what if maul got its bleed stacks back

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


a long time ago maul used to add bleed stacks instead of vul on a successful hit, i don’t really remember how many bleed stacks it was, either 3 or 5.., for 8 seconds.

so what if maul got the bleed stacks back, it would actually allow for some better synergy with a hybrid build.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


Wasn’t the reason they moved it from bleed to vuln to make it a more power based weapon instead of hybrid?

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


I think so, but then again the engi’s rifle #3 also applys bleed even as a power based weapon. And the removal of the bleeds lowered the damage of maul. And ranger doesnt really have a hybrid weapon imo, neither shortbow nor sword or axe are. The direct damage on those is just too low.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: solrik.6028


shortbow is a hybrid weapon

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryan.9387


Well the bleed was useless. I prefer the vuln.

Ranger | Elementalist

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


Im not talking about removing the vuln.

Shortbow is a crap hybrid weapon, maybe it was a long time ago when it was still a faster 1,2k ranged weapon.
The direct damage is too crappy and you have bad synergy with your fields.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: sminkiottone.6972


And ranger doesnt really have a hybrid weapon imo, neither shortbow nor sword or axe are. The direct damage on those is just too low.

The combination Sword+Dagger is very hybrid IMO, nice damage + good condi stacking (with sharpening edge).

Why do you think GS is the best candidate to become an hybrid weapon ? wouldn’t be better to improve the Shortbow ?

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


lets assume arenanet would give maul bleeds back and maybe, highly unlikely imo, a blast finisher (would fit the animation tbh) it would have a very good synergy with a celestial hoelbrak build.

battle doom on gs, battle strength/whatever on sword torch. leap through the torch fire field, blast = 3 might from blast 1-2 if you get attacked with fire aura. 5 might stacks from the jungle stalker, 6 from battle, 2 from hoelbrak, some more with fire trap/strength sigils but lets assume we have 18 might stacks at best.

your burn will tick for around 650, your bleeds for around 110 and the poison for around 220 + the nice direct damage gs can offer + its utility.

atm celestial builds suck on rangers because you can’t have might stacking, healing, good direct damage and condi damage. so arenanet has to change stuff.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

lets assume arenanet would give maul bleeds back and maybe, highly unlikely imo, a blast finisher (would fit the animation tbh) it would have a very good synergy with a celestial hoelbrak build.

Blast finisher is a very bad idea.
Greatsword is one of the best survival oriented weapons even now. With Water field, you get 2 Leap finishers on your no.3 ability, combined with an evade at the end of it, not to mention that no.1 autoattack spam provides roughly 30% damage mitigation with evades by itself.

Could you imagine another 2 Blasts into your water field for a real immortality?
I would really like to give rangers another way of providing Blast finishers, because 1 on a 35 second cooldown is not enough, at all. (Drake pets are unreliable, can’t be counted as a reliable blast finisher).

If some blast finishers were paired into pet abilities like Wolves’ howls THAT WE CAN ACTUALLY USE – that would be a way to go.
But definitely not giving the Maul a blast finisher.

To one more topic issue: I think the Greatsword is currently at a bright position. I don’t think the bleed is needed back. Even more so – the greatsword should give you the “BOOM” feeling. Not the “popcorn wait phase” necro syndrome.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Sevans.4619


I kind of miss the bleed stacks (Three stacks, by the way,) on maul, but I really don’t want more of the celestial might stacking crap plaguing the game.

Saethe — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Maguuma

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


I don’t play an Engineer, but can’t they double blast and double leap through their own water field? An Ele could blast it 3 times as well? If so, at least it’s not unheard of for a class to have that kind of power with their own Water Field.

It’s also worth noting that a Ranger doesn’t have the kind of sustain an Ele or Engi have. Especially not with a power weapon or a build that would actually use the Greatsword.

I’m honestly on the fence still if giving Maul a blast finisher would be the overpowered given the current state the class is in.

But as to the original topic about bringing the bleed back, I think it would be a waste. If I had to choose one or the other, the blast finisher would obviously be it.

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: solrik.6028


While talking about combos…

I tried a combo build once and I was unkillable when fighting against 2. On the other hand, I couldn’t kill anyone.

Healing spring→
2 leap finishers from GS
1 leap finisher from sword
1 blast finisher from warhorn
2 blast finishers from 2 drakes

7.8k healing without healing power

The word ‘unreliable’ in “drakes are unreliable” is relative because it will feel ‘unreliable’ for people who don’t know that it is the first skill the drake will use when activated.

Same goes for wolves, having them on passive and only making them attack when you need a knockdown can actually help a great deal (probably more than just letting them attack by themselves) or help win a 1v2 fight if you’re very skilled at micro-managing your pets.

