your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Oidmetala.8426


pls only write what you mostly want to see on future ranger patches.
maybe then there is a topic where devs can maybe see what ranger players want.
and maybe they can pick out the 3 most wishes…

im sure 75% of ranger players are still not rly happy with there class atm…
it feels wrong on place in pve, wvw and pvp most time. dont know what is rangers real job for groups…


1. useless traits remove/rework. trapper traits need move to an other traitline
2. more self skill use general and on f1-f4. ranger is to passive gameplay.
3. only a pet when i put points into beastmastery 10-30 to have real archer builds and beastmaster builds (because we never become pet controll i whant new f1-f4 skills…)

sad, i have much more, but topic should be easy to read fast.
(if there is any interest to use it, pls keep it clean as possible)

oh and the wishes dont have be easy to do.
my last ones are for sure not easy to do for anet, maybe you guys have some good ideas.

yes, i have create topic because im sad of ranger talk on sotg :P
the not ranger players faces was “no idea and no interested”
the chat was “booooring”
and jons face was “pls finish it fast”

so pls finish it fast with only 3 wishes and not much text

(i failed and post it in spvp forum first before i went sleep,
it was late on eu after sotg :/
but pls use such a topic, there need to be one easy and fast to read topic about what ranger players whant most)

actual wishes 10.07.2013


Team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus

(edited by Oidmetala.8426)

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Cempa.5619


1) Pets to get 90% AE mitigation
2) Pets cast time cut by %50 OR all pet abilities have 1,200 range and always land
3) Trait that adds stats per kill in BM to move from pet side to player side

….but if I was to be realistic I want just 1 thing:

pet attacks to follow target player as long as target is within range.

(edited by Cempa.5619)

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: awge.3852


1) Enhancements to pet AI, specifically related to passive/aggressive mode functionality.
2) Nature magic, it needs a significant change, something that will pull any ranger’s eye and have them consider a build there. This trait line is unique among all professions, it should be taken care of better.
3) Better pet purposing for other than killing things. For example in WvW would be very attractive. We could set our pets to yield better damage against siege, or help us carry more supplies, etc.

Mon Fils — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Blackgate
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW:

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bacon Please.8407

Bacon Please.8407

1) pet leash reduced to 900
2) Pet revive nerf
3) BM trait line balance

We all like to [FARM] Guild Leader
Jade Quarry

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Cempa.5619


1) pet leash reduced to 900
2) Pet revive nerf
3) BM trait line balance

So delete the pet ? lol

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Abrilete.1439


1) Fix all the nearly-one-year-old-bugs (1h sword rooting, invulnerable/obstructed/missing arrows, swoop getting you stuck mid-flight, SB quickshot not moving you at all, pets taking falling damage sometimes, pets not using their F2 and it going on CD anyway…).
2) Fix/improve pet’s AI for better pathing and targetting/attacking moving targets.
3) Rework LB.

Really, please, fix that dammed bugs we have since beta.

Baruch Bay, Ranger.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: stale.9785


Bacon is a hard line thief/warrior supporter, who firmly believes his two chosen professions have gotten the wrong end of the stick. Ignore him.

My 3:

1. Spirits are invulnerable.
2. Pets become optional (only used if you put points into BM line)
3. Traps get moved to the condition line.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: AydenStar.4216


1. Barrage CD lowered to 20/25 second base
2. A Blast Finisher on one of the Rangers weapons
3. Fix pet’s AI and allow Rangers to choose the one of the 4 abilities on a pet as the F2.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


1) F2 interrupts all other pet actions and launches immediately and can only be interrupted (by the ranger) by using F3 or F4, NOT by hitting F2 again!!

2) Trap traits to be swapped with the signet traits in marksman.

3) The master traits in BM applying to ALL PETS not specific families

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lumn.2951


I want to see spirit cast times reduced to 1 second and have a passive 25% move speed boost on storm spirit for when the spirit isn’t active or on cooldown, just to have a move speed option if you don’t want to take signets.

Next I want the pet taming system completely axed and remade from the beginning. Finally I want pet skills to all become instant cast with no 3 second wind up or leaping aimlessly at the air.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


1) F2 interrupts all other pet actions and launches immediately and can only be interrupted (by the ranger) by using F3 or F4, NOT by hitting F2 again!!

