About sword 2...
Yeah, I can’t even pretend to understand the point in a 450 range low damage minor aoe that does a 1 second chill… It doesn’t make sense to me, but oh well. Saves me energy to spend else where. :P
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
The skill really did seem truely lackluster lol
It’s to avoid targets from running away I suppose.
Similar to many other weapons with cripple
It’s to avoid targets from running away I suppose.
Similar to many other weapons with cripple
1 second is pretty much going to do nothing in those regards. You’re better off just using your teleport to catch up to them and finish them off. Haha.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
You use it to hit stealthed targets or mesmer clones when they chase you.
The skill itself is quite weak but i can still see a couple of situations where it could be useful.
Basically those situations where any aoe would turn out useful, no matter how weak :P
Unless it can hit stealthed players it will be pretty much useless ability. Kinda like Dancing Dagger. Nobody will use it if they wont bump up chill to 2 seconds or increase damage.
Call upon the mist and reveal stealth players for 2s when hit (also make it hit stealthed player), and probably elevate energy cost to 8 and CD to 10s in return?
well, anet just proved with the revenant changes that they do listen to feedbacks, guess we will just have to wait till next beta for testings and let them know the result
Call upon the mist and reveal stealth players for 2s when hit (also make it hit stealthed player), and probably elevate energy cost to 8 and CD to 10s in return?
Why do you mention reveal? At this rate it will be as common as a condition.
The Dhuumfire thread
Just some random idea since someone talks about stealth haha. Not really being serious here tbh.
Increase the chill to 3-4 seconds or switch it to a 1-2 sec immobilize.
Increase the chill to 3-4 seconds or switch it to a 1-2 sec immobilize.
Yeah, make it a 1.5 second immobilize, then we’re talking. That’d be a decent “I need to catch up another few feet on my enemies” move. Or a 4-5 second cripple. Anything that actually helps stick a bit would be great, if that’s the intent. 1 second of chill might as well not even exist on there.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
While the skill doesn’t sound exciting compared to unrelenting assault (sword 3), I think we should wait until another beta to test it out before casting judgement. We haven’t played it in various conditions and have only seen it in action in a controlled environment so it’s too early for conclusions.
Its meant to go along with Glint legend and Shield off hand.
keep that in mind.
Its meant to go along with Glint legend and Shield off hand.
keep that in mind.
How is a 1 second chill “meant” to go with anything in particular?? Honest question.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Its meant to go along with Glint legend and Shield off hand.
keep that in mind.
How is a 1 second chill “meant” to go with anything in particular?? Honest question.
As seen with Reaper as to how it uses chill differently.
So we have to wait and see how signets will work with chill condition.
But in core it helps slow down enemy movement as well as slow incoming damage while attacking. Revenant seem built for punishing enemies that attack.
Its meant to go along with Glint legend and Shield off hand.
keep that in mind.
From the datamined shield abilities, Glint is support heavy. At least for the shield…who knows about her actual utilities, but I’d suspect they are also support based considering how heavily each weapon seems to be geared towards their legend.
I have to agree, over-all, shiro looks incredible, the one ability i was having doubts on was sword #2.
When it was explained that this was an ability to keep people close or as a way to “close the gap” all i could think was.. but Shiro has a gap closer already.. and it doesn’t have a cooldown.. and it’s better.. by far.
sword #2 is going to be much like pistol #2 on thieves.. it’s never going to be used because there’s better abilities to pop.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
Yea from the video it looked very weak, both in damage and utility.
I don’t know if it’s because it wasn’t full berserker or something but even Sword’s 3 felt very weak for 10 sec cooldown too. It looks like it does less damage than auto-attack. I thought it could be like pistol-whip damage or something.
I really hope it won’t turn out to be another spam 1 then wait till target is dead, it’s really boring.
Yea from the video it looked very weak, both in damage and utility.
I don’t know if it’s because it wasn’t full berserker or something but even Sword’s 3 felt very weak for 10 sec cooldown too. It looks like it does less damage than auto-attack. I thought it could be like pistol-whip damage or something.
I really hope it won’t turn out to be another spam 1 then wait till target is dead, it’s really boring.
I think the damage might be similar to guardians sword 3. Just a little more damage then auto attack.
Just spread out over multiple enemies if they are in area. But it will still be a nice evade regardless
Change it to a projectile finisher and it’s fixed.
A combo finisher would supplement the damage/utility of the weakness of a 1s Chill and low damage.
EDIT: Since the weapon doesn’t have a field creation, it probably should have some type of combo generator. Blast is already covered by Mace mainhand… Leap finisher could work as well but it would have to be shorter range due to the range of the attack (obviously, a leap 600 with a range AoE reduction to 180 would be more valuable but at a 4s cooldown would be pretty OP).
Another option is to make it a 1/4s or instant cast ability, but that probably won’t make it feel as flavorful.
(edited by Artaz.3819)
By changing it to projectile finisher you will nerf it. You dont have combo fields on sword and you could also enjoy your reflected blade back in the face. If it is supposed to catch someone (1 sec chill will help a lot indeed) then it should be insta cast ability or chill should be increased to 2 seconds.
How about just redesign it.
Because let’s face it, it’s pretty crap.
The idea over sword #2 is to help close the gap between you and the enemy or to keep them in your midst, but is it really needed? I mean look at utility #1 & #2.. Pretty much an unlimited amount of gap closers.
Shiro’s theme seems to be closing the gap due to the lack of cripple, so why not redesign 2 to become a leap finisher that chills when it connects?
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
so why not redesign 2 to become a leap finisher that chills when it connects?
Cause Roy is against giving revenant mobility with weapon skills. If you want any sort of mobility you have to go for Shiro. Not to mention that leap means you dont have to target anything to actually make it work for some faster mobility out of combat or escapes. They want revenant to be slow outside of combat just like guardian.
Sword 3 on it own should provide evade frames as it is too dangerous for use for little if any reward if rumors about aa being stronger are true. Also what will have to sword 3 in wvw when there are ambient/yellow mobs around your foe? Im guessing sword 3 will make you attack them like a …..