Condi Removal

Condi Removal

in Revenant

Posted by: circuitnerd.5863


Am I the only one who struggled with condi removal on the Rev? Especially with those husks immobalizing the hell out of me.

Certified Gameaholic

Condi Removal

in Revenant

Posted by: Demented Yak.6105

Demented Yak.6105


People seem to have given up talking about it though. You do have some options with sigils, runes, one or two traits, that Jalis heal and Ventari though. That should be enough to stop you from being obliterated.

Condi Removal

in Revenant

Posted by: Sylent.3165


We have jails heal and remove condition on legend swap if traited.

This class does overall excel with damage, healing (with shield added) mobility, and boons. The condition removal would be a bit much.

Condi Removal

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


It doesn’t really “excel”

Condi Removal

in Revenant

Posted by: Knox.8962


Roy previously stated that conditions were an intentional weakness for the class outside of Mallyx.

Condi Removal

in Revenant

Posted by: Rygg.6237


Conditions in PvE are not a problem unless you’re soloing dungeons and what not, the real problem is PvP/WvW in which case yes, you do have some problems if you do not run with Jalis or Malyx and those are more than likely stapple in builds of those game modes, the real problem comes from the sustain you can get before running out of energy, which is kind of predictable as the animations are very distinctive, the counterplay is easy, just try to avoid 1v1 with professions with tons of conditions and that’s it.

Condi Removal

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


Roy previously stated that conditions were an intentional weakness for the class outside of Mallyx.

And that will be a reason why power rev will never make it into pvp meta. Condi outshined power in last beta by miles ahead and the gap will olny become larger over time – when they released elite spec with focus on conditions.

obey me