2) Trap traits to be swapped with the signet traits in marksman.

3) The master traits in BM applying to ALL PETS not specific families

1 and 3 I would go with aswell, don’t really care about 2 since it doesn’t affect me but it makes more sense though, or even more in the wilderness survival tree and moving sword cd, offhand cd and barkskin to skirmishing wich all really fit better in there aswell.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Spirit passive range increased to 1500. 2000 when traited. Serious.

The great forum duppy.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fjandi.2516


1) pet leash reduced to 900
2) Pet revive nerf
3) BM trait line balance

Keep Crying Please.8407

Tbh what i want is:
Make longbow good in tpvp, which means rework it a bit, especially the autoattack.
Improve pet mechanic…this does not mean “pls make it op”, this means make it deeper, give us more options etc. Pet mechanic in this game is just bad and poorly implemented.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tumult.2578


1) All of the development team must stop playing “Defiance” and play 20 hours a week, for a month, as Ranger split evenly across PvP, WvW and PvE before attempting to balance the classes.

2) All of the development team must use that experience when balancing the game.

3) All of the development team must play 20 hours a week, for a month, as Ranger split evenly across PvP, WvW and PvE after attempting to balance the classes, before going back to “Defiance”.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zorby.8236


Rangers are pretty fed up, and I fear constructive threads will just be trolled to shreds. In any case…
1) Make pet optional, dead serious on this one. AI will never reach a good level.
2) Overhaul the traits. I need only point out trapper traits in skirmishing…
3) Look over utilities. This isn’t a ranger specific problem, all classes need a util-lookover!

~This is the internet, my (or your) opinion doesn’t matter~

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Seth.1308


1) The Combat log shall show everything. Pet Damage, Spirit Damage, Condition damage. Issuing /savelog will write the combat log to a file.
2) If a Dodge is issued during the course of a Leap action, the leap is canceled and the dodge evasion frame shall occur.
3) Pet swap mechanic updates: Penalty timer for pet death is removed and stow pet is allowed in combat.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


1) F2 interrupts all other pet actions and launches immediately and can only be interrupted (by the ranger) by using F3 or F4, NOT by hitting F2 again!!

2) Trap traits to be swapped with the signet traits in marksman.

3) The master traits in BM applying to ALL PETS not specific families

1 and 3 I would go with aswell, don’t really care about 2 since it doesn’t affect me but it makes more sense though, or even more in the wilderness survival tree and moving sword cd, offhand cd and barkskin to skirmishing wich all really fit better in there aswell.

Reason I think they’d work better for marksman is that snipers tend to lay traps to their vantage point, aaaaaand it gives condi duration which benefits all the trap effects instead of just a few of them.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Yankee.3578


Only one wish:
I want to see,“Group LF Ranger” without everyone laughing…

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


1. AI controlled damage isn’t competitive and will hinder every update coming down the line for rangers because the ranger is balanced around the pet, and not the pet being balanced around the ranger. Relegate the pet to a passive utility/support role(currently a damage role) with an active burst with cooldown, allowing for more active play/counterplay and tuning the ranger class with more ease.

2. Improve damage coefficients and weapons that by design do not have a fluent playstyle (longbow, offhand axe 5, etc).

3. Improve traitlines accordingly, revise/remove the entire opening strikes mechanic entirely.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Verminor.7014


1) Significant change in nature trait, making spirits a viable option
2) Improve pets, especially for wvw (I want it bigger too, but this is just a matter of appearance).
3) Significant change in SBs and LBs skills, making it more reliable in pvp.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Taran Redleaf.7912

Taran Redleaf.7912

1. Pets can “smell” opponents even in stealth (pet tracking)
2. Pets get 90% damage reduction from AoE
3. Pets reworked so that they are F2 skill – summoned on demand, but not always out. Ranger can set up a F1 pet and an F2 pet (from those the Ranger tamed). Casting one “pet” skill puts the other on cooldown so both cannot be out at the same time. Pet management skills can set pets to active/passive and return. Pet stays out until death, put away, or second pet is called (if too long after testing, a time limit may be needed so that it functions like summoned turrets).

