A simple change to make condis bearable

A simple change to make condis bearable

in Revenant

Posted by: Dusk.4708


So yes I am complaining about the revs lack of cleansing against condition heavy players in wvw/pvp.

Now that that’s out on the table, here is why I am making this post, we need to have a little more cleansing in the more popular legends such as shiro and glint as well as make ventari actually usable in a pvp/wvw setting. Now don’t say “oh ventari is usable you just have to micro manage better and lean to use it effectively!” Yeah no you try using ventari in a roaming setting or even In a giant zerg battle it does not work at the same level of support that a guardian or a tempest can dish out it just can’t. The tablet needs to be static and follow you around or have your toon hold the thing and be it’s conduit period.

Next thing as I said above, shiro and glint need to have their own form of cleansing cause the other legends have it in some way, shape, or form. my proposals are not game breaking and are fair imo;

For Shiro
Have impossible odds cleanse a condition every 3 to 4 seconds.

It is a very situational skill as it is just cause it drains energy at a very fast rate, so you now have to choose between using it for a finishing burst, a chase, or to cleanse condis..

For Glint
Have the facet of elements (dragon breath AoE skill) pulse cleanse 3 condis as it pulses it’s normal damage and raise the CD by 5.

With the skill being as small a ring as is, increasing the CD by 5 and forcing yourself to stay in that small ring to cleanse 3 conditions over 3 seconds is plenty fair imo,

Now for these two suggestions I want to count the amount of times people claim that mallyx should just be used instead….well the thing is its not cleansing…only masking the condis behind resistance which is only keeping it off of you as long as you have the boon. As soon as it expires your toast. If you don’t run mallyx and you get 2v1d by a cc spec such as a warrior and necro, your toast. A condition chrono? LOL toast.

So please tell me that I am wrong asking for a simple revision of ventari, and two tweaks to two legends abilities to make them up to participate with the rest of the legends who have some form of condition mitigation.

Ok rants over, roast me ????

SBI [Hero] Zero the Mechanist

(edited by Dusk.4708)

A simple change to make condis bearable

in Revenant

Posted by: BeepBoopBop.5403


Have a guild mate that suggested some clears on shield. Maybe one on shield 4 or one per pulse of shield 5.

Koolgai Smurf – Thief | Dazin U – Mesmer | Whats Healing Power – Ranger|
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]

A simple change to make condis bearable

in Revenant

Posted by: epouvante.7392


Shiro has super high mobility, stun break and cc but without condi cleanse. To be competitive you require more condi cleanse.
Glint has high boon sharing and low energy cost, a stun break and cc so you require more condi cleanse.
I am ok with that but malyx has no mobility, no cc and no stun break so with your logic we have to add it? Same for ventari?

Actually with the classical power set you have a lot of survivability, sword 3, shield 5, staff 3,4,5 plus shiro and glint. The condi weapon has no real defensive tool or just shield 5 if you run mace/shield, mace/axe, there is glint with a nice heal and malyx with a high condi controle but 0 survivability and high energy cost.

I understand you want to achieve a perfect power build but pls realize that condi rev need more help than power one!

A simple change to make condis bearable

in Revenant

Posted by: Dusk.4708


My focus as I said in the post is to make the more popular legends more survivable and mallyx is yes underwhelming as it doesn’t have a stun break but there is a decent distance leap and dark field you can use to lifesteal out of. Yes condition needs tweaking but that’s not the focus of this post it is on the three legends I mentioned.

SBI [Hero] Zero the Mechanist

A simple change to make condis bearable

in Revenant

Posted by: Brenil.8957


I don’t disagree that Ventari is cumbersome, but I definitely do not like the idea of making the two most meta stances (Glint/Shiro) even more meta by giving them condition removal.

Heavy condition pressure is an issue with that build because that is that build’s only significant weakness. With the ability to clear their only weakness, there no longer is a reason to ever use any other stance.

Besides, even in that build you can deal with conditions via Runes of Leadership and the Staff 4, or in a pinch, Glint’s heal.

Prudence Pump Six – Steam Punk of an Engineer
Sorrow’s Furnace

A simple change to make condis bearable

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I’m pretty sure that unless there is a major sustain nerf (far beyond any of the previous ones) Shiro/Glint and any variation of it doesn’t need any additional condi cleansing.
Any further addition to it would be incredibly overpowered in SPvP.

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

(edited by Varezenem.2813)

A simple change to make condis bearable

in Revenant

Posted by: serj.8214


Every build need some counters for power Rev is heavy condi aplication, for mallyx CC so its balanced in some way and no one resrict you to use mallyx+shiro for all in 2 ^^