soulbeast is incredibly fun to play
I love Dagger 3. It’s fast, fierce, pouncy, and lets you rip into your foes. (Dagger 5 needs some ammo desperately, though).
I find Soulbeast clunky because we can’t swap pets while transformed – being able to use your pet’s abilities, merge with it, use its next tools, swap pets, use the new one’s abilities, then unmerge would be fun, and it also prevents the irritation of having to unmerge, wait, and merge again to access the new set of beast powers.
I’d love to try it more (I was super-hyped before I actually played it)… but while I had a lot of fun running Dagger+Shortbow, I found the animations and effects absolutely revolting.
It is fun albeit straightforward. Frankly, I can appreciate a more straightforward class some days. I’m just a little torn on whether to build for power or condi. Maybe hybrid is plausible? Also, I don’t see what I can use reliably for breaking bars…
focus on Dungeons, Fractals and Raiding.
It is fun albeit straightforward. Frankly, I can appreciate a more straightforward class some days. I’m just a little torn on whether to build for power or condi. Maybe hybrid is plausible? Also, I don’t see what I can use reliably for breaking bars…
The multitude of pet skills, GS5, /A5, PBS, Conc Shot.
Agree about swapping pets while in beastmode tbh, would make it even smoother to play
Being able to swap pets in beastmode would probably be too strong, just think more about using your skills.
On a side note really enjoying that i can use dagger for power not just condi.