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Paz Shadow.9715

Paz Shadow.9715

1) Re-work spirits completely
2) Improve longbow
3) More weapon/armor skins that look good on rangers :P

Green Eye of Grenth | PR Officer | JQ

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


1 – Pet AI improvements or attack speed increase and AoE resistance.
2 – Make the LB worth using on it’s own merits.
3 – Complete spirit rework. Remove the internal CD for effects and at least double the effect range. Don’t need to make them invincible. They were not in GW1. They survived in GW1 due to being intelligently placed at max range. The current range in GW2 is just too short to allow them to survive.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Noobie.1073


1) rework traits to include more “interrupt” style build. (this is how we’ll be utilized in team play, dungeon, tpvp, etc)
2) re-work LB
3) More control over Pet AI

I Cha Cha I – Mediocre Ranger at best
Mao Xiong – Worst Warrior GW2

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


1) ANet give a kitten
2) that’s all

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Oidmetala.8426


1) ANet give a kitten
2) that’s all

then write 3 ideas
and rangers use this topic more :P
100 qq topics make anet not care much :/

Team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: rpfohr.7048


This seems fun…

1) Rework shouts
2) Better damage scaling
3) Pets able to survive in wvw zergs better.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Canguro.5768


1) make pet dodge on command
2) pet leash up to 3000 (or more) range
3) warhorn #5 blast finisher


your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: JorneMormel.9850


1) Pet rework; they need a dodge mechanic to prevent being one shotted by dungeon boss mechanics at the very least. *Edit: and stow pet in combat.
2) Utility skills actually bringing utility and not more RNG (spirits), passive effects not worth using (signets), or functions we should already have as a core mechanic (I’m looking at you, Guard.)
3) Trait rework; traits being moved to trait lines that make sense. Like trap enhancing traits being moved to Wilderness Survival, Skirmishing pet traits being moved to Beastmastery just to name a few.

Mysterious Old Geek
Co-founder of Flying Pink Unicorns [PWNY], Ring of Fire

(edited by JorneMormel.9850)

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Xhyros.1340


1. AI controlled damage isn’t competitive and will hinder every update coming down the line for rangers because the ranger is balanced around the pet, and not the pet being balanced around the ranger. Relegate the pet to a passive utility/support role(currently a damage role) with an active burst with cooldown, allowing for more active play/counterplay and tuning the ranger class with more ease.

2. Improve damage coefficients and weapons that by design do not have a fluent playstyle (longbow, offhand axe 5, etc).

3. Improve traitlines accordingly, revise/remove the entire opening strikes mechanic entirely.

I like this one.

1. Rangers can pack 3 different pets and assign them to F1-3. Make pets like guardian spirit weapons or necromancer minions. Initially F1-3 summons a pet, using F1-3 again activates the pet’s special ability. Pets have their autoattack and their one special ability. Vary the pets’ special abilities more. Ex) change pets with F2’s we never use to be one of the class’s desirable autocast spells. Multiple birds have repeat F2’s, change one of them to the aoe swiftness. Make using the special ability interrupt any action they were doing immediately. Grey out the option if pet is CC’d. Summoning a pet puts all on cooldown, like an Elementalist’s attunement. F4 recalls the pet, putting them on cooldown. Pets have an HP meter all the time. These meters can be displayed as an outline around the pet’s F1-3 button. The outlines are full when the pets’ HP is full, and shortens with decreasing HP (maybe start shortening from topright corner and go around clockwise). This meter can be color coded at specific intervals to easily show general condition of pet (66%+ green, 33-66% yellow, etc). While recalled, this meter recharges. If a pet is downed, it is immediately recalled and heals at a slower rate than if they were recalled before being downed.

2. Rework traits/utility skills to work around this change. Ex) The quickness on switch grandmaster can be “Can call upon two pets simultaneously.” Would have to decide on F4 recalling both pets or just one. And of it recalls just one, make it recall either the first pet out, or the pet with lowest HP.

3. Rework weapon damage to not be complete crap due to having pets. Take some/most of the damage from the pet and give the damage back to the ranger. While pets can autoattack, their main draw is their utility skill. Pet attack modifying skills can still work.

