Can we get early access to Revenant?
i think we deserve it, revenant will be ready on friday.
let us keep our revenant (if i can make 1 from lvl 1 ofc)
if he’s broken/too weak/too storng, they wouldnt know it until we’ll play it
and with those beta’s we play it once a month.
give us rev now, we did pay for it and we know he might not be 100% ready but atleast we have something to do, right now gw2 has nothing new
Would make me prepurchase right away. Right now I’m just waiting on a release date
They won’t let you keep the Revenant. You get free stuff on your BETA Character and a copy of your Bank. The only way they could do it is by unlocking the Revenant for your normal Char Slots but even that is unlikely since it is still in developement.
They won’t let you keep the Revenant. You get free stuff on your BETA Character and a copy of your Bank. The only way they could do it is by unlocking the Revenant for your normal Char Slots but even that is unlikely since it is still in developement.
that’s what im talking about. let us make a lvl 1 rev and gop on with him if there are any bugs with him, we will report it, give rev to people who bought HOT not free for all
I would be sooooo happy if this happened! I mean we already prepurchased it, it’s not like they will be getting more money from me anyway considering I got the Ultimate edition (worth it!). Let me start at lvl 1 and play this guy now that all regular trait lines are ready.
I’m actually putting the game on hold until i can play rev, since it only like to main one character, and it’s the class i wanna play. so hopefully they release it earlier.
Theoretically, they probably could give early access to Rev to pre-purchasers before HoT release, and keep the elite specialization tied to release like they do for all other professions’ elite specializations. All of the base information for Rev has been revealed after all.
I suspect the chance of ANet doing this is near zero, and while it would be cool, I’ve also never heard of something like this being done in an MMO. Am I incorrect?
Then again, I also can’t think of any glaring obvious reason that it would be a bad idea for ANet to give pre-purchasers early access to Rev either.
Astaxanthas (Revenant), Hepaticus (Engineer), Eosinophus (Thief)
I would love to see this. After the first beta weekend I found I really want to main a revenant but I also don’t want to spoil the experience of leveling one by having the level to 20 birthday booster + 60 tomes of knowledge just to level him so I can play him day one of HoT at level 80. If we get early access to the class outside of betas that would be amazing. Will it happen? Most likely not. I’ve seen early access to the over all game done before in MMOs but never done just for a class. It’s rather sad, but true.
I would love to see this. After the first beta weekend I found I really want to main a revenant but I also don’t want to spoil the experience of leveling one by having the level to 20 birthday booster + 60 tomes of knowledge just to level him so I can play him day one of HoT at level 80. If we get early access to the class outside of betas that would be amazing. Will it happen? Most likely not. I’ve seen early access to the over all game done before in MMOs but never done just for a class. It’s rather sad, but true.
i would still insta 80 him cuz you have the whole tyria map unexplored and can use it to level your Pact Masteries.
But i would LOVE to see a Rev early access though :-/
I hope so. I want to play it as much as possible. I’m bored of my other toons now that I’ve tasted greatness.
This would be awsome would play it all the time and it wouldnt feel so much like wasted time :>
This would be awsome
would play it all the time and it wouldnt feel so much like wasted time :>
This is BETA weekend events we are talking about. Not a free sample preview or anything. Don’t want to test then don’t do it.
I would love to see this. After the first beta weekend I found I really want to main a revenant but I also don’t want to spoil the experience of leveling one by having the level to 20 birthday booster + 60 tomes of knowledge just to level him so I can play him day one of HoT at level 80. If we get early access to the class outside of betas that would be amazing. Will it happen? Most likely not. I’ve seen early access to the over all game done before in MMOs but never done just for a class. It’s rather sad, but true.
i would still insta 80 him cuz you have the whole tyria map unexplored and can use it to level your Pact Masteries.
But i would LOVE to see a Rev early access though :-/
You do have a point. I might just start saving up my tomes again. Need exactly 60 to insta level him. It’s a good think I have all ascended armor so I only have to worry about the weapons ^^; And that way I also have the personal story to level the main tyrian masteries as well.
I would like an early access revenant so i can get him to 80, geared, and story done ready to get him straight into HoT.
As it stands, if i want to main a Revenant, I’ll have to do the entire Living season 2 story just to get access to silverwastes and dry top, which I imagine will be a requirement to gain access to the maguuma jungle, putting me at a disadvantage to those who aren’t going to be playing a Revenant at release.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
I would like an early access revenant so i can get him to 80, geared, and story done ready to get him straight into HoT.
As it stands, if i want to main a Revenant, I’ll have to do the entire Living season 2 story just to get access to silverwastes and dry top, which I imagine will be a requirement to gain access to the maguuma jungle, putting me at a disadvantage to those who aren’t going to be playing a Revenant at release.
