Condi PVE builds
There are viable Glint/Mallyx builds, but the problem is that a power rev can put out much more DPS and boons and that the main condition of mallyx and mace is Torment.
Many big pve enemies don’t move, or barely move, meaning torment provides sub-par damage, made even larger with the boon disparity. However, there is still hope for PvE condi rev because of Banish Enchantment, which applies 3 stacks of confusion.
Here is my condi build for PvE and Fractals ~
Wierd build, I know, but it works well. Feel welcome to trade Shamans for more damage or tank, it’s your preference.
Hope this helps
Kittenhunters are mean.
Warriors rock.
Thanks I’ll take a look. I was playing around with rev condi last night and had a lot of fun. Its a completely different play style then I’m used to which I’m loving actually. I did manage to get ascended vipers on all armor and switched to that stat on my legendaries, but I’m struggling finding the ascended Sinister trinkets. I have an amulet and will need to grind badges in SW for a ring, but outside of that what is the best avenue to get those trinkets? Are there Viper ascended outside of raids I could grind for?
Thanks I’ll take a look. I was playing around with rev condi last night and had a lot of fun. Its a completely different play style then I’m used to which I’m loving actually. I did manage to get ascended vipers on all armor and switched to that stat on my legendaries, but I’m struggling finding the ascended Sinister trinkets. I have an amulet and will need to grind badges in SW for a ring, but outside of that what is the best avenue to get those trinkets? Are there Viper ascended outside of raids I could grind for?
Viper ascended comes from HoT raids I think. I’d recommend crafting some exotic sinister gear (if you can) and then grinding out the Sinister trinkets.
Glad I helped
Kittenhunters are mean.
Warriors rock.
You can get ascended viper back,amulet,rings and accessories from bloodstone fen and ember bay. Plus crafting viper weps and armour isn’t particularly expensive these days so its fairly easy to get a full condi set.
I would like to preface my take on Condi Rev with the following: I find my build does well with condition damage, but probably will not do the same level of condition damage as a more specialized build. It depends a little bit on what you specifically aim to accomplish. For my own revenant, I wanted a build capable of handling effectively every role: healer, tank, damage or conditions.
I chose to build all-celestial, using Sword/Shield, and Hammer as main weapon sets. You might choose to go veratas or something on your accessories and rings, but here I also went celestial.
I usually stick to Legendary Dragon/ Demon, but in principle any of the legendary stances is viable with my build. He’s okay at everything, but exceptional at nothing. The bonus to healing power and toughness makes Ventari stance very attractive, in combination with Mallyx. Dragon stance combos exceptionally well with sword/shield if you spec for might per boon on your revenant.
This build is treating me well, I must say.
This is the build I use and have refined since the revenant was released with HoT. I’ve loved condi rev from the get-go and this is the best build I’ve found with the most damage. Honestly, though, the only place condi-rev is even remotely decent is in PvP and open world. It doesn’t come close, at all, to having enough dps for raids or high-end fractals.
Yo is mace 2 still horribly buggy?