Dang that took longer than expected. Edited to add spaces.

(edited by Xhyros.1340)

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tywele.7812


  1. Rework Shouts (Sic ‘em doesn’t get overridden, Guard has no activation time)
  2. Master’s Bond does not reset on pet swap
  3. Blast finisher for one of the ranger weapons
The word “ranger” does not originate from the
word “range” but from “to range”.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


then write 3 ideas
and rangers use this topic more :P
100 qq topics make anet not care much :/

You can write all the ideas you like, and there are many threads in these forums the do just that, but until ANet gives a kitten you have to realise that is is just pointless theory craft because nothing is going to happen and you are wearing your keyboard down for no purpose.

ANet really doesn’t care here.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: stale.9785


Not entirely true, Sandpit. Were this a PvP thread, the changes asked for would be in the game in some form next month. Because the issues with the ranger affect the majority of players rather than the minority, we won’t see anything done.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Oidmetala.8426


thx for all constructive posts!
i think such topic is not bad, because its fast to read for a dev, maybe.
and its more easy to see whats most wishes of players.

for sure they dont have to do them, but they can see what rangers mostly whant.
i like all other topics where i read rly much good ideas, but its so many and long text.
i dont know they will read all that…

after more posts i will write most wishes at first post.

Team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarision.6347


My Big 3:

1) Balance the ranger with other professions, and then balance the pets around the ranger.

2) Further improvements to various pet F2s (Mighty Roar, Forage, etc).

3) Sprits radius upped to 1200 units so it stays out of harm’s way while still providing buffs to the party.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


1) Completely rework the 3 passive traits in Marksmanship to apply a repeating effect rather than a one-time effect while entering combat (currently completely useless against groups or bosses).

2) One of the ranger’s weapons (preferably longbow) becoming clear and significantly better than even just one of the other classes ranged alternatives.

3) Pets completely reworked or at least sped up to stick on the ranger’s commands and enemies nearly as fast as he/she can switch targets and hit skills.

…after doing that, tweak the 1h sword so it can be dodged out of WITHOUT nerfing the damage

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Obsidian Lee.1462

Obsidian Lee.1462

1) Make Ranger usefull for Teamfights not only 1 vs 1
2) The Pet should not do more dmg then the Ranger himself. For real damge you have to play BM at the moment.
3) change F1-F4

Elementalist and Ranger

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jheuloh.4109


1) Pet Name Fix!
2) Remove lock-in-place quality of 1h swords.
3) Give pets a “Stay” command!

(edited by Jheuloh.4109)

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


1) A longbow analogous to water…because water can flow and it can crush!

2) A staff or whip (whip might just be a dream but I love Indiana Jones what can I say?)

3) Removal of pet death penalty in dungeons. 15s is plenty in a dungeon; it would go a long way to stopping the “zomg pet always dead” bellyaching, it’s a straightforward change, and something that rangers wouldn’t have to “get used to” because it’s still a 20s or 15s swap so the split would not be too hard such that moving to pvp from pve is a big change. Skady Valda also agrees with this, I don’t think she’d mind me vouching for her because we’ve had this conversation before (she’s the most hardcore pve ranger I know…she has six world completions and 12 legendary weapons so she’s basically a beast…48+ FOTM, etc). I only bring up Skady because of her pedigree, I hope she doesn’t mind. Skady rocks! she runs around with dual frostfangs…how can you not love that?

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

(edited by Chopps.5047)

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Myrmix.5460


1) Complete rework of the Traits. Intelligent Traitcombinations (for instance: Longbow and Shortbow Skillreduction are 1 Trait, but what does a conditionweapon should do with crit and precision?).
I’m just sick of traiting to Grandmaster, so i have 1 good Utility, while other classes have the same utility without traiting in the skill….and just got some other “meh”-Traits on the way to grandmaster.

2) I want the Ranger not to be good with just one build. I have no problem with a difficult class, but at least i want to have a CHANCE to be as good as other (well played) classes, wheter i play crit or condition damage.
If i prefer crit dmg i should be able to play a ranger on crit with equal chances in combat like a condition-ranger.

