Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Bolbo Baggins.8594

Bolbo Baggins.8594

My question? Why does everything great the revenant has (and dragonhunter, mesmer) to be nerfed in the ground to facilitate a minority of wvw and pvp players? I think its about time that theres a split between pve and pvp skills (just like gw 1 had). Getting tired of all that op nerf everything in the ground, based on only pvp (and wvw) players. I can remember the hammer to be very underpowered in the first beta, and wouldnt want to go back to that situation.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: KcB.6890


what? i mean why isn’t that all the power rotations in pve revolve around CoR? Because it is not that high dps. Yeah you might see big numbers but things like rapid fire, 100blades and such it for more. You need to be at exactly 1000-1200 to hit that high and is easily sidestepped.

But hey let’s make it like that (numbers are an example): atm it hits 500 first part, 1000 second and 1500 third. If you wish we can make it hit 1000 at any distance. I’d would still be happy

The fact that the damage of an aoe, 1200 range, 2s CD skill is even comparable to a channeled melee stationary skill shows how ridiculous it is.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: moje.1863


Okay guys, everyone saying this skill is fine and easily to dodge in a wvw scenario is delusional or never played any wvw at all.

If the enemy party runs 5-6 revs (in the meantime i’ve seen even more on a 20 man raid grp) it is just absurd how much this skill and even the hammer autoattack dominate the fights. And that is simply a fact and a definate hint that there has to be done something. that change should also only affect wvw, as many should (ofc) because pve, spvp, wvw are totally different and a solution for all game modes at once, always leaves one behind. right now it is definately wvw which suffers from the heavy long range dmg output revs can do.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Fade to Black.7042

Fade to Black.7042

Why nerf the only skill that makes wielding a hammer worth…kitten

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


Hold on…
You can’t just nerf something before looking at the bigger picture.
Hammer currently is only very dominant in WvW, a game modes where the game isn’t balanced around in the first place. While #2 is very strong, it doesnt show any superiorness in any other game mode. Hammer doesn’t come close to the highest dps weapon and it’s not meta in sPvP. This is due a few things:

  • It’s too slow
  • It bugs out on ‘’un-even’’ terrain, with half of it’s skills
  • It doesn’t really provide much besides damage. Sure it has two blast finishers and an evade, but these are very slow skills and have a fairly high cooldown.

Another thing that is worth noting, is that it’s the only ranged weapon. Arenanet can’t just go on and massively nerf this weapon, since it will take a major part away of the class if they over-do so.

So with all these things combined, the only way of nerfing #2 is by buffing the other skills. A cooldown increase on #2 would at least be appropriate.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Pheppo.9286


Damage is way to high. Period.

Got hit by one Rev in wvw with about 11k damage. For a ranged (1200!) “2” skill on a weapon way to massive.
Thats ridiculous and definitly a broken skill. This has to be nerved by about 50-70%.
Or remove this insane damage trait.

Server: Riverside [DE]
Chars: The fluffy Flapsi (Ele), Fipsip (Mesmer), Flappo (Necro), Fenix (Engi)

(edited by Pheppo.9286)

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Nysquist.2514


I don’t think CoR should be changed at all. Rather allow reflects to absorb the shockwave (accually reflecting CoR would be silly). This would allow some range counterplay and stop restacks from being punished. The current counter of push hard, mobilie heals and water fields works well but we need some form of respite.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


Its currently the most broken skill, especially in wvw. 10-13k crits on a 2sec cooldown with just glint might stacks + zerkers.
Those who say NO to nerf are plainly just reluctant to let go of the OPness of it. Even I play a zerker hammer and I can’t stand it.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Xiisty.2974


Hammer currently is only very dominant in WvW,.

That is the entire point, I know devs aren’t really looking much into WvW to balance their class and if this skill isn’t really a problem for the two others game mode, it is absolutely ruining one and it Needs to be changed.

My question? Why does everything great the revenant has (and dragonhunter, mesmer) to be nerfed in the ground to facilitate a minority of wvw and pvp players?

Such a selfish attitude… “it doesn’t affect my game experience so those players can go away”.

[TA] Team Aggression

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


My question? Why does everything great the revenant has (and dragonhunter, mesmer) to be nerfed in the ground to facilitate a minority of wvw and pvp players?

