Condi clear with crystal hibernation (pvp)?

Condi clear with crystal hibernation (pvp)?

in Revenant

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

So Meta Rev as we know currently suffer from what is arguably the worst condi clear potential in the game. For the point here, lets go with your cookie cutting Shiro/Herald build. I am aware that Mallyx and Jalis offer clears but they feel subpar to use at the moment, save some niche situations.

For a skill or trait which serves as a minor heal and block which renders you immobile, I was thinking it could be improved on slightly. Adding 1 condi clear per pulse would essentially be a theoretical removal of 4 conditions over 4 seconds or as an active clear of 2 removed on use to me doesn’t seem too OP of an adjustment for an offhand which purely focuses on utility and defence or a grandmaster trait.

What are your thoughts guys?

Multiple Class Disorder

Condi clear with crystal hibernation (pvp)?

in Revenant

Posted by: Justine.6351


Put on shield 4,

Envoy of Exuberance heal removes 2 conditions from upto 5 affected allies.

Condi clear with crystal hibernation (pvp)?

in Revenant

Posted by: Rain.9213


Nah that would just make shield stronger and give us even more reason not to run sword or axe offhand. I’d rather have some sort of minor trait in Retribution that has a chance to remove a condition when you strike an enemy every 10-15 seconds. Might even make base Revenant more attractive and potentially a bit more viable as running a Devastation, Retribution, Invocation set or Corruption, Retribution, Invocation set would give you just a bit more survivability by letting you remove 2 boons more often than always strapping Herald on. And, if you were to run Herald, you could choose to run Corruption or Devastation, and then Retribution to have some stability/condi removal and defense or Invocation and have stun break/condi removal and fury/extra damage. Furthermore you’d be able to run Retribution/Invocation/Herald and get the double condi clear plus lots of group support at the cost of losing a bit of damage. Aka, potential build diversity!

(edited by Rain.9213)