So me and my buddy were playing sword sword Shiro in the new zone and ran across a huge problem with sword 3, your animation locked in place for the duration of the spell… so for example when the new mobs use one of their heavy hitting telegraphed attacks right after you use sword 3 your pretty much locked in place till ends, you can’t dodge, or cancel attack it would seem. So after a few insta deaths in these telegraphs due to sword 3 we tried all sorts of stuff to cancel the cast… one of them being weapon swapping while in mid cast. THIS is bugged when you do this your character gets stuck unable to move and the camera still backed off the character as if he is still doing the animation. You can’t get out of this bug unless you use Shiro skill 7.
On that note sword 3 needs to be looked at to maybe evade while doing the skill, this skill is by far my favorite and a amazing animation however with the low dmg and very high risk I find myself not using it anymore, it does more harm than good by more or less locking my character and causing many deaths due to this.