revert natural healing
I think thats the whole point of the change, to reduce its impact on CA.
^That. The trait was use long before druids. With the addition of CA I guess they thought the trait was too good.
Gunnar’s Hold
My theory is that we might gain some of our pet abilities while in Beastmode and this one ticking on a Soulbeast player instead of a pet might have been perceived as too strong with a shorter interval.
Pirate Chips [LAYS] – Server Hopping (EU)
The main purpose of this trait was to fuel celestial avatar
No, the purpose of this trait was to regenerate your pet and make its healing better. The regen portion of this trait existed years before druid even was a thought.
Secondly, if Soulbeast will make pet centric traits affect the ranger when merged, this is a needed change.
I don’t even notice that it’s not influencing my Avatar Juice generation, as much anymore, that being said I sure wish they’d added something to the trait instead of just straight up nerfing its CA generation, AND the pet healing power.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna