Bolstered Anguish should be changed
Honest call or… it could just use a buff since we lost 3 self condis ;-)
Wat r u, casul?
After the change in focus of Mallyx’s playstyle, this trait no longer synergizes with it’s toolset. If self condis aren’t coming back, this trait should probably be changed to something different or triger on the number of condis on your target instead, helping hybrid builds.
Nooooooo. This trait can still give that pre nerf Mallyx style of play to power builds where you get stronger the more condis on you.
Please dont take that style of play away from me, Bolstered Anguish is this playstyles last hope.
Dont change it Royyyyyyyy. Donnnt dooo itttttttttttttt
Main Guild – oPP/RIOT/yumy(Booty Bakery)
IGN- Greek Kenpachi | Champion Ritualist
After the change in focus of Mallyx’s playstyle, this trait no longer synergizes with it’s toolset. If self condis aren’t coming back, this trait should probably be changed to something different or triger on the number of condis on your target instead, helping hybrid builds.
Nooooooo. This trait can still give that pre nerf Mallyx style of play to power builds where you get stronger the more condis on you.
Please dont take that style of play away from me, Bolstered Anguish is this playstyles last hope.
Dont change it Royyyyyyyy. Donnnt dooo itttttttttttttt
like i said, since we cannot reliably put conditions on us anymore, i could even use a boost ;-)
Wat r u, casul?