Dude, look at ranger forum. Rangers always get hit right in balls with nerfs despite having a bad main mechanic which is the pet. Right now all we asked for is a nerf to the most ridiculous hammer2. JUST A SINGLE SKILL.
Doing that much of a big aoe burst is obviously imbalance with 2sec cooldown.

Its always been “Either you nerf that single OP skill, or your simply buff every single crappy stuff”. Developers are just plain lazy so they choose the easy way out.

And besides Revenant legends are crap in practical usage other than glint and maybe shiro. They should be fixing them instead of making us relying on that one OP thing.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


Hammer currently is only very dominant in WvW,.

That is the entire point, I know devs aren’t really looking much into WvW to balance their class and if this skill isn’t really a problem for the two others game mode, it is absolutely ruining one and it Needs to be changed.


I get that, but many people here are asking for a nerf.
You can’t nerf something that’s not overpowered. With this I mean the total vision of the hammer. #2 is strong, but that doesnt make it a well designed weapon. The weapon is so incredibly standard it reminds me of very early game design.
Like seriously, look at the skills:

  • #1: singlular auto attack with no variety
  • #2: Long range aoe damage. The fact that it pulses 3 times is the most suprising..
  • #3: A skill that could’ve been amazing, but left alone just as an evade and damage skill.
  • #4: Slow casting projectile absorbtion skill. The only thing that sets this apart from early game design is that it moves with you.
  • #5: Aoe stun with an immense casting time.

The graphic effects of these skills are so not in line with the peformance effects. They just made something flashy of a pile of garbage and gave it some guns to look pretty.

What needs to be done is a rework for literally all skills besides maybe the auto attack.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


Hammer currently is only very dominant in WvW,.

That is the entire point, I know devs aren’t really looking much into WvW to balance their class and if this skill isn’t really a problem for the two others game mode, it is absolutely ruining one and it Needs to be changed.


I get that, but many people here are asking for a nerf.
You can’t nerf something that’s not overpowered. With this I mean the total vision of the hammer. #2 is strong, but that doesnt make it a well designed weapon. The weapon is so incredibly standard it reminds me of very early game design.
Like seriously, look at the skills:

  • #1: singlular auto attack with no variety
  • #2: Long range aoe damage. The fact that it pulses 3 times is the most suprising..
  • #3: A skill that could’ve been amazing, but left alone just as an evade and damage skill.
  • #4: Slow casting projectile absorbtion skill. The only thing that sets this apart from early game design is that it moves with you.
  • #5: Aoe stun with an immense casting time.

The graphic effects of these skills are so not in line with the peformance effects. They just made something flashy of a pile of garbage and gave it some guns to look pretty.

What needs to be done is a rework for literally all skills besides maybe the auto attack.

What? Strong but not overpowered? dude quit trying to defend it. I played revenant hammer myself and even I find it overpowered. Its a freaking 1200 range aoe nuke that does wayyyyy too much damage for a 2sec cooldown with a cost of literally nothing.

Hammer 1 is a simple AA that flies straight and not curve like arrow projectiles. Great aoe cleave. Hammer 3 is a freaking free dodge with a long invul window, not to mention it does good damage as well. These skills are in fact wonderful kits for hammer, except for hammer 2 which is totally BS.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


Stop blobbing. Then it will only hit you or someone your color.

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


Stop blobbing. Then it will only hit you or someone your color.

Nothing to do with how many it hits, its about the ridiculous damage with low cooldown + cost

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


Hammer currently is only very dominant in WvW,.

That is the entire point, I know devs aren’t really looking much into WvW to balance their class and if this skill isn’t really a problem for the two others game mode, it is absolutely ruining one and it Needs to be changed.


I get that, but many people here are asking for a nerf.
You can’t nerf something that’s not overpowered. With this I mean the total vision of the hammer. #2 is strong, but that doesnt make it a well designed weapon. The weapon is so incredibly standard it reminds me of very early game design.
Like seriously, look at the skills:

  • #1: singlular auto attack with no variety
  • #2: Long range aoe damage. The fact that it pulses 3 times is the most suprising..
  • #3: A skill that could’ve been amazing, but left alone just as an evade and damage skill.
  • #4: Slow casting projectile absorbtion skill. The only thing that sets this apart from early game design is that it moves with you.
  • #5: Aoe stun with an immense casting time.

