[BUG] Hammer Skills

[BUG] Hammer Skills

in Revenant

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


Two Hammer Skills aren’t working entirely correctly or are misleading. I noticed it quite a bit last night during WvW when I’d throw down a few of the skills they just wouldn’t work or there were zero damage numbers.

Video for reference:

After a bit of testing I noticed the following characteristics with this skill:

1. If you fire this on an incline you have to be on the incline for it to continue to travel. This can make this skill very hit and miss when you are out in the wild because the world isn’t such a flat place. The video sample shows some very clear examples of this happening with some very obvious inclines/declines but I noticed it happened a lot out in the world in various locations as well where you wouldn’t expect it to.

2. More critically, the visual of the skill goes way beyond where it actually hits by a large margin. Using the video reference, you can see @1:18 that despite being smack in the middle of the final Ruin explosion the wurm doesn’t even get hit. You can also see at the start of this situation that the wurms are clearly within the 1200m range. This, more than anything, meant I lost most of my damage when roaming around in WvW when fighting at range in a ranged stand off. When not and more up close I noticed my damage was where it should be.

The main issue here is it has issues with the Z axis and smashes. You are given a clear green reticle, but you don’t actually go down on the Z axis and smash there and instead leap straight forward. If the target is close enough to that you will hit (such as on the deer in the video) but if not you will miss entirely (such as you see with the wurm).

Kodiak X – Blackgate

[BUG] Hammer Skills

in Revenant

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


These don’t appear to be affected in the recent BWE1 update.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

[BUG] Hammer Skills

in Revenant

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


This continue to not be addressed.

Roy can you comment if you’re taking a look at these or not?

It’s becoming a serious issue especially with the uneven terrains in the Maguuma Jungle.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

[BUG] Hammer Skills

in Revenant

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


Continue to be super frustrating throughout BWE3 with the many layered design of the zone available in PvE.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

[BUG] Hammer Skills

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Yeah. i love the hammer so much but if we keep to have those bugs it’s not that usable
I think they made super cool effects but for the sake of usability thay have to use some easy tech behind. let’s hope to see this fixed soon.

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

[BUG] Hammer Skills

in Revenant

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


Yea another guy on Reddit made a great video showing some of these bugs as well.

Hoping they get fixed and the damage is made to match the damage area. I think the animation going up/down inclines is probably pretty technical and likely won’t get address pre-launch tho

Kodiak X – Blackgate

[BUG] Hammer Skills

in Revenant

Posted by: Oddbot.6578


This really needs fixing. Especially for hammer #2. This is a huge issue for all types of content. WvW, spvp, dungeons, etc. you name it.