ranger elite specialisation speculation

ranger elite specialisation speculation

in Ranger

Posted by: SharpenedBlade.6803


So ranger is among the last 5 elite specs to be revealed so I’d like to hear what you think it’s gonna be all about.

Here’s what I’d like to know;

1. What weapon would you like ranger to have? (it’s gonna be staff but I’d just like to hear what you would have wanted)

2. What kind of new proffesion mechanic do you think ranger is gonna get?

3. What kind of ultility skills? And what kind of elite skill? (Do keep in mind that skills will have to come from other classes) personally I think/hope it’s gonna be shape-shifts in the form of toolbelt skills from engineer.

4. What is the specs name gonna be? (druid right? Or is that not confirmed yet?)

Looking foreward to your awnsers.

ranger elite specialisation speculation

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

1. I wanted 2h Spear.
2. I think it’s gonna be something like Alpha Strike, where we bring out the other pet for a period of time or get another F2ish skill.
3. Consecrations.
4. Druid.

ranger elite specialisation speculation

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


1. I wanted main hand dagger
2. I wouldn’t be opposed to a merge with pet f skill that worked similar to death shroud
3. Wells, which means they could un kitten healing spring by changing it from a trap to a well.
4. Druid.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

ranger elite specialisation speculation

in Ranger

Posted by: Shard.4372


As someone who mains a Ranger casually, here is what I hope for:

1. Staff; I know it is confirmed but I love the feeling of being a bit more “magical” rather than the spirits being the only thing that’s really magic about the profession.

2. I’m hoping for the removal of in combat pet swap in exchange for TOTAL control over my pet (what abilities, where it’ll move to, etc.) as well as being able to combo my moves with my pets moves to create devastating effects.

3. I think Mantras, Concentrations, or Kits would be awesome, of course they would be changed to fit the nature theme of the Ranger.

4. Was confirmed when they announced the xpac that they would be called Druid.

Xian Mistlock, 80 Herald
Server: Dragonbrand
Guild: [EDGE] Journeys Edge

ranger elite specialisation speculation

in Ranger

Posted by: My Sweet Lily.1952

My Sweet Lily.1952

1. I wanted staff (support nature magic) or hammer (bunny thumper!).

2. I always liked the ’’aspect’’ mechanic that got brought up a lot in the CDI, but won’t likely be it as we saw the druid with a pet.

3. Consecrations (more AoE support), Kits (animal ’’channeling’’) or Meditations (something magic-y I suppose :P) seem fitting to me.

4. Druid.

Nymeriali #Druid
[TLA] Desolation (EU)

ranger elite specialisation speculation

in Ranger

Posted by: SafiMoyo.5130


1. I wanted a staff, but I wanted it to be the first melee staff in the game. I wanted a Robin Hood inspired staff build, where control was the name of the game allowing you to lock down your opponent while your pet digs her claws in. I guess there’s always hammer though!

2. I know more of what I don’t want than what I do want. I think most rangers want a way to opt-out of having a pet, even if to a small degree. While we can’t entirely remove pets (as proof by our many, many pet-dependent traits and weapon descriptions), I think the easiest path to accomplish this is by transformation/merging with the pet. It’s known that there is a fair amount of content in GW2 that isn’t designed with rangers in mind (a number of Season 1 achivements, Mai Trin, jump-over-waves mechanic, large/medium scale wvw) and it’d be easier to give rangers a semi-non pet option than it is to constantly make sure content is pet viable.

3. What I want is kits. Kits have the most options, and could be an excuse to merge with our pets. A utility that’s like a mix between kits and glyphs (where the kit skills depend on the pet we’re running with) would be really fun. But it’d also take a LOT of time to develop. (5 kit * 5 skills * all classes of pets = not going to happen.)

4. They said Druid many moons ago. Between then and now Ele went from ??? to main hand sword to warhorn. By the time they get to ranger, Druid might have evolved into something else. (Though admittedly there’s no better expansion for them to release druid in.)

Champion Hunter