The graphic effects of these skills are so not in line with the peformance effects. They just made something flashy of a pile of garbage and gave it some guns to look pretty.

What needs to be done is a rework for literally all skills besides maybe the auto attack.

What? Strong but not overpowered? dude quit trying to defend it. I played revenant hammer myself and even I find it overpowered. Its a freaking 1200 range aoe nuke that does wayyyyy too much damage for a 2sec cooldown with a cost of literally nothing.

Hammer 1 is a simple AA that flies straight and not curve like arrow projectiles. Great aoe cleave. Hammer 3 is a freaking free dodge with a long invul window, not to mention it does good damage as well. These skills are in fact wonderful kits for hammer, except for hammer 2 which is totally BS.

And that’s the exact reason its so strong in spvp, right?

Might suggest you to read further than the first sentence. Might helps to understand the actual problem instead of ‘’so vvvveeerrryryyystrongweapon omg too op nerf plox’‘. That’s not how you balance in a game, nor how you should give feedback.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


Hammer currently is only very dominant in WvW,.

That is the entire point, I know devs aren’t really looking much into WvW to balance their class and if this skill isn’t really a problem for the two others game mode, it is absolutely ruining one and it Needs to be changed.


I get that, but many people here are asking for a nerf.
You can’t nerf something that’s not overpowered. With this I mean the total vision of the hammer. #2 is strong, but that doesnt make it a well designed weapon. The weapon is so incredibly standard it reminds me of very early game design.
Like seriously, look at the skills:

  • #1: singlular auto attack with no variety
  • #2: Long range aoe damage. The fact that it pulses 3 times is the most suprising..
  • #3: A skill that could’ve been amazing, but left alone just as an evade and damage skill.
  • #4: Slow casting projectile absorbtion skill. The only thing that sets this apart from early game design is that it moves with you.
  • #5: Aoe stun with an immense casting time.

The graphic effects of these skills are so not in line with the peformance effects. They just made something flashy of a pile of garbage and gave it some guns to look pretty.

What needs to be done is a rework for literally all skills besides maybe the auto attack.

What? Strong but not overpowered? dude quit trying to defend it. I played revenant hammer myself and even I find it overpowered. Its a freaking 1200 range aoe nuke that does wayyyyy too much damage for a 2sec cooldown with a cost of literally nothing.

Hammer 1 is a simple AA that flies straight and not curve like arrow projectiles. Great aoe cleave. Hammer 3 is a freaking free dodge with a long invul window, not to mention it does good damage as well. These skills are in fact wonderful kits for hammer, except for hammer 2 which is totally BS.

And that’s the exact reason its so strong in spvp, right?

Might suggest you to read further than the first sentence. Might helps to understand the actual problem instead of ‘’so vvvveeerrryryyystrongweapon omg too op nerf plox’‘. That’s not how you balance in a game, nor how you should give feedback.

And I already gave my feedback regarding the other skills for hammers, they are great utilities. If everyone is making a fuss over that particular skill which is hammer2, obviously there is something wrong with it.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


Hammer currently is only very dominant in WvW,.

That is the entire point, I know devs aren’t really looking much into WvW to balance their class and if this skill isn’t really a problem for the two others game mode, it is absolutely ruining one and it Needs to be changed.


I get that, but many people here are asking for a nerf.
You can’t nerf something that’s not overpowered. With this I mean the total vision of the hammer. #2 is strong, but that doesnt make it a well designed weapon. The weapon is so incredibly standard it reminds me of very early game design.
Like seriously, look at the skills:

  • #1: singlular auto attack with no variety
  • #2: Long range aoe damage. The fact that it pulses 3 times is the most suprising..
  • #3: A skill that could’ve been amazing, but left alone just as an evade and damage skill.
  • #4: Slow casting projectile absorbtion skill. The only thing that sets this apart from early game design is that it moves with you.
  • #5: Aoe stun with an immense casting time.

The graphic effects of these skills are so not in line with the peformance effects. They just made something flashy of a pile of garbage and gave it some guns to look pretty.

