trying to explore?
for the propose of map completion
GS#3, MH S#2, SotH (gap closes and speed increases)
our down state (pet rez) means that we rarely need to run back from a way point
we can use our pets to distract things that we need to commune with
you need to remember to press 1 before going afk
ugly trench coats
your playing a thief
ugly trench coats
If all you are doing is map completion rangers pretty much win at doing this and alot of that is due to the pet. Oh and don’t use a bear to tank use a cat and you tank for it, if you really need a tank pet use a drake as it actually fights back.
TL;DR: map compleation takes a long time so play the charter that has the nicest bum, as you are going to be staring at it for quite some time
(edited by Eggyokeo.9705)
Rangers a pretty great at open world pve. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were the best (or at least on par with a warrior). just sticking that out there.
that being said, if all you want to do is map completion, thieves can probably get around faster. you’ll have a harder time with communes/heart events though (activities that I as a ranger can just /afk through with no effort)
I’d go with ranger. decent mobility for PoI’s/Vistas, Pets for Skill Points, Easily top tier for completing events without effort
edit: and towards your last 4 questions
1. when you get more skilled with the class you’ll understand more about surviving, so in a sense, yes,
2. No. ranger auto-attacks are our primary dps. i doubt that’s the same for thief.
3. Overall, yes. as I said thieves have a bit better mobility though.
4. I can kill a giant in orr before it can kill my wolf, so I’d say yes.
(edited by ITheNormalPerson.9275)