in Revenant

Posted by: Biklen.5490


So my first week playing Rev has past and I am really enjoying it. I made the switch from Zerk Ranger and it has been great. I am running Zerk Rev also for WvW and PvP and the damage is insane. I am still tweaking stuff out but the class itself might be the fit for me. Until they rework projectiles that is. In this video I put in a couple of 1vs1 that our viewers requested that give Revs a fight. Enjoy and I hope it helps other upcoming Revs.!

Also my keys are spread different on my mouse so when I say ability number 7 it is ability number 6 for the UI.



in Revenant

Posted by: Rym.1469


O hey, it’s the 4Head guy

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.


in Revenant

Posted by: Biklen.5490


O hey, it’s the 4Head guy

Oh Hey it is


in Revenant

Posted by: PadreNike.1803


Beautiful video and commentary Bik, Rev is such a fun class
“Condi Mesmer? Just yolo it” lol
Your 4th of July stream has been one of the most entertaining streams of all time.

My YouTube
My Army


in Revenant

Posted by: lolobum.3082


Will you please stop making titles like this OMG I MADE ANOTHER VIDEO. If your videos were good you would not need to make such click bait titles. Or maybe your caps lock is broken?


in Revenant

Posted by: Vasdamas Anklast.1607

Vasdamas Anklast.1607

Will you please stop making titles like this OMG I MADE ANOTHER VIDEO. If your videos were good you would not need to make such click bait titles. Or maybe your caps lock is broken?

I’ve always wondered why do most of them make videos where they just bash some random PvE scrubs on WvW? I mean, he is probably hilarious with commentaries but I’d want to see good fights where people both die and kill.


in Revenant

Posted by: Zavik.9751


Will you please stop making titles like this OMG I MADE ANOTHER VIDEO. If your videos were good you would not need to make such click bait titles. Or maybe your caps lock is broken?

I’ve always wondered why do most of them make videos where they just bash some random PvE scrubs on WvW? I mean, he is probably hilarious with commentaries but I’d want to see good fights where people both die and kill.

What is click bait about his title? There is nothing that says “OMG IM SO GOOD CLICK MY LINK AND WATCH ME PLAY IM BETTER THAN YOU” It’s simply telling exactly what is in the video.

And yes, he is pretty funny, but he does fight some competent players. He is a very competent player himself, one fight in the vid he fights 4+ people and survives very well. Not only is he entertaining to watch, he tells you exactly what he is doing so you may try to gather what you can from the video and apply it to your gameplay to be a better player.

Stop being negative kittens just cause someone is doing more for the community than you


in Revenant

Posted by: Biklen.5490


Will you please stop making titles like this OMG I MADE ANOTHER VIDEO. If your videos were good you would not need to make such click bait titles. Or maybe your caps lock is broken?

I’ve always wondered why do most of them make videos where they just bash some random PvE scrubs on WvW? I mean, he is probably hilarious with commentaries but I’d want to see good fights where people both die and kill.

What is click bait about his title? There is nothing that says “OMG IM SO GOOD CLICK MY LINK AND WATCH ME PLAY IM BETTER THAN YOU” It’s simply telling exactly what is in the video.

And yes, he is pretty funny, but he does fight some competent players. He is a very competent player himself, one fight in the vid he fights 4+ people and survives very well. Not only is he entertaining to watch, he tells you exactly what he is doing so you may try to gather what you can from the video and apply it to your gameplay to be a better player.

Stop being negative kittens just cause someone is doing more for the community than you

OMG…..You my friend ripped them a new one….WELL DONE…lol… <3


in Revenant

Posted by: Biklen.5490


Beautiful video and commentary Bik, Rev is such a fun class
“Condi Mesmer? Just yolo it” lol
Your 4th of July stream has been one of the most entertaining streams of all time.

Bro they are so freaking stupid…It really upsets me LMAO…When you beat one you just Yoloed it haha…


in Revenant

Posted by: Vasdamas Anklast.1607

Vasdamas Anklast.1607

Will you please stop making titles like this OMG I MADE ANOTHER VIDEO. If your videos were good you would not need to make such click bait titles. Or maybe your caps lock is broken?