What needs to be done is a rework for literally all skills besides maybe the auto attack.

What? Strong but not overpowered? dude quit trying to defend it. I played revenant hammer myself and even I find it overpowered. Its a freaking 1200 range aoe nuke that does wayyyyy too much damage for a 2sec cooldown with a cost of literally nothing.

Hammer 1 is a simple AA that flies straight and not curve like arrow projectiles. Great aoe cleave. Hammer 3 is a freaking free dodge with a long invul window, not to mention it does good damage as well. These skills are in fact wonderful kits for hammer, except for hammer 2 which is totally BS.

And that’s the exact reason its so strong in spvp, right?

Might suggest you to read further than the first sentence. Might helps to understand the actual problem instead of ‘’so vvvveeerrryryyystrongweapon omg too op nerf plox’‘. That’s not how you balance in a game, nor how you should give feedback.

And I already gave my feedback regarding the other skills for hammers, they are great utilities. If everyone is making a fuss over that particular skill which is hammer2, obviously there is something wrong with it.

Except that they are not ’’great’’ utilities. They are not even close to what sword and staff can bring to the table in spvp. The fact that they deal damage in WvW is because people don’t notice the skill because there’s barely any telling where it will deal the damage. The counterplay in a smaller setup is so much bigger, which make the skills look like garbage.

So yes, in WvW they are decent skills, but there’s so much wrong with them. Let’s just list up a few facts:

  • No aoe rings, while being ranged aoe skills
  • #2 can deal 2 ticks of damage on a stationary target
  • #3 cancels when you try to swap weapon, but it doesnt swap your weapon
  • #5 goes on full cooldown if you cancel the attack after 1/4th of the casting time
  • #5 cancels casting if you click certain skills like your elite during the cast
  • #1 hits much further than 1200 units
  • #2 max range hits less than 1200 units
  • #3 doesnt allow instant casting skills to be casted during the casting time, while any other skill does
  • #3 still evades for the remaining time if you get canceled by CC during the cast.
  • #2 and #3 both bug out on uneven terrain half of the time

You can’t actually tell me you think this is a nice and well designed weapon, just because you can deal good damage with it. It’s clunky, full of bugs and has boring and easy made up skills.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


You can’t actually tell me you think this is a nice and well designed weapon, just because you can deal good damage with it. It’s clunky, full of bugs and has boring and easy made up skills.

Which weapon is hard to use and bug free?

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


You can’t actually tell me you think this is a nice and well designed weapon, just because you can deal good damage with it. It’s clunky, full of bugs and has boring and easy made up skills.

Which weapon is hard to use and bug free?

There’s no weapon in the game that is hard to use. A very wierd question honestly since skills in this game aren’t designed to be hard to use.
As for bug free: None, but basically any weapon has less bugs than hammer on revenant.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


You can’t actually tell me you think this is a nice and well designed weapon, just because you can deal good damage with it. It’s clunky, full of bugs and has boring and easy made up skills.

Which weapon is hard to use and bug free?

There’s no weapon in the game that is hard to use. A very wierd question honestly since skills in this game aren’t designed to be hard to use.
As for bug free: None, but basically any weapon has less bugs than hammer on revenant.

Sword mh is just as bugged as hammer. In general nearly all rev stuff suffer from the same issue – we have to fight not olny with the enemy, but also with terrain cause someone decided its cool idea to release tons of abilities that will never hit on unevent terrain. Even chaotic release miss on stairs.

I would like to hear what you would change on hammer tho. I personally find it fine as it is. Mace by far is the worst weapon for me.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


You can’t actually tell me you think this is a nice and well designed weapon, just because you can deal good damage with it. It’s clunky, full of bugs and has boring and easy made up skills.

Which weapon is hard to use and bug free?

There’s no weapon in the game that is hard to use. A very wierd question honestly since skills in this game aren’t designed to be hard to use.
As for bug free: None, but basically any weapon has less bugs than hammer on revenant.

Sword mh is just as bugged as hammer. In general nearly all rev stuff suffer from the same issue – we have to fight not olny with the enemy, but also with terrain cause someone decided its cool idea to release tons of abilities that will never hit on unevent terrain. Even chaotic release miss on stairs.

