speculate Druid get more aspects
would be cool, but I doubt it
would be cool, but I doubt it
With a large number of people complaining about Druid damage, it would make sense for Druid to get damage in the form of a sacrifice of Healing CF from a balance perspective.
I’m pretty sure there will be other aspects, it was hinted at and stumbled over during the twitch con Druid section. Irenio specifically states “multiple forms they can go into”. Then he corrected himself and says " an additional form ".
Ashen Mistwalker: WvW Tank/Crit Revenant
Oaken Earthlore: WvW Medi/Bunker Guardian
I highly doubt Druid will get more than one form, and the “a lot of people don’t want to support” excuse is a kittenty one, since the whole point of Druid as a spec is support.
Druid isn’t s new class, it’s a variation of a class, it’s highly specified, and you’ll sooner see another elite spec before they add more things to a current elite spec
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I don’t see it happening either. Druid is an elite spec with a primary focus on support and healing, and that’s what they’ve achieved. You have to remember that these aren’t going to be the ONLY elite specs, we’re bound to get more. The next elite spec MAY have an aspect with a damage focus, but I doubt they’ll recycle and elite spec like that. (or at least, I hope they wont!)
since the whole point of Druid as a spec is support.
Now if only they would add some support to it.
It will most likely be whatever was scrapped, they’ll have time to iron out problems. Aspect switching like some sort of Shaman (Udyr) could work.
This isn’t going to happen, though I wouldn’t doubt Anet tried doing multiple aspects with previous versions of Druid. I wonder if Irenio could ever give tell us about some of the other ideas they tried before landing on the current Druid.
I don’t see it happening either. Druid is an elite spec with a primary focus on support and healing, and that’s what they’ve achieved. You have to remember that these aren’t going to be the ONLY elite specs, we’re bound to get more. The next elite spec MAY have an aspect with a damage focus, but I doubt they’ll recycle and elite spec like that. (or at least, I hope they wont!)
And if we were getting two elite specs with HoT, that would be a valid point. But “you don’t have to use druid, you can use a future elite spec that won’t be added for years (if ever, Anet sure does love abandoning their content these days)” isn’t a good argument.
Actually, having two elite specs available to begin with would probably have solved a lot of complaints about the existing batch, actually.
They barely got out one Ranger spec in time for the expansion, two? Pffft.
As much as I’d like to see it, we just about got one, unfortunately it’s the polar opposite of why I chose Ranger or Ranger / Hunter / Bowman / Ranged DPS in any game.
I don’t see it happening either. Druid is an elite spec with a primary focus on support and healing, and that’s what they’ve achieved. You have to remember that these aren’t going to be the ONLY elite specs, we’re bound to get more. The next elite spec MAY have an aspect with a damage focus, but I doubt they’ll recycle and elite spec like that. (or at least, I hope they wont!)
And if we were getting two elite specs with HoT, that would be a valid point. But “you don’t have to use druid, you can use a future elite spec that won’t be added for years (if ever, Anet sure does love abandoning their content these days)” isn’t a good argument.
Actually, having two elite specs available to begin with would probably have solved a lot of complaints about the existing batch, actually.
as much as I’d love 2 elite specs, having only 1 makes the most sense. I predict it being insanely unbalanced at launch, and with 2 per class that unbalance will just be 2-fold (and we have to remember how good a-net is at pumping out balance patches…)
We still have base ranger for DPS builds. yes, it’s not shiny or new, but we have it, and it’s currently meta. and we can potentially mix it with druid for even better DPS. (though, as you’re probably already thinking, we have no clue if it’ll be meta in raids or when HoT comes out. We’ll have to wait and see.)
addendum; we also don’t know when they plan on releasing a second batch of elite specs, either. it may be every 6 months (along with a balance patch /sarcasm), or it could be with every expansion. We’ll have to wait and actually see the content before we make final judgements like this.
While I would enjoy having a solar themed damage/offensive support option I doubt it’s going to happen. There just isn’t enough time.
If we were to get one though, they could make it like a Revenant legend and let us choose which of the two forms we want to be able to enter outside of combat. If we have an offensive build we’d go Sun and if we want pure healing support we’d go Moon with the current form.
Tell’im he’s dreamin’.
Not gonna happen buddy. Maybe in a few years.
They’re not going to make a major change like adding more aspects to Druid at this point or any in the future. Druid is done, barring small adjustments and the like.
There may or may not have been other ideas for Druid in the past. I wouldn’t doubt that maybe there was a season-based aspect approach early on, perhaps, thanks to datamining and such. But they clearly cut it down to one aspect for a reason, whether that was because it was too much work, because multiple aspects added far too much to the class, or because they simply decided a pure healing spec was more the direction they wanted to go.
The current Druid is very well put-together, with its themes. Staff is light / sun / earth based, Celestial Avatar is moon / star based. Polar opposites of one another, same with the glyphs. They clearly put a lot of thought and effort into making the current Druid a cohesive whole, which shows that what they’ve chosen for Druid is what they’ve settled on as a permanent elite spec and not just “temporary, we’ll add more to it later”.