Add Evade to Unyielding Anguish

Add Evade to Unyielding Anguish

in Revenant

Posted by: Dariya.9380


Since Retribution’s Unwavering Avoidance nerf, it killed the Condi Rev, forcing the few that played it to go back to power or play something else. I propose Anet considers adding an evade mechanic to Mallyx’s Unyielding Anguish to balance it out somewhat. Not as good as pre-nerf stab, but still something.

Add Evade to Unyielding Anguish

in Revenant

Posted by: hypehype.9047


I have had to relearn condi rev for the 4th time but think i have worked out a build that works.

2000 power 1000 condi damage ~500-700 healing

mace/shield staff

to stomp use glint stun break or blast unyielding anguish
stack might with mace 2,3 and facet.

took advice from people hear to drop retribution it is no good for condi rev now.

Add Evade to Unyielding Anguish

in Revenant

Posted by: Eval.2371



I’d love an evade on mallyx unyielding anguish. That said, I would rather the skill be a stunbreak, rather than an evade. If the skill became a stunbreak or both with an evade, I could finally drop shiro which I believe is mandatory for condi rev from a pvp standpoint right now.

I have had to relearn condi rev for the 4th time but think i have worked out a build that works.

2000 power 1000 condi damage ~500-700 healing

mace/shield staff

to stomp use glint stun break or blast unyielding anguish
stack might with mace 2,3 and facet.

took advice from people hear to drop retribution it is no good for condi rev now.

Just my own personal experience after the patch where I went full circle:

First I dropped retribution after the patch. I tried making salvations blinds(which are pretty amazing team wide blind during heal cast), condi clear on dodge and the rooting grandmaster to work for a burn based build. I’d catch a few people off guard the first time they fought me but after that it was basically a useless gimmick.

Experimented with jallis on top of it. It was very immobile but tanky. I had tones of ways to root or pull people into searing fisher with mace/sword & jallis taunt… the problem was I’d get locked up in cc and couldn’t do anything.

Then tried invocation with jallis as well as glint. I was able to stunbreak, but it often didn’t matter as I would stay locked up until I could disengage which was very hard to do on either line. I could sustain through a lot break stuns often, but couldn’t disengage or reset and I didn’t have anything that could prevent my opponents from doing so. In the long run I would just get out sustained and kited.

Now I am back on retribution, with shiro. Why? because having shiro stun break is essential. Riposting shadows breaks stun and evades which means a chance at stab with retribution. The rest of shiro allows you to chase people. All that changed from the old build is you have to dodge something to actually get the stab and its not up as often. Shiro and retribution I find are the most reliable of all the other combo’s because you can chase, engage, disengage etc.

[Cya] TC Roamer/Scout
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.

(edited by Eval.2371)