I would like to hear what you would change on hammer tho. I personally find it fine as it is. Mace by far is the worst weapon for me.

I wasn’t astonished that #3 was bugged and still is. The way it works must have required a lot of engine work and the more engine it has, the easier things bug out. But I personally don’t see #3 bug as big as all the things that hammer has wrong now. Range indicators being off and a skill being able to hit twice are just general scaling issues. Such things are very impactful for a skill and can literally be the difference between op and not op.

Mace is, just like hammer, another weapon that is very situational and only really useful in 1 game mode. Funny enough is that mace is actually balanced for the game mode where it’s being used. What could be a change to mace is to change the fire field to 3 small fields like warrior F1 longbow in beserker. This way a condi rev might become viable in PvE too on certain bosses like gorseval.

Anyway, there are many options for hammer to improve and change on.

  • #1, the auto attack, is in a decent state. It’s a bit slow for an auto attack but damage is alright so I wouldnt really change anything with this. However, if nerfs come big a buff could be given to #1, making it gain might upon hit for a very short duration. Giving more might the more targets it hits.
  • #2: CoR 100% needs a nerf. Make it impossible to hit a stationary target twice, apply red circles so people with ‘’effect LOD’’ checked can actually see the skill better to make it easier to dodge when the fight is already chaotic and increase either the cooldown to 4 seconds or increase the cost to 10.
  • #3: Decent skill but it’s skill cap can be increased easily. First of all, there should be a red circle present to the landing place so its easier to tell when someone you don’t see leaps from 1200 units. With a correct combo you can pull off an easy 15k damage aoe combo. Something like that shouldn’t go unseen if you don’t got your eye on the revenant. Secondly, it should become possible to use instant casting skills while the channeling. Like that you can pull off a combo where you can use your Gaze of darkness on for example a shadow refuge if you’re not fast enough to get there by moving. It can also save your life by casting your glint heal during the cast if you notice you’ll die during the cast by conditions or retaliation. The moment you allow more skills to be instant cast (which some skills seriously should be Imo) this gains a lot more play and combo’s.
  • #4: I still remain from the beta’s that this skill should be instant cast. Hammer is a slow weapon but that doesn’t mean every single skill should be designed to be slow. Projectile reflects or especially absorb skills should always be fast casting skills. The thing is that currently you rather blow your dodge or your #3 to dodge a projectile like pin down. This is just so wierd if you have a projectile absorb. This would also make it possible to cast it during #3 with the change I purposed and that way you could leap in and block projectiles for an ally and you’re not in range to do so.
  • #5: Fix the bugs, apply a red aoe circle and reduce casting time from 1.75 -> 1.25. The red circle allows it easier to dodge, while the reduced casting time makes it easier to land and also makes the skill less clunky, therefor makes the weapon less clunky.

(edited by BlackDevil.9268)

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Most of them arent really stuff to improve..i excepted redesing tbh.

1. Auto is fine atm

2. It quite hard to hit 2x stationary target, it doesnt really happen often unless its pve where positioning is rewarded with sweet 22k crits every 2sec. The nerf is pointless as hammer with nerfed CoR will become useless. It already struggle in spvp due to it desing like ranger lb cause you want to stay as far as possible yet you gotta stand on circle to capture stuff. On top of that unlike ranger lb you cant stand on ledged and pewpew du to how CoR work. Its more of a teamfight weapon. I agree with red circles tho cause right now i dont know if CoR is coming from someone on my team or enemy.

3. Not being able to use insta cast skills is a bug and the skill cap is quite high already. How often you land it on max range? Its not easy to predict player movement.

4. Thats something i agree on. Defensive skills should be inta and that apply to all classes, not just rev.

5. I would reduce it to 3/4s where you summon a hammer and one sec later it drop like mortal toolbelt skill.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


Well.. that’s kinda one of the things people are really complaining about. You can’t just randomly hit a target twice and oneshot him. That should just only be caused if the enemy makes the mistake, not if the caster has a lucky shot. Cause like you say, it’s very ’’hard’’ to position yourself just correctly to hit it twice. So such things rather become more RNG than actual skill of a player. This is also something that barely happens in sPvP, but rather more often in WvW. So the nerf for spvp would be quite limited. Especially with the bug fixes and buffs I mentioned above, it shouldn’t even be noticable.

As for #3, 9/10 max range hits easily in WvW. As for sPvP, that’s just really situational. It’s not a skill that has a bonus effect once you use it further away. So can better look at the amount of times you can actually hit it. I personally find #3 more of a support-ish tool due to its variety to use it.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: dank.3680


Have any of you actually used hammer in a not – full offense taking all the % traits and totally screwing any option you have other then being an insignificant skill spamming 2 bot in a zerg?

You know in regular builds, it only crits around 2-5k and isn’t that great.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


Have any of you actually used hammer in a not – full offense taking all the % traits and totally screwing any option you have other then being an insignificant skill spamming 2 bot in a zerg?

You know in regular builds, it only crits around 2-5k and isn’t that great.


Im sure they dont

Stella Truth Seeker

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Schtizzel.5497


So a skill which “clearly” scales to much with power/berserker stats is balanced just because it hits like a wet noodle when running something more tankyish.
Nice logic!

Why not change the scaling and buff the standard damage a bit?

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: dank.3680


So a skill which “clearly” scales to much with power/berserker stats is balanced just because it hits like a wet noodle when running something more tankyish.
Nice logic!

Why not change the scaling and buff the standard damage a bit?

I was talking about the traits. FYI you can do the big hits in tanky gear.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Funny enough is that some started complain about it in spvp too. It made my day and looking forward to such amazing chatters in leagues <3

Instead of focusing me on mid they just let me spam 2 over and over which devastated their whole team.

In case of the mystical op hammer 2 build i beleive thats the one


Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

(edited by Burtnik.5218)

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Kicast.1459


Coalescence of ruin got buffed. (they call it a fix).


Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: rchu.8945


Funny enough is that some started complain about it in spvp too. It made my day and looking forward to such amazing chatters in leagues <3

Instead of focusing me on mid they just let me spam 2 over and over which devastated their whole team.

In case of the mystical op hammer 2 build i beleive thats the one

lol, the comments from DH. I’m glad you kittened him off.

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Artaz.3819


Coalescence of Ruin is not really the issue. It’ll come from anything else as well (Phase Smash or Drop the Hammer) when you realize it is the following.

Cruel Repercussion + Swift Termination + Targeted Destruction + high Critical chance from Rolling Mists and don’t forget beauty of Herald line in a zerg with Elder’s Force and Shared Empowerment for 25 Might stack.

CoR is not the issue except that it is not (line) blockable since it affects ground but that also means it can be more easily evaded.

Remember, if the Revenant were alone, Rev will die easy to CC focus/Condition builds very quickly so there are counters. It’s basically just a ranged glass-cannon with a couple of options for outs that uses the same energy mechanic resource. High risk/high reward

(edited by Artaz.3819)

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


^CoR is blockable.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Hexalot.8194



Four pages of QQ about CoR being too OP and what does ANET do ?

Fix outstanding bug preventing this skill from hitting at maximum range.

Take that you whiners. Love it !

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: primatos.5413


kittenu andthensomethingelse

Lügen-Anet Anet-Lügen

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: rchu.8945


kittenu andthensomethingelse

This skill probably will get nerfed, the amount of crying is unreal.

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Except in spvp this skill is not a problem at all. If hammer get any nerf without buffs in other areas then it will become a dead weapon.

How often do you run into sword/x (usually shield as offhand sword sux)+hammer and how often with staff?

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


People defending this skill, please get real. We are talking about a skill that has comparable damage to killshot or even gunflame, that can’t be reflected, hits up to 15 people, needs minimum skill or prep to be successful and is pretty much spammable. We have too much of these KO skills with low risk already in game. I am not in favor though to nerf this skill to thief level skills, but it would be best to bring all hammer skills in a balanced line for a better flavor weapon instead of a one trick pony.

And how you will compensate hammer nerfs? Are we going to be like..yeah lets raise cd up to 10 seconds, no futher changes needed. Tada bye?

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Hexalot.8194


People defending this skill, please get real. We are talking about a skill that has comparable damage to killshot or even gunflame, that can’t be reflected, hits up to 15 people, needs minimum skill or prep to be successful and is pretty much spammable. We have too much of these KO skills with low risk already in game. I am not in favor though to nerf this skill to thief level skills, but it would be best to bring all hammer skills in a balanced line for a better flavor weapon instead of a one trick pony.