All of us who want to main revenant are going to be in that situation even if we do spam a birth day lvl to 20 then 60 tomes of knowledge. I don’t think actually doing the story is a requirement since there are many pve players who don’t care for the story at all. As far as personal choice, I wouldn’t mind going through the personal story and living world season 2 on my revenant, but I somehow doubt we will be able to replay the new story in HoT like we can season 2 of the living world unless we do so on alts. That’s why gaining early access to the revenant would be amazing. It would allow us to lvl them and run through the story before HoT fully launches.
As it has been said, I don’t want us to have early access to the rest of HoT such as the elite specialization or the maps, just to the class to get it up to 80 and run through the story so we’re on the same page as everyone else who isn’t switching their mains to the new class. Those who are switching their mains from say an ele to a mesmer can start leveling now or already have said class at 80 and ready to go.
It would be amazing if we did get this but I somehow doubt it will come true I have a feeling we’re going to be stuck with being behind everyone else at launch of HoT just because we want to experience all of the maps and story for the first time on the revenant and not on one of the other classes.
I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been one of those players who has tried every class and not found that one which felt right. Not until the beta weekend we got to play the revenant for the first time as it being nearly all there (minus underwater and the elite). I had planned on playing the other classes for beta as well but i played reaper for maybe on hour before moving back to the revenant. That class is the one which finally feels right to me and none of the other classes I normally play have been very attention grabbing since the beta ended.
It will be interesting to see what they do going forward with both the class (glint reveal this friday) and more. Including this little hope those of us on this forum have for getting the revenant early if we prepurchased the game
(edited by frayon.3984)
Yes, right now I, as many others are wating for rev to be released. Atleast we have something to look forward to. I got hundred tomes so Iam good on that part. But I gotta farm and make some armor tho.
I also subscribes to this petition for early access for Revenant. It would be great and fair to the players who pre-purchase the game. As a result, we will have time for levleling new class and have the chance to enter the new location in a similar time with other players.
In this time we can see if Revenant is balanced or he must be update a bit. And i think all players will be happy with that suprice of a early access.
This would be pretty cool.
i bet people will accuse anet of trying to goad folks into pre-purchasing though.
can’t win for the losing…
Must have Revy!!! NAAAAWWOW!!!!!!!
Actually imo those who have pre-purchased the xpac should get early access to Revenant if only so that we can start leveling them for the xpac events and then we wouldn’t have to use tomes. I would really like to play the new content with my Rev but the only way I’m sure to do it is if he’s a level 80. I want to replay season 2 and yes, even the personal storyline on my Revenant but like someone said earlier, I don’t need access to the xpac content right away.
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War
(edited by KronosBaelfire.6289)
I agree. However unlikely it might be lets hope Ray just bursts the “Everyone get to play rev from nowon out if u bought exp”
If we did get it early it would be after balancing the underwater part of the revenant. I don’t think we could do much without that part of them and parts of the maps we would be unable to to do at all.
I don’t even really enjoy playing any other class right now. I only want to revenant.
they seem to listen to fans, try starting a petition so the want is fully noticed. maybe if enough people band together they will release it early.
they seem to listen to fans, try starting a petition so the want is fully noticed. maybe if enough people band together they will release it early.
And how do you propose we do this?
If we did get it early it would be after balancing the underwater part of the revenant. I don’t think we could do much without that part of them and parts of the maps we would be unable to to do at all.
Well, in most of the PS Steps Underwater you have an NPC right by your side. You just have to wait 5 days until he killed all the necessary Mobs :-D. And if you go down you can at least Bandage yourself
If we did get it early it would be after balancing the underwater part of the revenant. I don’t think we could do much without that part of them and parts of the maps we would be unable to to do at all.
i’d be fine with placeholder/copyover underwater skills. I just worry it’s not balanced/finished enough to allow general access to pvp outside the occasional beta weekend.
If we did get it early it would be after balancing the underwater part of the revenant. I don’t think we could do much without that part of them and parts of the maps we would be unable to to do at all.
i’d be fine with placeholder/copyover underwater skills. I just worry it’s not balanced/finished enough to allow general access to pvp outside the occasional beta weekend.
They could just keep it out of ranked pvp. It’s not like anything else is serious enough for it to matter. Not that ranked is all that serious right now.
i’d be fine with placeholder/copyover underwater skills. I just worry it’s not balanced/finished enough to allow general access to pvp outside the occasional beta weekend.
They could just keep it out of ranked pvp. It’s not like anything else is serious enough for it to matter. Not that ranked is all that serious right now.
Yeah, that’d work fine for me, at least. i never really pvp anyway
If we did get it early it would be after balancing the underwater part of the revenant. I don’t think we could do much without that part of them and parts of the maps we would be unable to to do at all.