I’ve always wondered why do most of them make videos where they just bash some random PvE scrubs on WvW? I mean, he is probably hilarious with commentaries but I’d want to see good fights where people both die and kill.

What is click bait about his title? There is nothing that says “OMG IM SO GOOD CLICK MY LINK AND WATCH ME PLAY IM BETTER THAN YOU” It’s simply telling exactly what is in the video.

And yes, he is pretty funny, but he does fight some competent players. He is a very competent player himself, one fight in the vid he fights 4+ people and survives very well. Not only is he entertaining to watch, he tells you exactly what he is doing so you may try to gather what you can from the video and apply it to your gameplay to be a better player.

Stop being negative kittens just cause someone is doing more for the community than you

Oh look, an overly protective fanboy again…

You speak as if there is something new in that video. Neither he represents a new build, nor there is something of interest in the way he plays. Just rotating inluvnerabilities with blocks like always. Also he did die in that 4v1 fight after all despite them being a PvE scrubs downstating from two successful hits (probably running rare gear too or worse). Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe he is not doing a great job with those videos but for me personally most of those streamers are garbage since I can learn these basics on my own.

As for being useful, I am not a do-gooder, I did enough for communities in other MMOs, time to slack off a bit and only care for people I like and play with.


in Revenant

Posted by: Biklen.5490


Will you please stop making titles like this OMG I MADE ANOTHER VIDEO. If your videos were good you would not need to make such click bait titles. Or maybe your caps lock is broken?

I’ve always wondered why do most of them make videos where they just bash some random PvE scrubs on WvW? I mean, he is probably hilarious with commentaries but I’d want to see good fights where people both die and kill.

What is click bait about his title? There is nothing that says “OMG IM SO GOOD CLICK MY LINK AND WATCH ME PLAY IM BETTER THAN YOU” It’s simply telling exactly what is in the video.

And yes, he is pretty funny, but he does fight some competent players. He is a very competent player himself, one fight in the vid he fights 4+ people and survives very well. Not only is he entertaining to watch, he tells you exactly what he is doing so you may try to gather what you can from the video and apply it to your gameplay to be a better player.

Stop being negative kittens just cause someone is doing more for the community than you

Oh look, an overly protective fanboy again…

You speak as if there is something new in that video. Neither he represents a new build, nor there is something of interest in the way he plays. Just rotating inluvnerabilities with blocks like always. Also he did die in that 4v1 fight after all despite them being a PvE scrubs downstating from two successful hits (probably running rare gear too or worse). Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe he is not doing a great job with those videos but for me personally most of those streamers are garbage since I can learn these basics on my own.

As for being useful, I am not a do-gooder, I did enough for communities in other MMOs, time to slack off a bit and only care for people I like and play with.

I wonder what YouTube would be like if everybody thought like you. I bet if I go through your history in the past 5 years on YouTube videos you watched I’d find some game-play videos scrubs like me have made.

Also this posting was not made for you. Mater of fact I have no idea who you are and don’t really care…Don’t like it? Move on bro..


in Revenant

Posted by: Zavik.9751


Will you please stop making titles like this OMG I MADE ANOTHER VIDEO. If your videos were good you would not need to make such click bait titles. Or maybe your caps lock is broken?

I’ve always wondered why do most of them make videos where they just bash some random PvE scrubs on WvW? I mean, he is probably hilarious with commentaries but I’d want to see good fights where people both die and kill.

What is click bait about his title? There is nothing that says “OMG IM SO GOOD CLICK MY LINK AND WATCH ME PLAY IM BETTER THAN YOU” It’s simply telling exactly what is in the video.

And yes, he is pretty funny, but he does fight some competent players. He is a very competent player himself, one fight in the vid he fights 4+ people and survives very well. Not only is he entertaining to watch, he tells you exactly what he is doing so you may try to gather what you can from the video and apply it to your gameplay to be a better player.

Stop being negative kittens just cause someone is doing more for the community than you

Oh look, an overly protective fanboy again…

You speak as if there is something new in that video. Neither he represents a new build, nor there is something of interest in the way he plays. Just rotating inluvnerabilities with blocks like always. Also he did die in that 4v1 fight after all despite them being a PvE scrubs downstating from two successful hits (probably running rare gear too or worse). Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe he is not doing a great job with those videos but for me personally most of those streamers are garbage since I can learn these basics on my own.