LOL… every time someone lines up a fresh QQ about this skill, it’s description gets more and more impressive with each telling. Hits up to 15 people ???

Wow… I’ve been using this skill from inception and even when landing it in the middle of zergs, I’ve never been able to hit that many people at once. Someone spill the beans please.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Cale.5372


CoR is soooo OP! I just solo’d Teq and Karka queen using just hammer skill #2… Took me 3 hits and they were dead!

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Artaz.3819


Also, we still need to fix the double-hit-to-one-target bug. It happens clearly because of the 3 zones (at the 400, 800 mark) and the zones overlap slightly (especially with certain uneven terrain).

I also don’t believe the 1200 range was fixed. CoR still seems shorter than comparable 1200 range skills (maybe because the 1200 range is calculated from behind the character?).

TL;DR Fix the bugs with CoR first.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


AoE of 15 people? I kittening lold, cant expect me to take this people serious

Stella Truth Seeker

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Tears are real.


“Channel legendary powers to slaughter foes and unleash chaos on the battlefield with our brand new profession: the revenant. Enter the field of battle heavily armored and equipped with the otherworldly powers of the Mists.”

Its just me or it looks like it working as intended?

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Aomine.5012


AoE of 15 people? I kittening lold, cant expect me to take this people serious

That’s why people of the forum can’t be taken seriously when talking about balance.
They don’t even know their own class.

Go use CoR on the dummy golems section (the section with lots of golems standing together in the mist) and see how many you can hit.
Each pulses count the 5 target-cap differently, so max is 15 targets.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


AoE of 15 people? I kittening lold, cant expect me to take this people serious

That’s why people of the forum can’t be taken seriously when talking about balance.
They don’t even know their own class.

Go use CoR on the dummy golems section (the section with lots of golems standing together in the mist) and see how many you can hit.
Each pulses count the 5 target-cap differently, so max is 15 targets.

Yeah so all 3 pulses can hit up to 15. Now tell me how hard it is to nuke hammer rev which is in your face? To archieve damage they speak about you gotta be pure zerk.. pure zerk that will explode in melee. Its unrealistic really.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Aomine.5012


AoE of 15 people? I kittening lold, cant expect me to take this people serious

That’s why people of the forum can’t be taken seriously when talking about balance.
They don’t even know their own class.

Go use CoR on the dummy golems section (the section with lots of golems standing together in the mist) and see how many you can hit.
Each pulses count the 5 target-cap differently, so max is 15 targets.

Yeah so all 3 pulses can hit up to 15. Now tell me how hard it is to nuke hammer rev which is in your face? To archieve damage they speak about you gotta be pure zerk.. pure zerk that will explode in melee. Its unrealistic really.

Another forum people’s special feature: diverting the attention by moving the subject.

They can never just admit their mistake and move on.
They have to divert the topic so they seem less wrong, and make them feel better.
Thus is human nature.

I’m only here to correct the mistake. The other discussion I do not care.
Go argue among yourself.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Hexalot.8194


AoE of 15 people? I kittening lold, cant expect me to take this people serious

That’s why people of the forum can’t be taken seriously when talking about balance.
They don’t even know their own class.

Go use CoR on the dummy golems section (the section with lots of golems standing together in the mist) and see how many you can hit.
Each pulses count the 5 target-cap differently, so max is 15 targets.

Great, now let’s talk about ACTUAL WvW where targets are constantly moving, even when in a zerg. Now tell me how many times ANYBODY has managed to hit that many targets with one CoR. I bet the odds must come close to that of an ascended weapon dropping. Hell there are more times that I’ve dropped a CoR on a zerg expecting to hit 5 targets and I’m lucky if damage numbers get highlighted over 2 people.

It’s people like you who come in here talking about “people not knowing their class” who end up with zero credibility.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


LOL… every time someone lines up a fresh QQ about this skill, it’s description gets more and more impressive with each telling. Hits up to 15 people ???

that is correct. The ability is comprised of three attacks, each of which is capable of hitting 5 targets.

(edited by Misguided.5139)