(edited by wtbingbongbadbear.1245)
x-x-x-30-30 Constant 5k/s Regen Support
Thoughts on this pure support ranger build? I’m thinking of trying this out in PvE dungeon runs and wondering how useful it would be?
With Full Apoth Gear + Full Dwayna + Saffron Soup, I look to be putting out AT LEAST 5k/4s regen with basically full uptime and that’s w/o leveraging the field finishers to stack duration. 30s CD on Spring, 6 ticks of regen boon over 15s, each regen boon lasting 15s. So if you nab first regen tick and last regen tick, you’re regen will run out at the same time the CD finishes on Spring.
If you run double moa’s, you also get the moa’s passive aoe regen + Protection (blue) and Fury (20s) (red).
How much healing power are you at? I had a similar armor/rune setup, but with less healing power. I was thinking of going back to Dwayna runes to increase my regen uptime again.
And to clarify, that is 5k hp every 4 sec right?
Apoth Gear
What is that? Link please?
Apoth Gear
What is that? Link please?
Apothecary’s is a new stat combo that was introduced with the Lost Shores event. Heal/Tough/Cond Dam
Thoughts on this pure support ranger build? I’m thinking of trying this out in PvE dungeon runs and wondering how useful it would be?
With Full Apoth Gear + Full Dwayna + Saffron Soup, I look to be putting out AT LEAST 5k/4s regen with basically full uptime and that’s w/o leveraging the field finishers to stack duration. 30s CD on Spring, 6 ticks of regen boon over 15s, each regen boon lasting 15s. So if you nab first regen tick and last regen tick, you’re regen will run out at the same time the CD finishes on Spring.
If you run double moa’s, you also get the moa’s passive aoe regen + Protection (blue) and Fury (20s) (red).
How much healing power are you at? I had a similar armor/rune setup, but with less healing power. I was thinking of going back to Dwayna runes to increase my regen uptime again.
And to clarify, that is 5k hp every 4 sec right?
Yes, 5250 hp / 4 sec @ 1300 healing power.
Note that this disagrees w/ the generic calculation for regen provided on the wiki:
130 + (0.125 * Healing Power).
Healing Spring Tooltip = 5250/4 = 1312 hp / s
Wiki Calculation = 130 + 162.5 = 293 hp / s
Just tested this in fire in mists and the tooltip is very wrong. The wiki calculation is right. My regen is 293 hp/s.
so ya, i don’t think constant 300hp/s regen is worth sacrificing the associated dmg output loss from speccing out of power, crit, and condition.
Haha ok. Yea those numbers seem better. I have around 1k healing power. I think I’m going to stick around there.
I did recently swap out my dwayna runes for flock runes. I miss the near constant regen duration though. Might go back…
Just tested this in fire in mists and the tooltip is very wrong. The wiki calculation is right. My regen is 293 hp/s.
tooltip is for 6 stacks of regen
the 20 extra points you’re putting in Natures isn’t as good as the 20 extra in Wilderness Survival.
30/10/30 has become a standard for Rangers because its just that kitten good.
As for Apothecary/Dwyana’s and the soup (no clue about it) the first two are fine, you can watch my entire pain inverter line of videos where I run exactly that.
Very Very beefy build with pretty good damage output.
Also trust me when I say don’t run Moa’s their buffs aren’t anywhere near as useful as your Pets ability to do Burst damage, Birds/Cats/Wolves are all solid picks.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
Thanks all and Xsorus.
Just tested this in fire in mists and the tooltip is very wrong. The wiki calculation is right. My regen is 293 hp/s.
tooltip is for 6 stacks of regen
FYI – the tooltip is potentially correct just very misleading. The only way it makes sense is if you assume the tool tip is assuming you simply stand still for the next 18 seconds (15 w/ field active, +3 for last regen duration). 18 * 293 = the total health gain listed in the tool tip.