Well, in most of the PS Steps Underwater you have an NPC right by your side. You just have to wait 5 days until he killed all the necessary Mobs :-D. And if you go down you can at least Bandage yourself
Your really trust those npcs or npc to stay alive long enough to kill them mobs? We would be floating there or running for our lives, the npc goes down and then what? We exit because the npc is surrounded by the enemy, dead, and we can only float there?
If we did get it early it would be after balancing the underwater part of the revenant. I don’t think we could do much without that part of them and parts of the maps we would be unable to to do at all.
i’d be fine with placeholder/copyover underwater skills. I just worry it’s not balanced/finished enough to allow general access to pvp outside the occasional beta weekend.
We do now have one underwater weapon announce for the revenant and the skills for it, so that’s not really an issue now. As for pvp, I can’t say a lot on it. I generally only pvp if the pve daily has something on it I don’t have any desire to do which is rare in and of itself. My scene as of late is fractals. Besides releasing the revenant early could allow them to add a few more balances to the class. We get some for the original 8 off and on since launch and they’re still balancing them. Especially given the resent overhaul to the specializations.
PS. They might take notice if we keep this up at the top or on page one of the revenant forums
+1 for an early access to Revenant core spec when underwater combat is rdy. ^^
This would allow us to get more used to energy system for a longer period of time on existing content.
This would also allow for fast testing of any tweak on energy costs/cds
Honestly i don’t think they will do such thing, I support the idea though, I can’t wait to try this class.
As much as I’d like that, I think it’s better if they don’t do it. Many people don’t even tolerate bugs when it’s “beta” or “in development”. Imagine what would happen with an early access to something that is not ready yet.
As much as I’d like that, I think it’s better if they don’t do it. Many people don’t even tolerate bugs when it’s “beta” or “in development”. Imagine what would happen with an early access to something that is not ready yet.
I think with the BWEs and feedback they may actually work out most of the bugs to the point that they can finish Revenant enough to make it playable for an early access.
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War
(edited by KronosBaelfire.6289)
As much as I’d like that, I think it’s better if they don’t do it. Many people don’t even tolerate bugs when it’s “beta” or “in development”. Imagine what would happen with an early access to something that is not ready yet.
I think with the BWEs and feedback they may actually work out most of the bugs to the point that they can finish Revenant enough to make it playable for an early access.
I really hope so. A lot has been changed since the last beta weekend. It would be nice if we could play the class we want to play and have it at 80 ready to go when HoT launches.
Forum got shoved back in the hype over our elite specialization being announced, but I am still hoping and waiting to see if we will be allowed early access to the base class only until a dev says “yay” or “nay”
Would be awesome but I doubt it’ll happen :|
Yeah, with the harpoon we should have a complete revenant in the next BWE.
I would love to start leveling my rev shortly after that.
Open PvE only would be enough (I guess it wouldn’t be fair to let it access any ranked mode until it’s final).
Still, it won’t happen 99.99%.
give us the bwe to test, take a week or two for final bugfix & polish, and then roll it out fo’ realzies.
I think Rev coming out early would be a great idea.
Why? Because not all of us have 80 tomes stocked up but wanna experience the new content as soon as possible on our mains. Some of us will be making Rev our main. I mean I would love to have my Rev ready to go for HoT content without tomes. Leveling it the usual way gives you a chance to learn as you go. Some people prefer that, ya know? ^.^
If we do get early rev, i think i’d probably save/use my tomes for spirit shards, and just level them the proper way.
It’s been a while. Could be fun to do it again!
I think that’s a good idea from a balance point of view.
From personal experience, new classes in (MMO)RPGs are either disappointingly underpowered or ridiculously overpowered at first.
After the first beta I thought Revs would be very underpowered and in dire need for across-the-board buffs (kinda like D3’s crusaders) but with the recent buffs and the Herald elite I think they will be seriously overpowered, especially in PvE. (PvE is is not a concern now but might be if the devs are serious about “challenging group PvE content.”) Whatever they are, it’s either U/P or O/P at launch, can’t escape it.
So it’s probably better to send Revenant in the wilds while the game is dead and players have nothing to do while waiting for the expansion, so the game has a more balanced class at launch.
For those of you following only this forum there is now a petition up on seeing if we can get early access to the rev or just how many are interested: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/revenant/Early-Access-Petition/first#post5398338
it is not over early access to the game just the rev base class
was the petition thread deleted?
any reason given? =/
was the petition thread deleted?
any reason given? =/
It was, no explanation was given. I think they might have gotten tired of us pressing this. I also am now more than content to wait… granted I am still working towards a few things for my Rev… so, yeah.
I think after the last(3rd) beta weekend they should unlock the Revenant base class for the pre purchasers so they can level them up. also this would be an extended “beta” for the Revenant and how he plays while leveling, and how he performs on different levels in different situation/dungeons,wvw, pvp etc.