3) Never ever nerf the ranger with the reasen “(s)he has a pet”!!
Thiefes get no damage reduction because they have stealth; eles are strong althought their incredible flexible utilitys because of the elements; guardians can deal huge damage in close combat and heal even on berserker the hell out of the lifepool.
Don’t let the ranger suffer for his special ability, other classes have in an equal way.

I don’t know why there are so many problems and weaknesses with the ranger.
What i see ingame with patches and developments, lets me think that you guys just hate this class and implemented it, because “every mmo needs a pet-class”

PS: Sorry for grammar mistakes, english is not my mother language.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: urdriel.8496


Active Signets (not traited) MUST affect ranger not pet

(edited by urdriel.8496)

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: totalpwnage.6534


I’d like to see a utility kill that allows you to control the pet remotely for scouting ahead which would be great for WvW.

Happylittlevegemite of Darkhaven
Quick Load [LOAD]

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: dagrdagaz.4913


1. Pets will now be able attack destroyable objects.
2. Spirits are invulnarable. The main issue why i dont use them, they die to fast.
3. Agressive mode for Pet (wich means the pet attacks any agrressive foe in range).
With multiple foes, after evry killed foe, the pet runs back to me (if the pet is not attacked).

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Oidmetala.8426


ok, here is a list of the wishes.
some are in generaly points, because there was much different ideas, sry for that.

and i whant to bump the topic for a last time with this post, before next patch


Team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Franklin Fhenrir.4962

Franklin Fhenrir.4962

1. Increase might gain with the skill 5 of warhorn from 1 to 3 most have already been increased that way.

2. Show pet boon/cond above command bar. To anoying to find it and trying to klick it, while this could be so much easier. ( someone elses idea but it is my wish to have)

3. Small pet dragons anyone?

You either die a underpowered class or you live long enough to be the overpowered one.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: solrik.6028


1. Improved pet pathfinding (AI)
2. Control over pet skills
3. Pet dodge controlled by player (Hotkey bound)

1. Do I have to explain?
2. This class is not nearly as complex as Ele, Guard or Engi
3. This could be fixed by adding a stamina bar or an instant cast skill to every pet and make the pet use it when the player taps the ‘Return’ button. The pet would return if the player holds the ‘Return’ button for 0.5s.

(This is a nice thread btw, just keep it clean people. This actually let’s anet see what we need most)

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: elprimo.4398


1) pet infinite leash range.
2) Birds and Spiders moves up and down high terrain.
3) Canines and Porcine can hit stealth targets.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: Forzani.2584


Some great ideas…and some of them are very reasonable.

I will only give 1 wish. Since if we got this I would be completely happy.

1. Ranger stealth – An ability that puts you and your pet into stealth.
- It takes 5 seconds for it to work after activating it.
-If you move, you lose stealth.
-If you attack, you lose stealth.
-When you do lose stealth, it has a 1 minute cooldown before you can use it again.
-Cannot use it inside a tower/keep or supply camp….or within 2000 units outside any of these areas.

It completely fits with any lore the Ranger should have. Great at scouting with stealth but couldn’t abuse it like Thieves by leaving and entering stealth at will.

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: elprimo.4398


Some great ideas…and some of them are very reasonable.

I will only give 1 wish. Since if we got this I would be completely happy.

1. Ranger stealth – An ability that puts you and your pet into stealth.
- It takes 5 seconds for it to work after activating it.
-If you move, you lose stealth.
-If you attack, you lose stealth.
-When you do lose stealth, it has a 1 minute cooldown before you can use it again.
-Cannot use it inside a tower/keep or supply camp….or within 2000 units outside any of these areas.

It completely fits with any lore the Ranger should have. Great at scouting with stealth but couldn’t abuse it like Thieves by leaving and entering stealth at will.

I would like to add 4seconds of quickening zephyr upon breaking out of stealth. muahahahahaha

your 3 most wishes for ranger in future?

in Ranger

Posted by: UrMom.4205


1. the ability to kill your own pet as it’s dead weight
2. fix the year old bugs (sword rooting, swoop bug, pet bugs, etc.)
3. (more so a general wish for the game) for the love of god balance pve/wvw SPERATE from spvp

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB