot banning…
It would take them the entire week at a minimum.

Then take into account, that there are probably far more bot accounts than that, that these botters seem to have no trouble getting more accounts, and that ANET has plenty of other things going on so they probably are not able to simply dedicate people to solely ban bots all day.

When you look at the big picture… it kinda blows your mind doesn’t it

Diabel Zwierze/Ranger
80’s – Necro/War/Ele/Guard

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Namu.5712


There are laws yes but you accept an agreement basically saying they can do what they want to your account.

Sooooo ya.

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: DoomBunny.2903


@Namu (quote button not working)

They still have to verify if it’s a bot and all that jazz. As much as everyone abhors botting, it’s even worse when your account gets banned because of insta-banning without investigation.

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Namu.5712


Well of course, thats just bad business in general but legally they can do whatever they want.

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I used to work on completing the slayer achievements with my ranger, but now I feel like if my character is seen slaying a certain monster 1-2 hours that it will stack bot reports because everyone is used to seeing ranger bots and just reports them out of a reflex action now.

So yeah, summary: I am concerned that because of the amount of ranger bots going about with the MF lvl 80 exotic set equiped (I have this armor) that I’ll get wrongly reported and maybe even wrongly banned. My guild leader says this wouldn’t happen and that even if my character was wrongly reported nothing would come of it, but I’m not risking it. So I’m only playing my Ranger in dungeons+dragon events and when not doing that I am on either my Engineer or Thief.

(edited by Parvati.5780)

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Strzalka.9451


@Namu I suppose they could just walk around giving anyone and everyone the boot… legally, but then there would be a great number of people who could Legally take it to court which would end up costing ANET a ton of money and would probably cause as much if not more loss just from bad press.

While I agree, the bots are pretty obvious, there are plenty of people, myself included that farm specific mobs for extended periods of time. I try to hop around every 30 mins or so to avoid DR, but in 30 mins they could easily decide that I look like a bot and ban me even though I was playing the whole time.

Point is, as someone who has Purchased the game, you have certain rights from the moment you purchase the game by agreeing to the EULA there are rules you are supposed to follow in order to keep those rights. If you break the rules, you forfeit those rights, and ANET can ban you. However if that individual chooses to challenge that claim, take it to court, and ANET does not have adequate proof… well, it ends badly for ANET.

Diabel Zwierze/Ranger
80’s – Necro/War/Ele/Guard

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Skolvikings.5132


I’ve run with the bots for a few minutes before in Frostgorge. Hey, they were going where I wanted to go, killing what I needed to kill. What was I supposed to do?

The bots should really camp the DEs in Orr. They’d blend right in. We’re all bots there.

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Kirito.3591


Except there aren’t only ranger bots. I’ve seen a train of 6 guardian bots, another 5 warrior bots and a handful of a combination of the 3 (rangers included).

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Brainload.3742


I’ve been seeing a lot more warrior bots too..

Teolin Black – 80 Ranger
Tarnished Coast

ranger bot omg

in Ranger

Posted by: Himei.5379


“I’ve run with the bots for a few minutes before in Frostgorge. Hey, they were going where I wanted to go, killing what I needed to kill. What was I supposed to do?”

I pretty much do this too. I usually run into them while trying to get to nodes so I tag, gather the node then come back to see if the tags dropped anything for me. I just so happened to luck out once to get a Lodestone. Bots usually run around in a set pattern, most dont strafe or use other skills or have any other pet besides a bear. I roll a Fern Hound, use other skills for my weapon (even though I dont have too) or start to collect a node, if any player can’t pick up those actions, then that person has a problem. AND if they are unsure, chat away. I’ve had people say “Bot?” and I would reply back.