As for being useful, I am not a do-gooder, I did enough for communities in other MMOs, time to slack off a bit and only care for people I like and play with.

Nowhere in my comment did I mention anything about him running a new build or something? And if I read correctly, you said you wanted to see good fights, where the OP dies and kills and that video shows just that and then you complain about it?

Who cares what you have done for other games? Why do you feel the need to try and diminish the hard work someone has put into some content they made for people? If you don’t need/want to watch the video, why does that suddenly make it a bad thing? You must be a pleasure to be around


in Revenant

Posted by: Zavik.9751


Anywho, time to stop feeding the troll. Great vid! Glad you make these videos!


in Revenant

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


Nice vid! Almost makes me want to play rev, but I will wait until it can handle condi a bit better.

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW:


in Revenant

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Rev mobility in combat is great but the problem is actually escaping out of combat or when there are no mobs nearby like in EB.


in Revenant

Posted by: Vasdamas Anklast.1607

Vasdamas Anklast.1607

Nowhere in my comment did I mention anything about him running a new build or something? And if I read correctly, you said you wanted to see good fights, where the OP dies and kills and that video shows just that and then you complain about it?

Who cares what you have done for other games? Why do you feel the need to try and diminish the hard work someone has put into some content they made for people? If you don’t need/want to watch the video, why does that suddenly make it a bad thing? You must be a pleasure to be around

You said? I think I said he is not representing any brand new interesting build? What the kitten. I complain because nowdays youtubers and streamers are all like clones, they run the same builds, the same tactics and offer absolutely nothing new. I’d rather see the builds that have a great potential but for some reason they were overlooked or not tested enough by appropriate auditory. I like new stuff.

Indeed why do you care and so then why would I care too. I had my fun in past, it’d be a liability to do it in every single game.
Where did I say I wanted this to be diminished in some kind? Or what, am I not allowed to have an opinion nowdays and then being accused of being “a troll” if I do? So petty. Whatever, you’re not the first and not the last one so moving on _)

Will you please stop making titles like this OMG I MADE ANOTHER VIDEO. If your videos were good you would not need to make such click bait titles. Or maybe your caps lock is broken?

I’ve always wondered why do most of them make videos where they just bash some random PvE scrubs on WvW? I mean, he is probably hilarious with commentaries but I’d want to see good fights where people both die and kill.

What is click bait about his title? There is nothing that says “OMG IM SO GOOD CLICK MY LINK AND WATCH ME PLAY IM BETTER THAN YOU” It’s simply telling exactly what is in the video.

And yes, he is pretty funny, but he does fight some competent players. He is a very competent player himself, one fight in the vid he fights 4+ people and survives very well. Not only is he entertaining to watch, he tells you exactly what he is doing so you may try to gather what you can from the video and apply it to your gameplay to be a better player.

Stop being negative kittens just cause someone is doing more for the community than you

Oh look, an overly protective fanboy again…

You speak as if there is something new in that video. Neither he represents a new build, nor there is something of interest in the way he plays. Just rotating inluvnerabilities with blocks like always. Also he did die in that 4v1 fight after all despite them being a PvE scrubs downstating from two successful hits (probably running rare gear too or worse). Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe he is not doing a great job with those videos but for me personally most of those streamers are garbage since I can learn these basics on my own.

As for being useful, I am not a do-gooder, I did enough for communities in other MMOs, time to slack off a bit and only care for people I like and play with.

I wonder what YouTube would be like if everybody thought like you. I bet if I go through your history in the past 5 years on YouTube videos you watched I’d find some game-play videos scrubs like me have made.

Also this posting was not made for you. Mater of fact I have no idea who you are and don’t really care…Don’t like it? Move on bro..

What would be YouTube be like? Well, it would be harder for some people to earn money from it for sure. And don’t assume my YouTube history please, as I said I don’t need anyone else to point me into a right direction. In fact, I rarely watch gameplay YouTube videos because I don’t like watching somebody else play, not to say I used to run per use internet which is expensive af.
But I guess you’re right, it was meant for beginners and I should just ignore and forget it like I always do.


in Revenant

Posted by: Jack Skywalker.5674

Jack Skywalker.5674

There is no build diversity for Revenant in PvP. Retribution, Invocation and Herald are must haves for pvp. You make good comentaries and videos…but Revenant is a stale class for pvp.