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: inflambio.4831


I tried to create a similar build to the strong celestial builds of ele engi war but the problem is a) the damage. Maul with 20 might stack crits for 2.5-3k which is lol compared to burning speed or jump shot.

B) The healing is worse and less accessible than on ele/engi and on a too long cooldown.

Idk maybe the build is strong and i just suck with it but im not an experienced engi and rifle cele 3 kit plays way smoother.

I just feel like with 3 bleeds on 8 sec the additional 2400 damage (assuming bleeds 100/s *3 for 8 sec) would make a bit up for the maul damage.

(edited by inflambio.4831)

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

That would make GS a slightly worse hybrid weapon than it is now.

And axe and SB are excellent hybrid weapons in PvP, where the spec requirement for direct damage is lower.

I think it needs a buff but it should be another buff as a power weapon, to bring it up to par with longbow.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: inflambio.4831


You cant really stack might well with axe and shortbow, axe auto is 3s might while you benefit way more from the fire aura and the gs utility.

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

I think adding bleeds back onto Maul still keeping the Vun.

would be a good idea , it’ll re-add some of the starting damage , to stack some small bleeds when combined with the pet or traits.

its still a power based weapon , but for those builds using it as a Defence weapon , it’ll add some damage in a different form.

e.g Gs , Axe+Dagger Rabid , the added bleeds will allow for Condi maintance while using the gs Defensivly and Cleanse pressure in addition to other condis that could force the use Of utilities rather than just riding out the vun duration since Maul is easy to avoid , it should be more effective if it hits but not more powerful.

for a power based builds using Gs , the first starting condis will only be Vun unless you have pets and keen edge to cover the Vun stacks , while most condi cleanses remove 1 every 3 to 10 seconds or two at a time, or even Full stacks Like Purity.

the extra bleed on maul can be used as a cover , to make it harder to remove the mauls Vun stacks effectively improving it over all damage without Buffing its Core co-ed.

(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: solrik.6028


I tried to create a similar build to the strong celestial builds of ele engi war but the problem is a) the damage. Maul with 20 might stack crits for 2.5-3k which is lol compared to burning speed or jump shot.

Jump shot has a 20s cooldown
Burning speed has 15s cooldown
Maul has 6s cooldown

Just saying…

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarision.6347


I’d rather they improve the first 2 parts of the auto than bring the bleed back to Maul.

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

I’d rather they improve the first 2 parts of the auto than bring the bleed back to Maul.


John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


I tried to create a similar build to the strong celestial builds of ele engi war but the problem is a) the damage. Maul with 20 might stack crits for 2.5-3k which is lol compared to burning speed or jump shot.

Jump shot has a 20s cooldown
Burning speed has 15s cooldown
Maul has 6s cooldown

Just saying…

sure but then again you have other high damaging skills on ele and engi which can hit even more. fire grab, churning earth, toolkit#3 rifle#3

without a longbow or berserk/moment of clarity you lack any burst capabilities.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

(edited by Jekkt.6045)

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: solrik.6028


I tried to create a similar build to the strong celestial builds of ele engi war but the problem is a) the damage. Maul with 20 might stack crits for 2.5-3k which is lol compared to burning speed or jump shot.

Jump shot has a 20s cooldown
Burning speed has 15s cooldown
Maul has 6s cooldown

Just saying…

sure but then again you have other high damaging skills on ele and engi which can hit even more. fire grab, churning earth, toolkit#3 rifle#3

without a longbow or berserk/moment of clarity you lack any burst capabilities.

What’s your point?
Fire grab has a kitten CD
Churning earth has a 30s CD
Pry Bar has a 15s CD¨
Blundebuss has a 10s CD (It comes close, though)

In the same way as you do it, I can limit it to ranger…
Many ranger skills do more damage than Maul, but at the same time, Maul is a low CD skill which means it will proc sigils and other kind of procs more often.

As for bursting, it’s very easy for rangers to burst with conditions or together with the pet in a power build.

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

For the record, Dragon’s Tooth is a blast finisher and has the same CD as Maul.

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: solrik.6028


For the record, Dragon’s Tooth is a blast finisher and has the same CD as Maul.

Has a 1 second cast time plus the time it takes for it to fall.

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Siva Mira.3546

Siva Mira.3546

I really don’t think Bleed should be added now. I just don’t see how adding Bleed would make it a Hybrid weapon. If you want to go Hybrid like Engi you really need a trait like Incendiary Powder on top of that.

IMO Maul should have additional special effect, for example:

-Grants your pet something like Weaken, Poison, Chilled or Cripple for a short period on their next attack.
-Maul will also cause Weaken, Poison, Chilled or Cripple for a short period if hit from behind and double the the duration of its condition if targets are disable.

All is vain.

what if maul got its bleed stacks back

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

well what about if maul hits, your pets next attack applies 2 bleeds, then the pet has to hit.