Combat Oriented Heralds

Combat Oriented Heralds

in Revenant

Posted by: Dacolyte.9786


So the revenant seems a little of an odd duck to me, I played a little of a fire earth ele before the expansion came out. You could go condition focus or have it as a happy occurrence. You can go full support and micro manage the tablet. This is only highlighted by the fact they do not get racial skills, no mist born wolf for me.
So I am trying to make a combat oriented herald and wanted to hear what people like to do or found effective.
Currently I am doing sword and shield with a hammer alternate.
My legends are Assassin and Herald, mostly I stay in Herald with Light, Darkness and Element running.
I am a herald, devastation and corruption user. Though I am tempted to switch out corruption.
What I tend to take from those specializations:
Herald: Hardening Persistence, Shared Empowerment, Elder’s Force or Soothing Bastion
Devastation: Ferocious Strikes, Jade Echo, Swift Termination
Corruption: Venom Enhancement, Frigid Precision, Maniacal Persistence
My gear I am trying, I have some assassins gear and vigil armor but I am working on getting my crafting up.
I often partner with a dragon hunter in PVE.

Combat Oriented Heralds

in Revenant

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I think you missed this thread:

Shiro/Glint DPS Herald is pretty standard.

Combat Oriented Heralds

in Revenant

Posted by: Dacolyte.9786


Yes I did, thanks.