Free tip: play without Herald (which is the epicenter of all builds on metabattle) some Condi Rev stuff, get an impression,then do a series about constructive changes Anet can do for Revenant.

(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)


in Revenant

Posted by: Cylokin.2560


There is no build diversity for Revenant in PvP.

You can easily say this about almost every other class in PvP.

There is no build diversity for Revenant in PvP. Retribution, Invocation and Herald are must haves for pvp.

What? No it’s not a must, I always run Devastation with changing between both Retribution and Invocation, depending if I want more offensive or defensive oriented build. You could say Herald is a must but that goes with every Elite for every class after HoT.

Revenant still needs alot of work and bug fixes and some legends need to be worked at, but build diversity is nothing different than other classes.


in Revenant

Posted by: Jack Skywalker.5674

Jack Skywalker.5674

There is no build diversity for Revenant in PvP. Retribution, Invocation and Herald are must haves for pvp.

What? No it’s not a must, I always run Devastation with changing between both Retribution and Invocation, depending if I want more offensive or defensive oriented build. You could say Herald is a must but that goes with every Elite for every class after HoT.

Revenant still needs alot of work and bug fixes and some legends need to be worked at, but build diversity is nothing different than other classes.

I did not explain myself properly…let me rephrase….all pvp builds for Revenant have either Retribution, Invocation or Herald, with Herald being the most used out of the 3. I have yet to see someone in pvp who isn’t using Herald in pvp.

There is no build diversity for Revenant in PvP.

You can easily say this about almost every other class in PvP.

No…I have more flexibility on my warrior & elementalist than on my Revenant. For my Warrior I don’t need Berserker to do good in pvp and same goes for my elementalist. Despite deleting my ranger 2 of months ago, I was a very potent ranged asassin and never used Staff, Celestial Avatar Form or a melee weapon.

(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)


in Revenant

Posted by: Cylokin.2560


I also do not need Berserker to do well on my Revenant, so you see, it is all subjective. I play more build on Revenant than Elementalist for example.


in Revenant

Posted by: Spicy.2481


I also do not need Berserker to do well on my Revenant, so you see, it is all subjective. I play more build on Revenant than Elementalist for example.

Never go full retar… He mean’t that he doesn’t need the elite spec for warrior to do well with it, unlike revenant is quite dependant on herald spec to do well.


in Revenant

Posted by: Jack Skywalker.5674

Jack Skywalker.5674

I also do not need Berserker to do well on my Revenant, so you see, it is all subjective. I play more build on Revenant than Elementalist for example.

I meant Berserker elite spec…not Berserker the stat distribution…my ideea was not using the elite specialization in pvp hurts you more compared to other classes.


in Revenant

Posted by: Cylokin.2560


Yeah, I misread about the Berserker, but Berserker is one of the really rare cases out of all the classes. I just don’t agree that it’s that much of a difference with Herald.


in Revenant

Posted by: Jack Skywalker.5674

Jack Skywalker.5674

Yeah, I misread about the Berserker, but Berserker is one of the really rare cases out of all the classes. I just don’t agree that it’s that much of a difference with Herald.

It’s the same difference with Chillomancer/Condi Reaper vs Vanila Condi Necro. Try playing power rev without herald or condi rev (again without herald) the difference is palpable. -1 utility slot (the F2), -1 stun breaker (your only stun breaker is on Shiro!), which forces you into Invocation if you want to have 2 stun breakers again, -1 stack of stab if you like using Retribution -2 healing skills (shield 4 & 5), -easy access to might,swiftness,regen and protection (for the last bit I am talking about shield 4 again). But you get to enjoy Legendary Dwarf Stance in PvP more often.


in Revenant

Posted by: Biklen.5490


I got another small clip of the rev mobility and on a small outnumbered fights. Some people asked me why i dont play warrior…and this is why i dont…The back-flips and front flips are real.